Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыНаучно-исследовательская работа на английском языке как педагогическая технология на этапе модернизации школьного образования(9-11 класс)

Научно-исследовательская работа на английском языке как педагогическая технология на этапе модернизации школьного образования(9-11 класс)

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                                                                                       Учитель английского языка

                                                                                            ГБОУ СОШ №256

                                                                              Лоскутова Екатерина Александровна                


                             Зачем нужна НИР школе или what is НИР and whats in НИР?

                       Общеизвестным является факт, что на современном этапе развития школьного образования одной из важнейших сторон деятельности педагога является руководство исследовательской деятельностью учащихся. Исследовательская деятельность обучающихся помогает сформировать в каждом ребенке творческую личность с развитием самосознания, позволяет испытать, испробовать, выявить и актуализировать хотя бы некоторые из своих талантов. Дело педагога – создать и поддержать творческую атмосферу. Организация научно- исследовательской деятельности обучающихся следует рассматривать как полезную педагогическую технологию, позволяющую развить у обучающихся навыки самообразования, повысить мотивацию к учению. Занятие НИР способствует самореализации, самопознанию, серьезному отношению к выбору своей будущей профессии. Приобретенные в школе навыки научно-исследовательской работы помогают им в дальнейшей учебе, в дальнейшей жизни. А это в свою очередь является одной из важнейшей задачи модернизации образования и воспитания подрастающего поколения в нашей стране.

          Совсем недавно в г. Санкт-Петербурге проходила городская научно-практическая конференция старшеклассников ‘’Лабиринты Науки ‘’. На ней обучающиеся 8-11 классов представляли научно-исследовательские работы, защищали НИР, готовили презентации, собирали и систематизировали материалы в папке к конференции. Преподаватель, руководивший научной работой, писал рецензию, помогал составить тезисы к работе. В конце выступления необходимо было ответить на все интересующие вопросы строгого жюри. Итогом защиты НИР является получение дипломов победителей/ участников конференции.

       В течение года в нашей школе обучающимися проводилась научно- исследовательская работа для подготовки к выступлению в секции ‘’ Английский язык и литература. Страноведение ‘’. Захаров Роман Алексеевич, учащийся 11 класса, и Сергеев Иван Витальевич, учащийся 9 класса, ГБОУ СОШ №256 создали авторскую работу на английском языке по теме:‘’Emigrants and their impact on the socio-cultural life of the host country in an attempt to preserve ethnic identity and MAINTAIN A relationship with their native country. ‘’ 

К публикации представлен и обобщён опыт работы в течение года с обучающимися.  


Nowadays, economic reasons for migration is believed to become strongly emphasized. Alongside this, since the beginning of the 20th century, it has become clear to the world community that migration is not only an economic problem, but also a social and cultural one. Emigration and cultural identity is a problem that, despite its importance and timeliness, has not yet been properly investigated [1, 2,].

In the twenty-first century migration is becoming extremely accessible in order to help people meet their needs in interethnic and intercultural communication [3]. Technological progress and the development of mass media and communications now allow to learn about events taking place all over the world, to communicate with people from all over the globe. Ethnic identities are witnessing the transcending of spatial, religious and cultural boundaries [4].

The definition of cultural identity refers to social identity that reflects individual self-perception and self-definition as a member of cultural group with shared cultural heritage [5]. Cultural adaptation is turning into one of the main factors of cultural genesis, but at the same time, this concept itself is in conflict with the concept of cultural identity [6].

The purpose of this paper is to describe a problem of migration, to find ways or examples of successful integration into the host societies, however, maintaining ties with the native country and preserving national and socio-cultural differences.

The objectives of this work are:

·                    to analyze the foreign press concerning Russian migrants;

·                    to conduct a survey among those citizens of our country who, for various reasons, were forced to emigrate;

·                    to search for and present successful examples of the glorification and dissemination of our great culture abroad by our citizens;

·                    to provide successful examples of the glorification and dissemination of our great culture by our citizens abroad;

·                    to show the sincere patriotism of many Russian citizens who were forced to emigrate.

