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Открытый урок "ABC PARTY"

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ABC Party.

Aims of the lesson: To develop communicative skills and abilities.

To increase pupils word stock and outlook in three                                        languages.

To bring up   pupils interests ,respect and love to                                               foreign and native languages.

Connection of  subjects: English, Russian, Kazakh, Music.

Type of the lesson: the party.

Visual aids: quotations, the interactive board, pictures.

Lesson procedure:

Presenter:  Good morning,  dear guests,  pupils  and teachers!  You are welcome to our party   “ ABC Party”.  Today pupils of the  5-th forms will show you their  knowledge  of  English: they recite their  favorite  poems, sing songs  in English,  Russian  and Kazakh.

Our  President   N. Nazarbaev   in  his  message  to people  of  Kazakhstan  said,  that  we  must  enter  into  the  number  of  50  competetive    countries. That’s  why  we  must  learn different  languages  but  not  forget  and  respect  our  native  Kazakh  language.

So, as we  only start  to  learn   English,  let’s  begin  with  the  English  alphabet.

Ассалому алейкум  хурматли  устозлар, азиз  уқувчилар!  Бугинги 5 синфлар иштирокидаги “ABC Party” деб номланган тарбиявий соатимизга хуш  келибсиз! Бугинги тадбиримизда 5 синф уқувчилари уч ой давомида олган билимини, махоратини сизларга курсатиб беради. Яхши кайфиятда мазза қилиб тамоша қилишингизга тилакдошман. Энди эса суз навбатини байрамимизни очиб бериш учун мактибимиз директори Н.Усмановга бераман, мархамат.


Sky of golden sun,        Stepp of golden seed.

Legend of  courage,     Look  at my  country!

From the past  -  long  ago,   leraic glory,

My Kazakh  people’s    pride   is  strong.


My  country,   My  country,   I am  flower,   Please plant  me!


I  am your  song,  I  am  your  stream,

My  native land,   My  Kazakhstan.


My  country,   My  country,   I am  flower,   Please plant  me!


   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

   Now I know my ABC’s, Next time won’t you sing with me!

   Now I know my ABC’s, Next time won’t you sing with me!


Presenter:  Pupils  of  the  5-th  form  recite  the  poems.

A-is  for  apples  and  apple-trees,

You  can  see  apples  on  apple-trees.

B-is for  books  and  for  bookcase,

I  have  many  books  in  my  bookcase.

C-is  for  cat,my  cat is  grey,

And   with  me  it  likes  to  play.

D-is  for  dog  and  for  doggy,

I   have  a  dog, not  a  doggy.

E-is  for  7 and  for  11

How  much   is  7  and  11?

F-is  for  flowers  - red  and  blue,

White  and  yellow  and  rosy  too.

G-is  for  girl  and  also  for  garden,

I  see  a  girl  going  to  the  garden.

H-is  for  hand, I  have  two  hands,

This  is  the  way  I  clap  my  hands.

I-is  for I,  I’m  a  boy,  and  I’m  ten,

I  like  to  play  with  my  brother  Ben.

J-is  for  jam,  this  is  apple  jam,

Jimmy  likes  it,  and  so does Sam.

K-is for  Kite, Kate  has  a  kite,

It is  little  and  it  is  white.

L-is  for  letter, this  letter  is  for  me,

It  is  from  my  sister, as  you  can  see.

M-is for may and  for may day,

For  March   and  for  Mother’s  day

N-is for 9, 90  and 99,

Children,how  much is 90 and  9?

O-is for 1,1  and 2  is  3,

3 little  cats  are  in  a  tree.

P-is  for   pencils,with  them  I  can  draw,

A   red  pen, a  green  tree  or   a    blue     door.

Q-is  for  questions,   How  are  you?

How  old  are  you? And how  do  you  do?

R-is  for  red,  many  things  are  red,

What  can   be  red? Do  you  know  Fred?

S-is   for  street,  this  is  my  street,

There are  a  lot  of  trees  in  my  street.

