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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему

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Тема урока: «A trip to London».


Цели урока:


·        Образовательная цель– формирование умений диалогической речи по теме: «Мы путешествуем»; совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования и письма.


·        Развивающая цель– развивать языковую догадку, память, речь и внимание.


·        Воспитательнаяцель – учить слушать друг друга; воспитать интерес к предмету.


Оборудование: магнитофон и презентация (PowerPoint).


1.     Организационный момент:


Цель: снять напряжение: настроить детей на работу; вести в атмосферу иноязычной речи, погрузить в языковую среду.


-         Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)


-         I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you, too)


-         Sit down, please. Get ready for the lesson. I am waiting for you to be quiet. Let’s start our lesson.


2.     Фонетическая зарядка:


Цель: подготовить учеников к повторению изученного материала.


First le’s practice the English sounds. Open your textbooks, page 25, exercise 3. Listen to the speaker and then repeat the words after him.


3.     Активизация лексических навыков:


Find the pair. Найдитепару. (Презентация стр. 2)


a picnic                                   local                              a date and time


in the hotel                             group                            at school


programme                             social                            life


work                                       to stay                           of students


school                                     to arrange                    football team


4.     Актуализация навыков письма:


I think you must know English very well to make our trip to London. Let’s see whether you are ready to travel to the UK. First of all everybody of us must have a badge. Fill in your badges, please. (Презентация стр. 3)






















We are ready to start our trip.


5.     Развитие навыка диалогической речи:


Imagine that you are at the airport of Heathrow. English children meet you there. Imagine that you are Linda the English student. (табличка«Welcome to Britain».) (Презентация стр. 4)


1 dialog


-         Are you from Russia?


-         Yes, I am.


-         Nice to meet you.


-         Nice to meet you, too.


-         Welcome to Britain. What’s your name?


-         My name is Alex.


-         How old are you?


-         I am 10.


-         What form are you in?


-         I am in the 5th.


-         Meet Bess. She is the leader of British group.


-         Oh, I am glad to meet you. But Marta is the leader of our group.


(Презентация стр. 5)


2 dialog


-         I have some news for you.


-         Do you? What kind of news?


-         Mr. Stephen Wooding wants to invite you to his school.


-         Really! Oh, how nice of him. When can we visit his school?


-         Right now.


-         Fantastic! Thank you.


6.     Физкультминутка:


Children take your places in the bus we go to the Mr. Stephen Wooding School. Let’s sing our songs all together.(Презентация стр. 6)




Row, row, row your boat


Gently down the stream


Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily


Life is but a dream!




7.     Активизация изученной лексики:


№ 1


While we are going to the school let’s play. Let’s complete the sentences. Listen to me carefully. (Дополните предложения.) (Презентация стр. 7)


-         Let’s discuss his …!


-         Who will be … for the party?


-         What do you know about this … programme?


-         How long will she … with us?


-         When did the … arrive?


-         Would you like to join our … football team?


Ключи: invitation, responsible, social, stay, group, local.


№ 2


Let’s translate from English into Russia. (Переведите с английского на русский язык.) (Презентациястр. 8)


-         I would like to be responsible for the music.


-         Let’s arrange a picnic at the weekend.


-         The student will stay with British families.


-         I’d like to invite a group of students to visit us.


-         Our local football team went abroad last week.


-         My sister was responsible for the educational and social programme.


-         Yesterday Mike and his friends went to the cinema.


№ 3


Make up the words using the following letters. (Составьте слова из букв.) (Презентация стр. 9)


s,t,o,c,s – costs


t,a,n,o,c,I,d,u,e – educational


p,o,r,u,g – group


t,I,v,e,n,I – invite


r,p,e,r,a,n,t – partner


m,e,a,m,r,r,o,g,p – programme


l,s,a,I,c,o – social


t,s,n,t,d,u,e – student


№ 4


Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. (Заданиепокарточкам.)


№ 5


Write down the words in alphabetical order. (Запишите слова в алфавитном порядке.) (Презентациястр. 10)


Costs, educational, group, invite, social, partner, programme, student.


8.     Oh, children Mr. Wooding are waiting for us. (Презентациястр. 11)


-          Hello. These are Russian school children, whom you invited to your school.


-         Hello. I’m glad to see you. Welcome to our school. How are you?


-         We are fine. Thank you.


-         Do you have any questions?


-         Where’ll we stay?


-         We’ll stay with British families.


-         How many days will we live in British families?


-         I propose that you will live 15-20 days there.


-         Who will be responsible for the costs of accommodation?


-         Our school will be responsible for the costs of accommodation.


-         Who will be responsible for the educational and social programme?


-         Our school will be responsible for the educational and social programme.


-         Thank you.


-         Have a nice time at my school.


9.     Write down your home task. Ex. 7(b), page 27. I gave you merry and sad smiles. Tell me, please, what is your mood now? Show me the sad or the merry smile.


10.        Our lesson is over. Thank you for the work. Good bye, boys! Good bye, girls!


















Используемая литература:


1.      М.З.Биболетова, Н.В.Добрынина, Н.Н.Трубанева – Обнинск: «Титул» 2008 г.


2.      Английский язык. Экспресс-курс для начинающих. – М: ООО «ТД «Издательство Мир книги», 2007 г.