It is considered to be very important to underline patriotism and selfless love for the motherland of many Russian people, those who, despite emigration, suffered and fought for the freedom of their native country.


In the 1990s, as it is shown in a few studies, Russian-speaking people, making up 20 percent of the Jewish population of Israel, created their own thriving subculture. Thus, Russian people were not only integrated into the highly religious and politicized society of Israel, but also successfully managed to preserve the legacy of our culture and ties with their native country.  All this had a positive effect on relations between our nations and allows us to promote Russian culture and introduce it to the growing population of Israelis [7, 8, 9].

Also, the Turkish scientists of the Bosporus University believe that since the 20th century ("the philosopher's ship" and Russian white emigration), Russia and migrants have had a tremendous impact both in the formation of an independent Turkish Republic and in its development, which is reflected in friendly ties between our countries and across the world. Some cultural monuments were erected both by our settlers and by the official authorities of this country (see Appendix 1) [10, 11, 12, 13].


In addition, a huge Russian diasporas are believed to exist in countries such as France, China, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, as well as in all post-Soviet republics [14]. Investigations by both local scientists and international studies have shown that in every country with any significant number of ethnic Russians, Russia has a huge influence in terms of "soft power", because the native citizens are familiar with Russian culture. Obviously, they do not treat the Russians as enemies, have tendency to learn Russian language, due to desire to read classic books and communicate with Russian people.

Appendix 1 contains photographic materials of various locations created by Russian emigrants for our compatriots and local residents. It should also be noted, such a level of integration and mutual recognition in some countries has already been achieved, that, in addition to the simple cohabitation of local and expatriate diasporas, Russian language becomes the language of interethnic communication. There are also many examples of joint higher education institutions with Russia [16].


The methodology of the study is based on the principles of sociologists and demographers of both Moscow State University and other leading world universities and scientists.

Mass media content analysis.

The concept of content analysis, used in psychology and sociology, does not yet have an unambiguous definition. Media content analysis is the process of studying and tracking information coming to the media; converting the obtained quantitative material into a qualitative form by classifying messages.

The issues and benefits of this study were initially identified, then areas were outlined where we might encounter specific topics that could affect our study.

The research method was chosen through integration into the press, i.e. a deep analysis was carried out of both journals, newspapers and various scientific articles published in the countries of interest.

Survey methods.

Survey methods are methods that involve the subjects answering  specific questions from the researcher. Depending on the purpose of the study, on the circle of people involved in the question, on the time limit and technical capabilities, the survey methods can be:

written (questionnaire), when questions are asked on paper or in electronic form;

oral, when questions are posed orally.

A written survey allows you to reach more people in a relatively short time. The most common form of this survey is a questionnaire.

The questionnaire made for the current study consist of 4 questions, namely:

1) What city/country do you live in?

2) Do you know that a lot of Russian people came/lived to your country?

3) How do you feel about this?

4) Would you like to visit Russia and what influenced your decision?

Over than 400 answers were collected from about 10 countries and 60 cities (both large metropolitan areas and small cities of regional significance)

Thus, having analysed the literature and the results of the survey above-mentioned, the current study has been completed. 


Table 1 shows the results of our survey.  Only 48 responds out of total 400 were negative, which makes 12 % only. The vast majority of respondents answered positively to the first two questions, which may be explained by the reference to the general information, which is widely known all over the world. So responds on the 2 last questions were decided to consider positive.

Table 1. Survey results.












What citi/country do you live in?

Do you know that a lot of Russian people came/lived to

your country?

How do you feel about this?

Would you like to visit Russia and what influenced your decision?


