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Опорная таблица к уроку "THE INFINITIVE - ing-form" 9 класс 2 модуль

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The Infinitive is used: to+V

The  -ing form is used: V-ing

1.To express purpose. She went to the bank to get some money.

1. As a noun. Swimming keeps you fit. 

2.After the following verbs: advise,hope, appear, decide, expect, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, want, afford, pretend, agree, plan.       He advised me to apply for the job.

2. Verb + preposition.(think of, apologise for, object to, look forward to, be used to, in addition to ) He left without saying goodbye.

3.Know, decide, ask, learn, remember, want to know – when they are followed by question words    ( who, what, where, how…)     I can’t decide where to go.

3.After love, like, enjoy, dislike, hate and prefer  to express general preference. She likes going for walks.

4. After adjectives such as nice, sorry, glad, happy, willing, afraid, ashamed, reluctant, clever, kind, polite:

 He is glad to be back.


4.After certain verbs (consider, continue, miss, appreciate, avoid, deny, look forward to, confess to, fancy, involve, mention, risk, spend, mind, regret, admit, suggest, practice, imagine, prevent, quit, save, etc.) Jessica spent all day shopping.

5.After too and enough                         

      She’s too shy to talk to the manager.

       We’ve got enough money to buy a new car.

5.After go for activities. They often go climbing at the weekend.

6.After it + be + adjective (+ of + noun/ pronoun)                                 

It was nice of him to help.


6.After: it’s no use, it’s (not) worth, it’s no good, be busy, what’s the use of…?, there is no point in, can’t help, can’t stand, be/get used to, have difficulty (in), have trouble.

 It’s no use waiting for the bus. It won’t come.

7.After would like/ would love/would prefer ( to express specific preference)                                         

I would like to learn a foreign language.


7.After the verbs see, hear, feel, watch, listen to, notice to describe an incomplete action, that is to say that somebody saw, heard, etc. only a part of the action.

I heard Jack talking on the phone.

BUT: see, hear, feel, watch, listen to, notice + bear infinitive describe a complete action, something that somebody saw, heard, etc. from beginning to end.

I heard Jack talk on the phone

8.After only to express an unsatisfactory result.                         

He rushed to the back door only to discover that it was locked.

8.After the verbs start, begin, stop, finish, continue.

9.With expressions: to tell you the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with

9.After the verbs spend, waste, lose (time, money, etc.)

The bare infinitive is used: V


1.After modal verbs (may, should, can, must)                                      

You must study hard.


2. After the verbs let, make, see, hear, feel.                                                    

They made him pay for the damage.

BUT: be made, be heard, be seen + to-infinitive (passive)                                                                      He was made to pay for the damage.


3.After had better/would rather  (лучше бы) You had better sign the contract. I would rather go home now.

NOTE: 1.  Help is followed by either the  to-infinitive or the bear infinitive.                                                                  She helped me (to) fix the tap.

2.If two infinitives are joined by

and, the to of the second infinitive can be omitted.                                                      

He decided to go to university and study biology.


3.We form the negative infinitive with not.                                      

He decided not to accept the job.





Verbs taking the to-infinitive or the –ing form without a changing in meaning.

Ø  Begin, start, continue. We never have two –ing forms together. They started talking/to talk. BUT: It’s beginning to get dark.

Ø  Advise, allow, permit, recommend, encourage take the to-infinitive when they are followed by an object or when they are in the passive form. They take the –ing form when they are not followed by an object. They don’t allow us to park here. (object)                        We aren’t allowed to park here. (passive)                                      They  are  here.(no object)

Need/ require/ want+ -ing form. This construction often shows that it is necessary to repair or improve something. ‘Need’ can also be followed by a passive infinitive.        The flat needs decorating.              The  flat needs to be decorated.

Verbs taking the to-infinitive or the –ing form with a changing in meaning.

Ø  Forget + to –inf = not remember (забыть, не помнить)

                   I’m sorry, I forgot to call you.

Ø  Remember + to –inf = not forget (помнить, не забывать)

                   Remember to call Jack tonight.

Ø  Go on + -inf = then (закончить действие и приступить к новому действию)                                                                                    He welcomed us and went on to offer us some drinks.

Ø  Mean + to-inf = intend to (намереваться, собираться)                                                             She means to open her own shop.

Ø  Regret + to-inf = be sorry to (сожалеть о том, что приходится сообщать что-либо неприятное; обычно употребляется в Present Simple с такими глаголами как say, tell, inform, announce).                                               I regret to inform you that you have failed the exam.

Ø  Try + to-inf = attempt, do one’s best   (стараться, делать все возможное)                                           He tried to win the race.

Ø  Stop + to-inf = stop briefly to do smth else  (остановиться на время с целью что-либо сделать)                                                           He stopped to drink some tea and then continued working.

Ø  Be sorry + to-inf =  apologize  for a present action  (извиняться за происходящее)                      I’m sorry to interrupt, but can I ask you a question?

Ø  Like + to-inf = think that smth is good or right to do  ( нравиться)                   I like to exercise every day.  

Ø  Be afraid + to-inf = the subject is unwilling to do smth  (бояться что-либо делать, но вынужден)                                                          He afraid to take the test in case he fails again.

Ø  Hate +to-inf = испытывать неудовольствие по поводу предстоящего действия.                 

I hate to tell you this, but you weren’t selected for the team. 

Ø  Forget + -ing form = not recall (не помнить о событии в прошлом)

     I’ll never forget winning my first gold medal.

Ø  Remember + -ing form =recall (напомнить о событии в прошлом)

I don’t remember seeing you here before.

Ø  Go on + -ingform=continue. (продолжать делать что-либо)             

    They went on talking on hours 

Ø  Mean + -ing form = involve (подразумевать, предполагать)                                          Being a pilot means traveling a lot.

Ø  Regret + -ing form = feel sorry about (сожалеть о чем-либо)                               I regret making that mistake: I lost my job.

Ø   Try  + -ing form = do smth as an experiment (делать что-то в качестве эксперимента)                                       Try exercising, you may lose weight.

Ø  Stop + -ing form = finish, give up  (прекратить делать что-либо)                                   He stopped eating junk food because it is unhealthy.

Ø  Be sorry for + -ing form = apologize for an earlier action. (извиняться за то, что произошло раньше)                                       Im sorry for shouting at you.

Ø  Like + -ing form = enjoy (general preference – предпочтение)                She likes swimming.

Ø  Be afraid of + -ing = the subject is afraid that what  is described by the –ing form may happen  (бояться, что что-либо может произойти)                                 She doesn’t want to ride the horse. She is afraid of falling and hurting herself.

Ø  Hate + -ing = не любить то, что приходится делать.

John hates waking up early.


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