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Открытый урок по теме "London Zoo"

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Открытый урок

по английскому языку в 3 классе

с применением ИКТ на тему:






                                                  Учитель английского языка высшей категории:

                                                                                                                       Абдуллаева Г.А.








Махачкала - 17.02.2018






Тема:     Урок-экскурсия: «London Zoo».


Цель: Совершенствование лексического навыка говорения.


Учебные задачи:

1.Обучать говорению на основе текста;

2.Развивать умение говорить на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме «Animals»;

3.Развивать умение говорить на уровне неподготовленного монологического высказывания по теме «London Zoo».


Развивающие задачи:

1. Развивать культуру публичного выступления;

2.Способствовать развитию познавательного интереса, расширять страноведческие знания.


Воспитательные задачи:

1.Нравственное воспитание цивилизованной личности;

2.Научить бережному отношению к животным и окружающей среде.



                                                       План урока

1.    Организационный
момент. Речевая зарядка



T.: -Good afternoon, boys and girls! Good afternoon, quests!
            -Let’s remember our poem to greet each other:
                                                       “Good afternoon , now ,

                  Wake  body , wake  mind!

                  Work , play , seek , find.

                  Eat  breakfast , dinner  too,

                  Wash , brush , sing , dance  and  do!

                  Good  afternoon ,  now.

T: -  I am very glad to greet you here.

     - Today we are going to speak

Слайд 2. Close your eyes!

                 Open your eyes!    

                - What have you heard?       (на слайде звуковое сопровождение)

P.: - The sounds of wild animals

T.:  - Right you are! 

       - Do you like animals?

       -What species of animals do you know?

       -Have you ever been to  Zoos?

- Today we are going to speak about animals, describe them, watch video about London Zoo and so on . Enjoy our lesson!

                                              - But first we must prepare our tongues for our work.


   2.      Фонетическая зарядка.

Слайд 3.


T.:  - Look at the blackboard. Read, translate.           Pronounce correctly.



           Be careful what you say or do

           When you visit  the animals in the zoo.


            На доске написана транскрипция следующих слов:

Zoological, scientific, visitor, situated, regent,

species, reptile, collection, exotic, aquarium.     




     3.     Основная часть ( развитие речевой догадки).

              T.: - Do you know animals well?

          Let’s have a guessing game.

          The task is:  Name the animals described by me.

Слайд 4.                      1    It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat                                                         v                                          meat  and  fish. It is very wild. It lives in the water                                           .                                                                                                  What is it?   (a crocodile)                                                                                                                                                                 Слайд 5.                    2  It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth.

                                      It likes to eat  honey, berries,  fish and meat. It can swim very well

                                        but it    lives in the forest. It  can be very aggressive but in the zoo

                                         it is funny and  nice.

                                                                                                                  What is it? (a bear)

Слайд 6.                     3  It is nice, cunning, clever. It lives in the forest. It is reddish,

                                       it likes to eat   cockerels, hens and rabbits and other small animals.

                                                                                                                 What is it? (a fox)

Слайд 7.                     4   It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean but it is not a           v                                              fish.                                
                                                                                                                 What is  it? (a whale)


Слайд 8                     5 It is funny and clever. It lives in the forest in the trees. It can run, climb,                                                                                                                                                                                 v                                       jump very well. It can be big or small. It likes bananas.

                                                                                                                   What is it? (a monkey)



Слайд 9                  6: It is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food                    v                                  and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India, it is kind, clever and v                                  very  intelligent.

                                                                                                                         What is it? (an elephant)


Слайд 10.                       7 This animal is very unusual. It cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly,    v                                      only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in   

 V                                    Australia.

                                                                                                              Name this animal. (a kangaroo)




T:   -  All these exotic animals we can see in the zoo.


Cлайд 11-12.                    4) Просмотр видео “London Zoo”. Рассказ учителя о зоопарке.

London  has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in large  Regent,s  park which is not far from the centre of London. It is open from 10 a.m. in the morning to 7 p.m. in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the underground. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, lions, bears, foxes and monkeys. There are many kinds of birds there too.


Слайд 13.     5.   Работа с текстом ( неподготовленная речь)

  T: - Now let’s learn some information about  London Zoo from the text.



                    1. Read the text.  Be ready to translate it.


                                                   «London Zoo» (card 1)

1.      London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the World.

2.      It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1827 for a scientific work.

3.      But in 1847 the first visitors came to the zoo.

4.      London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park.

5.      It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World.

6.      Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo.

7.      Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.

8.      Many animals were born in the zoo.

9.      A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.

              10. London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect         м                  house and the first children`s zoo.