Yes  /  No

370 /   30


Yes  /  No

373  / 27



Yes  /  No

352  /  48



        Thus, analysing and sampling all the data, we have to underline that a huge number of Russian-speaking people, Russians and Russian people, even living at a considerable distance from their homeland, continues to keep warm memories and even dreams of the country of their origin, has tendency to show pride of being Russian, while glorifying their home country, culture, science and the perception of the world in general. To our great joy, their great efforts have been crowned with success, and more and more people are interested in our country, our history, and our sights. Due to this backbreaking work, the number of foreign tourists visiting our cities, theatres, walking along our streets, living among us is increasing every year.  A huge number of foreign students who recognize the superiority of our universities over foreign ones and want to receive a Russian education remain in our vast country and successfully integrate into our society, they work, pay taxes, and fully assimilate. Undoubtedly, Russian emigrants, who managed to preserve their socio-cultural identity even in a foreign country, were able to break down barriers in the form of fears and stereotypes between different peoples, played a large, albeit perhaps invisible role here.

Moreover, to be more successful in this goals huge number of Russian diasporas are collaborating with Russian embassies and consulates all over the world-the most impressive result of their collaboration is opening of the “Russian Houses” cultural centres where they can show Russian exhibitions, films etc.


Russian emigration was of great importance for the world culture. It became kind of a bridge between two cultural spaces and facilitated the exchange of ideas, creativity and experience. Russian emigrants have made significant contributions to various fields of art, literature, music and science. They created their own centers and communities where they continued to develop and preserve Russian culture. Today, Russian emigration continues to exist and contributes to world culture, preserving its uniqueness and identity.




1. Prinz A. IZA Journal of Development and Migration (2019) 10:1.

2. Rosenbaum A, White JW, Hamberger LK, Geffner R, Vieth VI, editors. Handbook of Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan: A Project of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV). Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021:1987-2016

3. Ette, A., & Erlinghagen, M. (2021). Structures of German emigration and remigration: Historical developments and demographic patterns. In M. Erlinghagen, A. Ette, N. F. Schneider, & N. Witte (Eds.), The global lives of German migrants. Consequences of international migration across the life course. Cham: Springer.

4. Jaspal, Rusi. (2012). The construction of ethnic identity: Insights from identity process theory. Ethnicities. 12. 503-530. 10.1177/1468796811432689.

5. Tartakovsky, Eugene. (2013). Cultural identities of immigrants: Their formation in the pre-migration period and their transformation during adjustment to the host country. Immigration: Policies, Challenges and Impact. 231-254.

6. Shumenko Marina Anatolievna, Kamalov Artem Vitalievich Ethnic migrants adaptation problem to the recipient culture // Научный альманах стран Причерноморья. 2016. №1 (5).

7. Remennick Larisa. Transnational community in the making: Russian-Jewish immigrants of the 1990s in Israel. 06.08.2010. 515-530

8.Jasinskaja-Lahti Inga. Time and Context in the Relationship between Acculturation Attitudes and Adaptation among Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Finland and Israel. 04.11.2011. 1423-1440.

9. GITELMAN, ZVI, ed. The New Jewish Diaspora: Russian-Speaking Immigrants in the  United States, Israel, and Germany. Rutgers University Press, 2016.

10. Nazemtseva E.N. The Influence of Russian Political and Military Emigration

Representatives’ Provocations against Soviet Consulates in China on Sino-Soviet

Relations in the 1920s–1930s // Historical Courier, 2023, No. 3 (29), pp. 124–136.




13. Ali BAŞARAN. Siyasi İlişkiler-Kültürel İlişkiler Etkileşimi: Türk-Rus İlişkileri Örneği. AVRASYA ETÜDLER‹ 48/2015-2 (101-142)

14. Kolstø, Pål. (2001). Russian Diasporas in the "Near Abroad": Implications for International Peace. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies. 10. 10.1353/dsp.2011.0044.

15. Lebedeva, Marina. (2018). Social and Humanitarian Issues in International Studies: the Russian Perspective. MGIMO Review of International Relations. 1. 7-25. 10.24833/2071-8160-2018-1-58-7-25.

16. T. A. Ryabichenko, N. M. Lebedeva. Assimilation or integration: Similarities and differences between acculturation attitudes of migrants from Central Asia and Russians in Central Russia. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art Volume 9, Issue 1, 2016. 98-112.






















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