Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытый урок - конкурс по английскому языку на тему " Час веселых соревнований " ( 4 класс)

Открытый урок - конкурс по английскому языку на тему " Час веселых соревнований " ( 4 класс)

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            Открытый урок-конкурс

              (между   4 -ми классами )











        «An Hour of Merry Competition»

            Цели урока  1. Обобщение изученного материала по темам:

                                        «Времена года» и « Квартира».

                                    2. Актуализация лексических навыков.

                                    3. Тренировка навыков чтения и аудирования.

                                   4.  Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

                                    5. Активизация фонетических и грамматических навыков.

                                    6. Развитие интереса уч-ся к изучению английского языка.

                                   7.  Развитие логического мышления и произвольного внимания.

                                    8. Создание непринужденной атмосферы общения на английском


           Оборудование:  мультимедийная презентация, карточки с заданиями, картины,

                                           бейджики с картинками, листы бумаги и ручки для выполнения








                                                      Ход мероприятия

              -Good morning, children! How are you? Today we’ll have a competition

                on the topics « Seasons and Weather» and «The  Place We Live In».

                Let’s divide into two teams and think of the names for  the teams.

                We will have 7 stages. You will try to get as many points as you can.

                We’ll play the games and do different tasks and find out  who’ll be

                the best in English. Are you ready to start? Look at the screen, please.

                Stage 1. Greetings of teams

                Команды приветствуют друг друга  речевкой,  девизом, песней.

                Stage 2. Warming-up « Everything is Under the Sun»

            Каждая команда   быстро должна дать ответы на вопросы учителя.

                 1. Name 5 months of the year.

                 2. Name 5 days of  the week.

                 3. Name 5 colours

                 4. Name 5 objects in your schoolbag.

                 5. Name 5  things you can do.

                 6. Name 5 objects in your room.

                 7. Name 5 rooms.

                 8. Name 5 wild animals.

                 9. Name 5 members of the family.

                 10. Name 4 seasons.

                 11. Name 5 presents.

                 12. Name 5 sorts of drinks.

                           Stage 3. Ноme Task 

             a) По два участника из команд разыгрывают диалог по темам «Времена      

                 года»,  «Квартира».

                              1 команда: -Hi! I am from Russia. Where are you from?



                                       -Hi! I am from Great Britain.

                                      - What’s the weather like in Great Britain in winter?

                                      - It’s rainy and windy! And  in Russia?

                                       -It’s cold and snowy.

                                      -That’s great. I like the Russian winter very much.

                                      -Which is your favourite  season?

                                      -I think autumn.

                                      -Why autumn?

                                      -Because I like apples very much. Would you like to play tennis?

                                     -   I am sorry. I am busy.

                                    - What about tomorrow morning?

                                    - Tomorrow is fine. Good-bye.

                                     -See you.                               

                2 команда: - My name is---- What’s your name?

                                         -My name is__ Glad to meet you.

                                          -Pleased to meet you too.

                                          -Do you live in a flat or in a house?

                                          - I live in a flat.

                                          -Have you got a room of your own?

                                         - Yes, I have.

                                         - Is your room big or small?

                                         -  It’s not very big. It’s small. Have you got a room of your own?

                                          -No, I haven’t. I share a room with my sister.

                                          -How many rooms have you got in your flat?

                                          -We have got three rooms, a kitchen and a pantry. Bye-bye.

                                          -Good luck to you!




                            b) Учащиеся подготовили стихотворения по заданным темам.

                          -                                                           -                                                     -

          -  Who lives in the flat?                         Fine strong walls,         -   There is a bird on the table.

           -A cat.                                                       1,2,3,4,                                There is a bird on the door.

           -Who lives in the house?                      Windows bright,                There is a bird on the chair.

          -A mouse.                                                A pained door,                    There is a bird on the floor.

           -Who lives in the tree?                         Carpets, curtains,                  -Where are the birds?

           -A bee.                                                     Cushions gay,                         -On the table,

           -Who lives in the Nile?                         Beds and chairs                     -On the door,

           -A crocodile.                                           We use each day                    -On the chair,

                        -                                                   All these things.                   –On the floor.

         Winter, winter, winter!                                                           -

          Beautiful and fine!                                 On a warm summer day little children like to play.

          Snow, snow, snow                                 On a cold winter day little children like to play.

          Everything is white.                                On a cool spring day little children like to play.

          I like winter,                                            On a wet autumn day little children like to play.

         He likes too!                                            They like to play on any day!

         Let’s help poor animals!

         Let’s make a snowman!


                      Why cry about bad weather?

                                         Enjoy it.

                         Each moment is a treasure.

                                         Enjoy it.

                      We are all travelers on a highway.  

                                        Enjoy the trip.

                       When a hurricane comes your way,

                                         Enjoy the breeze.


                                                Stage 4.  « Who is the best translator? »

                    Команды по очереди в быстром темпе переводят с русского 

                     языка на английский язык словосочетания.