2. - Find the English equivalent to the Russian рhrases:


                                    1.был открыт                                                     7.самая знаменитая

                                    2.старый зоопарк                                              8.виды животных

                                    3.научная работа                                              9.такие как

                                   4.зоологическое общество Лондона              10.вымирающие животные

                                   5.первые посетители                                        11.принимают пищу     

                                   6.расположен                                                     12.павильон


  Слайд 14. 3. Fill in necessary words   ( card 2)


1    London Zoo is……….. zoo of the World.

2    It was opened by the Zoological Society of London……………. for a scientific work.

3        But ……………the first visitors came to the zoo.

4        London Zoo is situated in……………….

5        It has the most ……………….of exotic animals in the World.

6        Today there are ……………of animals in the zoo.

7        Here you can see such………………. as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.

8        Many animals …………………in the zoo.

9        ……………..to visit the animals is when they take their food.

10    London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house and


1.       endangered animals

2.       755 species

3.       the first    children`s zoo.

4.       famous collection

5.       A good time

6.       Regent`s Park.

7.       in 1827


8.       the oldest

9.       were born

10.    in 1847


Слайд 15.  4.   Make the sentences using the beginning and the ending (card 3)

1.      London Zoo is …………..

2.      It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1827…………..

3.      But in 1847 the first visitors………….

4.      London Zoo is situated……………..

5.      It has the most famous collection…………….

6.      Today there are 755 …………….

7.      Here you can see such endangered animals as………………….

8.      Many animals………………..

9.      A good time to visit the animals is…………….

      10. London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house



species of animals in the zoo.


exotic animals in the World


in Regent`s Park


came to the zoo


for a scientific work.


the oldest zoo of the World.


the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino


were born in the zoo


when they take their food


and the first children`s zoo.

Слайд 16.            5.   Put the sentences into the  order  (card 4)

                But in 1847 the first visitors came to the zoo.

     London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park.

     It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World

 Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.

      Many animals were born in the zoo.

      A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.

                            London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first     insect house

                and the first children`s zoo.

                              Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo

             It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1827 for a scientific work

             It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World.

.                     London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the World


Слайд 16-17.     6. Make the plan of the story using the key-words

1.        the oldest zoo

2.       in 1827

3.       in 1847

4.       is situated

5.       famous collection

6.       755 species

7.       endangered animals

8.       were born

9.       a good time

10.    opened


Слайд  17.          7.   Imagine that you are speaking to visitors of  London  Zoo over the  radio   

         Use the plan and begin with:                                                                    Dear visitors, you are in L Z.   It’s the oldest zoo in the world………


6. Relaxation:


     Little panda… turn around

     Little panda… touch the ground

     Little panda …show your shoe

     Little pandathat will do


7. Развитие умения говорить(подготовленная речь).
Презентация работ учащихся.
T:- At home you’ve prepared your presentations about wild animals.
It’s time to show them for us. Listen to your classmates and remember what animals they will show.

The elephant)                        Диана-Зебра.
         Айшат -Жираф.

Вопросы к докладчикам:
.-   How many years do leopards live?
2.И. –
Do tigers like to swim?
3.A.-  Panda is a symbol of WWF, isn’t it?
.-  The elephant is a clever beast, isn’t it?
5.  Every endangered animals included in the International Red Book, didn’t they?

  Poems about animals.
         The elephant.
When people call this beast to mind,
They marvel more and more.
At such a little tail behind,
So large a trunk before.
Мы сегодня оказались не в лесу ,
Мы сегодня оказались
in the zoo.
сидит там на полянке?
медведь лохматый,
Здесь и
Здесь и
Wolf совсем не злой.
A fox,а вот A bear,
Giraffe,а вот A hare.
Кто это,смотри скорей!
Lion – царь зверей
Hippo-бегемот большой
Говорит «Пора домой!»

8. Lets do exercise 12, page 107(orally).


If I were the director of the zoo, I would………

9. What is your dream?
A poem “My dream”.


Cлайд 18.
                         10. Do the crossword puzzle. Make up a word out of the encircled          letters (WB).


                         11. Hometask:

Write a letter about your impressions of London Zoo  to your friend.
Подведение итогов.
                          T: Our excursion is coming to an end. I’m sure that everybody’s dream is visiting London Zoo.   Will you stand up and recite our poem?
                            Don’t run across the road ,
                            Stop and look.
                            Don’t write on the wall,
                            Write in your book.
                            Don’t run in school,

                            Always walk.
                            Listen to the teacher,
                            Please don’t talk.


T: - Get your things together. Good luck to you!                                      

       Good-bye, children!



























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