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Открытый урок на тему "Amazing world"

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Сабақ тақырыбы: Amazing world

Grade: 5 “b”

The theme: Amazing world

The objectives of the lesson: pupils will be able to compare people, animals and things using degrees of

                                               comparison of adjectives.

1.      Educational: to form pupilsʼ skills in reading, speaking and writing.

2.      Developing: to enlarge pupilsʼ vocabulary with new words, develop their grammar and speech.

3.      Upbringing: to bring up pupils to be interested in language.


The type of the lesson: mixed

Visualities: pictures, presentation, interactive board, cards, CD


                                                    The procedure of the lesson


Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity


I.                   Organization moment


-          Good afternoon pupils.

-          How are you?

-          I’m fine too. Sit down please.

-          Who is on duty today?

-          What date is it today?

-          What day is it today?

-          Who is absent?

-          What was your homework for today?


             II.              Warm – up


- The theme of the lesson today is “Amazing word”. But I want to start our lesson with short poem about

the importance of English language. Listen and repeat after me:


-          No English, no work

No work, no money

No money, no fun.

What’s the conclusion?

No illusion!

Let’s learn English!


-          Do you agree?  


                  III.           Grammar Revision

-          What words do we use to describe people or  


-          Do you know the degrees of comparison of adjectives? What are they?        

-          Yes, you are right. Now let’s revise them.


-          Adjectives are words that describe people, animals or things. We use comparative form of an adjective to compare two people, animals or things. We make the comparative of most adjectives by adding –er and the superlative by adding -est to the end of the adjectives. We use than after the comparative and the before the superlative.


f.e.: The blue car is faster than the red car.

        The blue car is the fastest.


-          When an adjective ends in –y, we usually drop the –y and add –ier.

f.e.: pretty – prettier than – the prettiest


-          When the adjective is one syllable and ends with a vowel and a consonant, we usually double the consonant and add –er and –est.

f.e.: big – bigger than – the biggest


- Irregular adjectives form the comparative and superlative in different ways.

Good – better – the best

Bad – worse – the worst

Much – more – the most

Many – more – the most

Far – farther – the farthest


IV.         Practice. (doing exercises)


- Now give me your own examples

Now let’s do exercises. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see sentences. Your task is to circle one of them.

     Ex 2

1.      Tigers are stronger/ strongest than frogs.

2.      Flowers are small/ smaller than trees.

3.      Dad is the taller/ tallest in the family.

4.      Whales are the biggest/ big animals in the word.

5.      Sam is the happiest/ happy boy at school.

6.      Maths is bad/ worse than Art.




V.               Listening


-          Now let’s listen to the text “Amazing world” at p 64. Before listening of the text let’s get acquainted with the new words:

Amazing – таңғажайып

World - әлем

Giant – алып адам

Forest - орман

-          Is the text clear for you? Answer the questions:

  1. How long were Robert Wadlowʼs feet?
  2. What colour is the flower?
  3. How big is the flower?
  4. What can hummingbirds do?
  5. How long is the hummingbird?


VI.       Work with cards.

- I give some of you cards with tasks. You have to complete the sentences with comparative or superlative forms of adjectives.



VII.        Game. “Word Bingo”

-          Are you tired? Let’s play the game “Word Bingo”. On a sheet of paper write down 4 adjectives. I call out letters and you are to cross out letters of your words as I say them. The first pupil to cross out all the letters in his/ her words is the winner.


VIII.                    Work in pairs


T: Make up dialogues using degrees of comparison of adjectives. 


IX.                           Reflection


Open your books at p 65 Ex 2. Read Karla’s book of Records. Now, I will give you cards. On them write your own Book of Records:

  The tallest person I know is …

  The oldest person I know is …

  The biggest shop I know is …

  The longest word I know in English is …


X.                             Giving marks


-Excellent marks will be given to …

- Good marks will be given to …

- Satisfactory marks will  be given to …


XI.                          Homework


Retelling of the text at p 64


XII.                       Conclusion.


- So the lesson is over. You are free. Good bye! 



-          Good afternoon teacher.

-          We are fine thank you and you?


-          We are on duty today.

-          Today is the 4 th of March

-          Today is Monday

-          All are present.
















-          Yes






-          Adjectives


-          Comparative and superlative.


































-          P1 …

-          P2 …

-          P3 …



      - P1…

      - P2…

      - P3…

      - P4…


      - P5…

      - P6






Pupils listen to the text two times.