3.      Журнал «SpeakEnglish» - М: «Мир книг

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Краткое описание документа:

Тема урока: «A trip to London».

Цели урока:

·        Образовательная цель– формирование умений диалогической речи по теме: «Мы путешествуем»; совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования и письма.

·        Развивающая цель– развивать языковую догадку, память, речь и внимание. 

·        Воспитательнаяцель – учить слушать друг друга; воспитать интерес к предмету.

Оборудование: магнитофон и презентация (PowerPoint).

1.     Организационный момент:

Цель: снять напряжение: настроить детей на работу; вести в атмосферу иноязычной речи, погрузить в языковую среду.

-         Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)

-         I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you, too)

-         Sit down, please. Get ready for the lesson. I am waiting for you to be quiet. Let’s start our lesson.

2.     Фонетическая зарядка:

Цель: подготовить учеников к повторению изученного материала.

First le’s practice the English sounds. Open your textbooks, page 25, exercise 3. Listen to the speaker and then repeat the words after him.

3.     Активизация лексических навыков:

Find the pair. Найдитепару. (Презентация стр. 2)

a picnic                                   local                              a date and time

in the hotel                             group                            at school

programme                             social                            life

work                                       to stay                           of students

school                                     to arrange                    football team

4.     Актуализация навыков письма:

I think you must know English very well to make our trip to London. Let’s see whether you are ready to travel to the UK. First of all everybody of us must have a badge. Fill in your badges, please. (Презентация стр. 3)











We are ready to start our trip.

5.     Развитие навыка диалогической речи:

Imagine that you are at the airport of Heathrow. English children meet you there. Imagine that you are Linda the English student. (табличка«Welcome to Britain».) (Презентация стр. 4)

1 dialog

-         Are you from Russia?

-         Yes, I am.

-         Nice to meet you.

-         Nice to meet you, too.

-         Welcome to Britain. What’s your name?

-         My name is Alex.

-         How old are you?

-         I am 10.

-         What form are you in?

-         I am in the 5th.

-         Meet Bess. She is the leader of British group.

-         Oh, I am glad to meet you. But Marta is the leader of our group.

(Презентация стр. 5)

2 dialog

-         I have some news for you.

-         Do you? What kind of news?

-         Mr. Stephen Wooding wants to invite you to his school.

-         Really! Oh, how nice of him. When can we visit his school?

-         Right now.

-         Fantastic! Thank you.

6.     Физкультминутка:

Children take your places in the bus we go to the Mr. Stephen Wooding School. Let’s sing our songs all together.(Презентация стр. 6)


Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream!


7.     Активизация изученной лексики:

№ 1

While we are going to the school let’s play. Let’s complete the sentences. Listen to me carefully. (Дополните предложения.) (Презентация стр. 7)

-         Let’s discuss his …!

-         Who will be … for the party?

-         What do you know about this … programme?

-         How long will she … with us?

-         When did the … arrive?

-         Would you like to join our … football team?

Ключи: invitation, responsible, social, stay, group, local.

№ 2

Let’s translate from English into Russia. (Переведите с английского на русский язык.) (Презентациястр. 8)

-         I would like to be responsible for the music.

-         Let’s arrange a picnic at the weekend.

-         The student will stay with British families.

-         I’d like to invite a group of students to visit us.

-         Our local football team went abroad last week.

-         My sister was responsible for the educational and social programme.

-         Yesterday Mike and his friends went to the cinema.

№ 3

Make up the words using the following letters. (Составьте слова из букв.) (Презентация стр. 9)

s,t,o,c,s – costs

t,a,n,o,c,I,d,u,e – educational

p,o,r,u,g – group

t,I,v,e,n,I – invite

r,p,e,r,a,n,t – partner

m,e,a,m,r,r,o,g,p – programme

l,s,a,I,c,o – social

t,s,n,t,d,u,e – student

№ 4

Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. (Заданиепокарточкам.)

№ 5

Write down the words in alphabetical order. (Запишите слова в алфавитном порядке.) (Презентациястр. 10)

Costs, educational, group, invite, social, partner, programme, student.

8.     Oh, children Mr. Wooding are waiting for us. (Презентациястр. 11)

-          Hello. These are Russian school children, whom you invited to your school.

-         Hello. I’m glad to see you. Welcome to our school. How are you?

-         We are fine. Thank you.

-         Do you have any questions?

-         Where’ll we stay?

-         We’ll stay with British families.

-         How many days will we live in British families?

-         I propose that you will live 15-20 days there.

-         Who will be responsible for the costs of accommodation?

-         Our school will be responsible for the costs of accommodation.

-         Who will be responsible for the educational and social programme?

-         Our school will be responsible for the educational and social programme.

-         Thank you.

-         Have a nice time at my school.

9.     Write down your home task. Ex. 7(b), page 27. I gave you merry and sad smiles. Tell me, please, what is your mood now? Show me the sad or the merry smile.

10.        Our lesson is over. Thank you for the work. Good bye, boys! Good bye, girls!









Используемая литература:

1.      М.З.Биболетова, Н.В.Добрынина, Н.Н.Трубанева – Обнинск: «Титул» 2008 г.

2.      Английский язык. Экспресс-курс для начинающих. – М: ООО «ТД «Издательство Мир книги», 2007 г.

3.      Журнал «SpeakEnglish» - М: «Мир книг

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