            1 команда:  1. запускать змея

                                    2. нырять и плавать

                                    3. ветреный и облачный

                                    4. жаркий и холодный

                                   5. теплый и дождливый

                                   6. играть в прятки

                                   7. играть в хоккей

                                   8. кататься на велосипеде

                                   9. кататься на коньках и  на лыжах

                                  10. кататься  на санках

                                  11. лепить  снеговика

                                  12. играть в снежки

            2 команда: 1. устраивать пикник

                                  2.рисовать забавные картины

                                  3. читать сказки

                                  4. слушать музыку

                                  5. играть в компьютерные игры

                                  6. в середине спальни

                                  7. в левом углу ванны

                                  8. между креслом и стулом

                                  9. над столом

                                  10. на полке

                                  11. рядом с камином

                                  12. за диваном



                                                           Stage 5.  Riddles

               Командам даются загадки по темам « Квартира» и «Времена года».

         1 команда - People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room.

                                 Women usually spend much time there. We have a fridge,

                                  a  sink, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.

                                                                                                                  (a kitchen)

           -There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little

             table and  a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this


                                                                                            ( a bedroom)

            -There is a TV  set, some chairs and a sofa in this room.

              Some people have a fireplace there. We can see some

               flowers on the walls. There is often a carpet on the floor.

              It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch

              television, listen to music or sit around and speak there.

                                                                                       ( a living-room)

         -This room is not very large. People take off their overcoats, hats,

            boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little

            table there.                                                          (a hall )

         -This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath

           in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and

           face there.                                                         ( a bathroom)                                     


                 2 команда: This is the season

                                      When fruit is sweet,

                                      This is the season

                                      When school- friends meet  ( autumn)



                                  This is the season

                                  When children ski,

                                   And Grandfather Frost

                                   Brings  the  New Year Tree.    ( winter)


                                     This is the season

                                      When snowdrops bloom

                                     When nobody likes

                                     To stay in the room.

                                     This is the season

                                     When birds make their nests,

                                     This is the season

                                      We  all like best. ( spring)


                                       This the season

                                       When nights are short

                                        And children have plenty

                                        Of fun and sport.

                                        Boating, swimming.

                                        All the day,

                                       With a merry song

                                        On a sunny day. ( summer)

                                     Stage 6.  Captains’  competition

1) Капитаны  приготовили рассказы по темам «Времена года» и «Моя                                                                                     комната»

                   1 команда It’s rainy and cloudy today. But isn’t windy. It’s warm.

                                             When it’s rainy, I can listen to music, read a book, draw pictures

                                             and watch TV. When it’s sunny and warm I can have a picnic in the

                                             park, ride a horse and fly a kite. But winter will come soon.

                                             I like winter. It’s my favourite season. It will be cold, snowy and

                                             frosty.  I’ll ski in the park. I won’t skate because I can’t.                                              

                                             I like to tell my friends New Year fairy tales.


                      2 командаI have got a room of my own. My room is nice and large.

                                             There is a desk next to the window. There is a computer

                                            and a lamp on my desk. There is a bed in my room. I go

                                            to bed at 10 o’clock every night. There are no pictures on

                                            the walls. But there is a clock on the wall. The walls are yellow.

                                            There is a big, warm carpet on the floor. There is a big ward-

                                           robe at the wall. My teddy bears are on the shelf, on the table

                                           and on the table and on the floor. I like my room very much.


                              2) Учитель задает вопросы капитанам.

                                       a) Can we ski in summer?

                                       b) Is it hot in winter?

                                       c) Is а chair on the wall or on  the floor?

                                       d) Where do we have  breakfast?

                                       e) Is there  a bed  in the bathroom?

                                        f) Can we play snowballs in summer?

                                                  Stage 7. The World of Wonders

                                                   1) Кроссворд.

                                                   2) Зашифрованные предложения.

                                a) CHILDRENMAKEASNOWMANINTHEGARDEN.                       

                                b)  THEREISAWARMCARPETONTHEFLOOR.



                                                     3) Назовите лишние слова.

                              - like, meat, play, make, skate, watch

                              - sunny, warm, windy, rainy, hall, hot

                               -tea, coffee, honey, milk, water, juice

                              -why, what, when, he, who, where, how

                              -ten, twenty, first, fifty, seventeen, one

                              - on, ugly, under, in, in the middle of, next to

                              - house, mother, brother, sister, father





                                         4) Сосчитайте

                              Thirteen + five =

                               Nine +  ten =

                              Eleven + three=

                              Fifty- ten + forty=

                              Sixteen+ four –five =

                              Seventy- fifteen =

                              One + eighty =                                     

          5) Восстанови рассказ

                         Winter is beautiful. There ------ a lot of snow in the streets.

                         Children can ------- snowballs, they can make a  ---------.

                          It is  ------- in winter.  You can’t  --------- in the river.

                        They days are short and the nights are  -------.

                        Spring is a beautiful  -------.The sun often shines, the sky is  ------,

                         the birds sing  -------.  In May the trees and grass are  --------.

                         There are many beautiful  ---------- in May.

                         We can go for a  -----------.

                   T: Thank you for your work, children. You were so active and clever today.

                        You  can ask and answer the questions, you can recite poems very well.

                       Now it’s time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who

                        is the winner. Do you like our competition? Thank you. Good-bye.

                              Учитель предлагает детям подвести итоги, благодарит их

                               за активное участие и объявляет победителей конкурса.

                                                Список используемой литературы

                  1) Е.В. Дзюина « Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия

                                                     на  английском языке»  Москва « Вако» 2007

                 2) Г. Г. Кулинич «Предметные недели и открытые уроки

                                                      английского   языка» Москва « Вако» 2009



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