-          Yes









P1 – Card 1

P2 – Card 2

P3 – Card 3

P4 – Card 4












P1 - P2, P3 – P4, P5 – P6

























Good bye teacher!



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Краткое описание документа:

Сабақ тақырыбы: Amazing worldGrade: 5 “b”The theme: Amazing worldThe objectives of the lesson: pupils will be able to compare people, animals and things using degrees of comparison of adjectives.1.Educational: to form pupilsʼ skills in reading, speaking and writing.2.Developing: to enlarge pupilsʼ vocabulary with new words, develop their grammar and speech.3.Upbringing: to bring up pupils to be interested in language.The type of the lesson: mixedVisualities: pictures, presentation, interactive board, cards, CD The procedure of the lesson Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity Time I.Organization moment-Good afternoon pupils.-How are you?-I’m fine too. Sit down please.-Who is on duty today?-What date is it today?-What day is it today?-Who is absent?-What was your homework for today? II. Warm – up- The theme of the lesson today is “Amazing word”. But I want to start our lesson with short poem about the importance of English language. Listen and repeat after me:-No English, no workNo work, no moneyNo money, no fun.What’s the conclusion?No illusion!Let’s learn English!-Do you agree? III. Grammar Revision-What words do we use to describe people or things?-Do you know the degrees of comparison of adjectives? What are they? -Yes, you are right. Now let’s revise them.-Adjectives are words that describe people, animals or things. We use comparative form of an adjective to compare two people, animals or things. We make the comparative of most adjectives by adding –er and the superlative by adding -est to the end of the adjectives. We use than after the comparative and the before the superlative.f.e.: The blue car is faster than the red car. The blue car is the fastest.-When an adjective ends in –y, we usually drop the –y and add –ier.f.e.: pretty – prettier than – the prettiest -When the adjective is one syllable and ends with a vowel and a consonant, we usually double the consonant and add –er and –est.f.e.: big – bigger than – the biggest- Irregular adjectives form the comparative and superlative in different ways.Good – better – the bestBad – worse – the worstMuch – more – the mostMany – more – the mostFar – farther – the farthest IV. Practice. (doing exercises)- Now give me your own examplesNow let’s do exercises. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see sentences. Your task is to circle one of them. Ex 21.Tigers are stronger/ strongest than frogs.2.Flowers are small/ smaller than trees.3.Dad is the taller/ tallest in the family.4.Whales are the biggest/ big animals in the word.5.Sam is the happiest/ happy boy at school.6.Maths is bad/ worse than Art.V. Listening-Now let’s listen to the text “Amazing world” at p 64. Before listening of the text let’s get acquainted with the new words:Amazing – таңғажайыпWorld - әлемGiant – алып адамForest - орман-Is the text clear for you? Answer the questions: How long were Robert Wadlowʼs feet? What colour is the flower? How big is the flower? What can hummingbirds do? How long is the hummingbird? VI. Work with cards.- I give some of you cards with tasks. You have to complete the sentences with comparative or superlative forms of adjectives. VII. Game. “Word Bingo”-Are you tired? Let’s play the game “Word Bingo”. On a sheet of paper write down 4 adjectives. I call out letters and you are to cross out letters of your words as I say them. The first pupil to cross out all the letters in his/ her words is the winner. VIII.Work in pairsT: Make up dialogues using degrees of comparison of adjectives. IX. ReflectionOpen your books at p 65 Ex 2. Read Karla’s book of Records. Now, I will give you cards. On them write your own Book of Records: The tallest person I know is … The oldest person I know is … The biggest shop I know is … The longest word I know in English is …X.Giving marks-Excellent marks will be given to …- Good marks will be given to …- Satisfactory marks will be given to …XI.HomeworkRetelling of the text at p 64XII.Conclusion.- So the lesson is over. You are free. Good bye! -Good afternoon teacher.-We are fine thank you and you?-We are on duty today.-Today is the 4 th of March-Today is Monday-All are present.-Yes-Adjectives-Comparative and superlative.-P1 …-P2 …-P3 … - P1… - P2… - P3… - P4… - P5… - P6Pupils listen to the text two times.-YesP1…P2…P3…P4…P5…P1 – Card 1P2 – Card 2P3 – Card 3P4 – Card 4P1 - P2, P3 – P4, P5 – P6Good bye teacher!

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