T-is  for Tick  and  for  Tock,

Tick- Tock    says  the  clock.

U-is  for  under  but  not  for  at,

I’m   under   the  tree    says  Pat.

V-is in  five    and  also in  seven,

It  is     in   twelve  and  eleven.

W-is   for   Winter, when  it  is   cold,

But  I  like   winter    and  I  like  cold.

X-is in  six ,  Let’s  count   up  to  six,                                                               1,2,3,4,5,6.

Y-is   for  yard,  where    children     play,

They   play  in  the    yard  every  day.

Z-is  for   the  Zoo,  Let’s  go  to  the  Zoo

I  like  to  go    to  the  Zoo,and  you?

Presenter :   We  must   learn  English,   but  not   forget   our   native   Kazakh  language.  Pupils  recite  poems  in   Kazakh,  Russian   and  English  languages.

                  Ана  тілің  -  арың  бұл,

                  Ұятың  боп  тұр  бетте,

                  Өзге  тілдің  бәрін  біл,

                  Өз  тіліңді  құрметте!

“Ана  тілі”   өлең.

Бұлт сейілді ,  төніп  тұрған  тіліме,

Шуақ  шашсын,  күн  күлімдеп  көгімде.

Қанат  жайып  қалықтағым келеді,

Баба  тілін  қастерлеген  жерімде.

Тіл тұғырын  ұмытуың  керек  пе?

Халық  сөзі  рух  береді  жүрекке.

Ана  тілді  бағаламай өтсеңіз

Өзге тілді  ұлтыңызға тірек  пе?

Сан  ғасырдың  тарихы  бар  тілімде,

Белестерден  өте  берсін  сүрінбей.

Қазақ  тілін  арнасына  толтырып,

Шығарайық  келер  ғасыр  төріне.

I  love  my  native  language

                                      I  love it very much

                                      I  want it to  be  known

All  over  the  world   today.

                                                            Қазахский  мой  родной язык

                                                             Всем  сердцем  я  его  люблю

                                                                Хочу чтоб  наш язык  все знали

                                            Повсюду  и   везде.

PresenterDance boys. Please.

Presenter:       As you  know, to be  good  and  educated  we  must  get  deep   knowledge  at  school  from  books  and  teachers.


Ақыл  құйған  санама,

Жеткізер  ол  данаға.

Білім  берген  біздерге

Алғыс  айтамыз  сіздерге.

Ұстаздарға  мың  алғыс!

Сен  жалықпай  жетелеп,

Мен  ғарышқа  жетермін.

Айтқаныңды  ұғып  ап,

Арманыма  жетермін.

Ұстаздарға  мың  алғыс!

My  dear  dear  teachers,

    We  love  you  very  much

       We want  you  to  be  happy

Today  and  every  day.



Presenter:   Song:” They  are  teaching”  in  English, Russian  and Kazakh.


  They  are  teaching  us  to  read

  They  are  teaching  us  to  write.

  They  are  teaching’3

  They  are  teaching  us  to  know,

  More  and  more  from  books  at  school,

  They  are  teaching’3



                                     Буквы  разные  писать

                                     Тонким перышкам  в  тетрадь.

                                     Учат  в  школе’3

                                     Книжки  добрые  любить

                                     И  воспитанными  быть.

                                      Учат  в  школе’3



                                                                             Түрлі  әріп  жазуға,

                                                                             Терең  білім  алуға.

                                                                             Үйренеміз  әлі  талай2

                                                                              Кітаптарды  оқуға,

                                                                              Бәрін  ойға  тоқуға

                                                                              Үйренеміз,  үйренеміз,                      

                                                                               біз  мектепте.

 They  are  teaching  us  to  make,

  Different  sentences  from  words.

  They  are  teaching’3

  They  are  teaching  us  to  learn,

  Different languages   at  school.

  They  are  teaching’3


Presenter: Dance girls. Please.





