Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыJobs of the future, 9th grade

Jobs of the future, 9th grade

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  Оқу бөлімі бастығының  орынбасары

 Кожакова З.К.___________________


The theme of the lesson:  Jobs of the future

Teacher name: Saparkhojaeva A.P.

Date : 07.12.2016

Number present:

Grade: 9 “B”


Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

1.     Use imagination to express thoughts, ideas and feelings

2.     Recognize typical features at word, sentence and text in a wide range of written genres

3.     Explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics

4.     Revise grammar material (conditional sentence I,II form)

5.     Enlarge ulans’ vocabulary

6.     Write a short test for checking up their knowledge

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:


·        Know the information about the jobs of future in Kazakhstan

·        Work on the tasks of the text


Most learners will be able to:


·        Make up sentences using the new words

·        Create and ask questions

·        Do grammar exercises


Some learners will be able to :

·        Write a summary about the future profession

Language objective

1.     Watch a video and tell the understanding of the film

2.     Develop ulans’ oral speech

Previous learning

A part-time job

Use  of  ICT

·        Active board  for presenting a video

·        Use computers for net-class

The course of the lesson

Planned timings

Planned activities



3 min






5 min












7 min






























































15 min













3 min








8 min








4 min





I.                  Org. moment

Now ulans let’s make a sharing circle and I want you to give  good wishes to each other.

Very nice, the last question for you: what is the most important thing in your life? Please answer my question

In this way you must divide into 3 groups, they are: ….

II.               Phonetic drills

Now ulans let’s revise our new words which you had taken at the previous lesson, repeat after me:

Lawyer, entitle, consume, ambassador, miner, crucial, claim, interpreter, judge, civil servant, realtor, reception, receptionist, journalist.  

Now give me the translations of these words. Well done. Let’s play a guessing game of the professions, I give you descriptions and you must find what job it is and write correctly on the blackboard.

A …. R                  j …e                I …. R          r……t

J ……t                   m….r              l……r           c…l s ….t

Very nice

III.           Working on the text “Kids at work”

Ulans prepare your hometask. What was given for today?

Ex3 p 93

I’ll prepare for you tasks :

1.     Carol Evans

a)     Translate the sentences into Kazakh or English

·        Бүкіл әлем бойынша көптеген балалар жарты күндік жұмыс жасайды

·        I have been working as a baby-sitter since I was 12 years old.

·        Менің ата-анам қазір түніне 16 фунт төлейді,бұл дегеніміз сағатына 4 фунттан

·        I love my job because my nephews are little and they sleep a lot

b)    Find the beginning or ending of the sentences

·        …usually one night

·        Here are Carol, Omar…

·        …to watch TV or ..

c)     Answer the questions

·        Who works as a baby-sitter?

·        How much does she get?

·        Does she like her job?

2.     Omar Bolatuly

a)     Translate the sentences into Kazakh or English

·        I’m a newspaper boy. I deliver newspaper round every day of the week

·        Газет сатушылар күніне 350 тжәне 450 т жексенбі сайын төлейді,сонымен мен аптасына 2550т  табамын

·        I like my job, but carrying newspapers is difficult

·        Мен күнде сағат 7:30 тұруым керек

b)    True or false

·        Omar is 17 and he is a baby-sitter. Is it true or false

·        He delivers letters and magazines. Is it true or false

·        He hates his job, because it is boring. Is it true or false

c)     Answer the questions

·        Is Omar’s job difficult? Why?

·        Does he work on Sundays?

·        How much does he earn a week?

3.     Dmitry Sergeev

a)     Translate the sentences into Kazakh or English

·        I just work one morning – on Saturday mornings from 8 till 12 o’clock

·        Мен көптеген құрдас балаларды ол жерде кездестіремін

·        I earn 400 tenge foe a morning work-hour

b)    True or false

·        He works from 9 till 11 o’clock. Is it true or false

·        His customers are very friendly. Is it true or false

·        He sings a song in a snack bar. Is it true or false

c)     Answer the questions

·        What is his job?

·        How long does he work?

·        Is his job boring?

Good for you, thank you.

Have you ever done a part-time job?

IV.            Watching a video and guess theme of the lesson

Ulans look at the blackboard, you are going to watch a video. After watching it I’ll ask you some questions:

·        What about is the video?

·        What can you understand from this video?

Yes, you’re right and you guess theme of the lesson, the theme of our lesson is “Jobs of the future” . the next task for groups is you must prepare presentation. This group makes a presentation about the jobs of the future, the second group makes a presentation about the prestigious jobs in Kazakhstan now, the last group makes a presentation about the jobs in the past time. I’ll give you 5 minutes. After that you show your presentation. Good for you.

V.               Doing  grammar  exercises using the strategy “Raining question” (revision conditional sentences I,II form)

Now ulans the next task is you should write your question using conditional sentence and make a ball and throw it  to another member of  the group, who takes your question will answer. I give you one minute to think and write a question and answer at once.

VI.            Giving homework and marks.

Now ulans write down your hometask. Your homework will be : ex 4 p 100, ex 5 p 101

And I’ll give you marks after writing a short test, there are 10 questions with 4 answers, in this way we consolidate our lesson. Sit down on your computers and  begin  your test.

VII.        Reflection

·        What question do you have for the teacher?

·        What was very interesting in our lesson today?

·        Do you like to work in groups?

Please can you stick your stickers on the board :

·        The lesson was very interesting (red)

·        The lesson was boring (green)

·        I have some difficulties in lesson (yellow)

VIII.    The end of the lesson

The lesson is over!

Goodbye, ulans!

Goodbye, teacher!

You are free








active board










































































Active board
















Sheets of paper





Computers, net class








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