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Тема: « 7 Wonders of the word»


Урок обобщения и закрепления полученных знаний и навыков.

На таких занятиях достигает максимума глубина усвоения знаний, подводится своего рода итог изучения какой-либо крупной темы или части учебного курса. Часто на обобщающих занятиях педагог интегрирует информацию из сопряженных дисциплин в основную тему изучения: например, в форме мультимедиа или реальной экскурсии преподаватель рассказывает о культуре и истории Великобритании (естественно, на английском языке). Также могут быть использованы такие формы как диспут, конференция (этот формат удобен при онлайн-обучении), консультация (популярна на индивидуальных занятиях).

Цель урока: формирование речевой и социокультурной компетентности учащихся.


Развивающая: развитие лексических навыков, связанных с историей, архитектурой и культурой; навыков групповой работы, организация восприятия, внимания и познавательного интереса.

Воспитывающая: воспитание интереса к предмету и познанию исторического и культурного материала, используя возможности английского языка.

Учебно-познавательная: закрепление и контроль усвоения языкового материала в устной речи, навыков выполнения экзаменационных заданий в формате ЕГЭ.

Ход урока

1. Организация урока: приветствие, сообщение темы и плана урока.

T: Good morning boys and girls! Today we are having a lesson on the topic, which you are going to guess about after  reading a post from instagram. You have sheets of paper and  you can read this post here.

Слайд 1

So, what do you think we are going to speak about at our lesson? Yes, you are right about wonders of the world. I know that you’ve already learnt something about it, so we will revise it again and widen our knowledge about it. I hope our lesson will be interesting and usеful.

The planet we live on is full of wonders. We are going to talk about ancient, middle age, modern wonders and about wonders of our country. Слайд 2

Warming up.

T. We will start our lesson with a discussion on beauty around us.

What is the most beautiful place you have seen?

Where is it?

Is it natural or man- made?    

Well, I’ve been to the capital of Turkey – Stambul. The most beautiful place there is the mosque Suleymanie. It’s man made.

And now let’s find out what the word “wonder “means?

Ученик:  I guess wonder is a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.

(Ученик)It is a person or thing regarded as very good, remarkable, or effective:


T: Think and tell why the wonders of the ancient world seem to be concentrated around a particular region of the world.

Ученик 2: I guess  that was the whole known world of that age.)

T: Why were only 7 masterpieces considered as wonders? Why not 5 or 6?

Ученик:  Unless I’m mistaken the number 7 was chosen because the Greeks believed it to be the symbol of perfection and plenty.

Ученик : This number also   means “wisdom” and brings happiness).


Фонетическая зарядка. Фронтальная работа над наиболее сложными словами и именами собственными.

Now you are going to watch a short video about 7 Ancient wonders of the world.

You have some statements in your sheets of paper, some of them are incorrect. Find out the mistakes and correct them. You can work in pairs. I hope it will be not difficult for you. Look at task 3.


   Agree or disagree/give the right answer.

1.   The Pyramid of Giza is the tomb of the Anatolian king built by his widow.

2.   The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is the only ancient world wonder that still exists.

3.   The Hanging Gardens of Babylon used to be located in modern Iraq.

4.   The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was about 5 meters tall and was made of wood.

5.   The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Egyptian God Helios. It was twice bigger than today’s Statue of Liberty in New York.

6.   The Temple of Artemis was a shrine dedicated to one Greek goddess, who protected the city of Athens.

7.   The Lighthouse at Alexandria was destroyed by one man who wanted his name to go down in history.

Answers: Слайд 13

1.   False. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was the tomb of the Anatolian king built by his widow.

2.   False. The Pyramid of Giza is the only ancient world wonder that still exists.

3.   True.

4.   False. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was about 12 meters tall and was made of gold and ivory.

5.   False. The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Greek God Helios. It was the same size as today’s Statue of Liberty in New York.

6.   True.

7.   False. The Temple of Artemis was destroyed by one man who wanted his name to go down in history.


You did well.

Please, imagine one of the 7 wonders of the world could have been saved from destruction. Which one would you choose to save and why?

Ученик: As for me, I would save The hanging Gardens of Babylon because this place seems to be really gorgeous and fascinating.

Ученик: If I could save a wonder I would save The Statue Of Zeus at Olimpia, because Zeus was a real legend of Greek Mythology.



3.     Активизация навыков аудирования  Слайд 7


T: And now let’s pass from the ancient world to the middle age.

Before having a small test let’s revise some information about «Seven wonders of  the Middle Ages». Open your books at p 130 ex 5. Read the task, please. listen to the descriptions of some of these wonders of the world and match them with the Statements  about them (a-d)  

Now you have a minute to complete the task. Are you ready? Exchange the works , please. Look at the board? Here are the right answers.

So as you see The Middle ages had its wonders as well.   Ответы слайд 7

 Ответы к заданию

 1 D

2 A

3 B

4 C


4. Активизация грамматических навыков. Работа в формате ЕГЭ


T: Do you think the ancient wonders of the world are better than the modern ones?

Is there anyone in the class who has actually seen them? Can you describe how you felt seeing the sight?

Слайд 8

Now let’s learn some  new information about two of  the new seven wonders. Open your books at p 160 ex 40. As you see this task is in National Examination Format. Read the task, please. So you have 4-5 minutes to complete this task. (под музыку выполняют задание самостоятельно). Are you ready? And now look at the board and check yourself. Who has no mistakes? (well-done)  1-3 m good

Слайд 9


5 . Опережающее задание  страноведческого характера

T: You know, children, we live in the most picturesque republic in the world. And, it goes without saying, there are also some wonders in Dagestan. Group of our students has prepared some information about its wonders beforehand. Students, you are welcome.

Thank you very much. It was really interesting to listen to you.


6. Творческое задание. Работа в группах

And of course speaking about wonders of the world. It will be a fascinating idea to write cinquan like world famous poets do. You know how to do it. Let’s remember the rules of writing it. Look at the board, please. And now I want you to write it in groups. Hope it won’t be difficult for you.

Слайд 10


7. Активизация навыков написания эссе.

As you see our world is full of wonders. I want you to write an essay on this theme according to all rules which you know.  (ПРАВИЛА НА ДОСКЕ)  Your hometask is ex 63 p 177


8.Подведение итогов урока. 


T: Our lesson has proved us one more time that we live in the world full of wonders and there are a lot of perfect things around us to admire. Who knows, may be in some years, one of you will create a real masterpiece that will go down in history

If you could design a wonder of the world in our country, what would you design?

You have worked a lot today. It was wonderful. I’m satisfied with your work. Was it informative for you? Have you learnt anything new?


Oh, thank you! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed our lesson.


To sum it up I want to say that the world was penetrated with wonders in all times. Unfortunately sometimes we can’t even notice them. We are busy all the time, we are in devoured by our daily routine. But I guess wonder is inside us. Even now if we forget about all our problems and look through the window we can see a wonderful view here. We should appreciate evert moment, everything that around us. And it’s up to you to decide either your world wonderful or not.


9. Домашнее задание ex 63 p 177



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