Presenter: Poems “ I  am not small”

I  am not small, I am so tall.

I can carry a tree on my back,

When it grows, I grow too,

That’s not very hard to do

I  am not small, I am so tall.

I can carry a tree on my back

I  am not small, I am so tall.

I can carry a rabbit on my back

When it hops , I hop too

That’s not very hard to do

 I  am not small, I am so tall.

I can carry a rabbit on my back.

Presenter: Great love to the native language doesn’t come at once. It comes with mother milk. It is necessary to understand it in a proper  way and to be able to express this great feeling. First of all, our mother helps us to do this.

1.      Who said “ Good night”, when I was a child?

2.      Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay,

And showed me often how to play?

3.      Who run to help me When I fell,

And who could funny stories tell?

4.      Who taught me my native language,

When I was  born and was a child?

5.      Who is so nice ,who is so kind,

Another so dear , you will never find?      ( My mother)


Presenter: Song “ My mother”

       My dear , dear Mummy, I want to kiss your face.

    I want you to be happy,  Today and every day.

    Be happy, Be healthy,  Today and every day.



                      Моя родная мамочка,  я так тебя люблю

                      И в этот день прекрасный тебя благодарю

                      За счастье за ласку,  спасибо говорю. 


     Presenter:     Little Red Riding Hood.


             сказки на английском языке для детей fairy tales Красная Шапочка


Mother:               - Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you?

R. R. Hood:         -I’m  here, Mother.

Mother:               -Today is  your  Grandmother’s birthday.

                      take a     pot  of  butter  and  a  bottle  of  milk, apples and  cake  to  your     Grandmother.

R. R. Hood:            -Good  bye, Mother.

 Mother:                  -Good  bye, my child .


Wolf:                      -Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.

R. R. Hood:             -Good morning, Mr. Wolf.

 Wolf:                      -Where are you  going?

R. R. Hood:             -I am going to my grandmother.

Wolf:                      -She lives in a little house in the wood.

R. R. Hood:            -Is it far from here?

Wolf:                       -No, it is not.

R. R. Hood:            -Good – bye, Mr. Wolf.


Grandmother:           -Who is there?

Wolf:                       -It is I, Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandmother:           -Come in, dear.


Wolf:                       -Who is there?

R. R. Hood:            -It is I, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf:                       -Come in, dear.

R. R. Hood:            -Good morning, Granny.

Wolf:                      -Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.

R. R. Hood:            -What big eyes you have, Granny?

Wolf:                      -The better to see you.

R. R. Hood:            -What big ears you have,Granny?

Wolf:                      -The better to hear you.

R. R. Hood:            -What sharp teeth you have, Granny?

Wolf:                      -The better to eat you up!


Бросается на красную  шапочку. Вбегают  охотник с бабушкой. Охотник стреляет в бабушку, волк падает.

R. R. Hood:              -Oh, thank you very much!

Grandmother, R. R. Hood:       - That is the end of the story.                       

Presenter: Poem “ I want to live” 

    I want to live and not to die,

    I want to laugh and not to cry.

    I want to feel the summer sun

    I want to sing when life is fun.

    I want to fly into the blue,

    I want to swim as fishes do.

    I want to laugh and not to cry,

    I want to live and not to die.

 Presenter: Song: “ May there always be sunshine”

 Bright blue the sky, sun up on high,

 That was the little boy’s picture

 He draw for you, wrote for you too.

 Just to make clear, what he drew.

                                                         May there always be sunshine,

                                                        May there always be blue sky,

                                                       May there always be mummy,

                                                May there always be me!


Presenter: Music  Titanic

Presenter: Our party is over. Thank you for attentions! We hope you have enjoyed yourself! Good bye!































                                                        Мектеп директоры:           Н.Усманов






                   Айша бибі атындағы негізгі  орта мектеп 


           Ашық тарбие сағаты

        Тақырыбы:  The “ABC” party











               Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі:       Н.Рустемова     













                                            Ақсукент     2014ж                                

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