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Пьеса для самодеятельного театра "THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER" (Mark Twain)

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NARRATOR: Once upon a time in London, there was a young Prince called Edward.


PRINCE EDWARD: I wish I could go outside those gates by myself, but I know that the guards won´t let me.


NARRATOR: So he called the guards.




GUARD 1 AND 2: What can we do for you?.


PRINCE EDWARD: I want to go the city… by myself.


GUARD 1: You know that is not possible.


GUARD 2: We have strict orders not to leave you alone.


PRINCE EDWARD: I know that, but I also know that last week when you took me for a ride you stopped at a shop and sold the…


GUARD 1: Please stop, don´t mention that.


PRINCE EDWARD: So, are you going to leave me alone or should I tell my father about the …


GUARD 2: No, please!.


PRINCE EDWARD: Chandelier that is missing from the …


GUARD 2: Very well, we will take you to the village.


PRINCE EDWARD: Let´s go then.


NARRATOR: After a short drive they arrived to the city.


PRINCE EDWARD: Leave me here, I’llwalk alone.


GUARDS: We will come and get you in about an hour.


NARRATOR: When the guards left him, he started to walk through the city streets, but he got lost.


PRINCE EDWARD: I have never been to this part of the city.  All the houses look so old!.


NARRATOR: Then he was astonished for what he saw just in front of him.


PRINCE EDWARD: Well, well, well!.  What a coincidence.  We look exactly alike.


TOM: You´re right!.   But I am poor, and my clothes are old and dirt.


PRINCE EDWARD: And I am dressed in silk and satin.


TOM: Oh, I would be happy if I could dress like you, at least for just a moment.


PRINCE EDWARD: Well, that is not a problem…take my clothes…


TOM: What for?.




NARRATOR: So they exchanged their clothes.


PRINCE EDWARD: You look exactly like me!.  Take the crown also.


NARRATOR: At that moment the guards came looking for him.


GUARD 1: We have to go.


GUARD 2: The king must be worried.


TOM: But, I am not…


GUARD 1: Don´t tell us that you are not ready yet.


GUARD 2: Get in the carriage!.


NARRATOR: So they threw Tom inside the carriage, instead of the real Prince Edward.


GUARD 1: And as to you…stay away from the Prince!.


PRINCE EDWARD: You are making a terrible mistake!.


GUARD 2: Let´s go!.


NARRATOR: And they left leaving Prince Edward in the middle of the street, dressed as  a poor beggar.


PRINCE EDWARD: Stop!.  Stop!.  You are making a terrible mistake!. Please, come back!.


NARRATOR: But it was too late.  They had already left.


PRINCE EDWARD: What am I going to do now?.  Nobody will believe my story!.


NARRATOR: He started walking telling every person in the street who he was, but nobody believed him. Then he finally sat in a corner thinking what to do.


PRINCE EDWARD: I am hungry, and I don´t have any money.  I need to work.


NARRATOR: So he started to work in everything he could, until one day his country went to war.


PRINCE EDWARD: I will enroll in the army, I have to fight for my country.


NARRATOR: And while he was fighting in battle for the love of his country, Tom, the false prince was having a good life in the castle.


TOM: Now I have everything I always wanted!  Everybody obeys my orders… life is being fair to me now.


NARRATOR: One day the king got seriously ill.


KING: My dear son… I don´t have much time… I leave you my kingdom.


TOM: I will take good care of it… I promise you.


NARRATOR: The king died that same night, and Tom became the new king.


TOM: Things will be different from now on.  I promised the old man I would take good care of … me… of course!.


NARRATOR: He raised taxes, lowered salaries, extended working hours, and became richer and richer.  All at the expense of his people.  Meanwhile, Prince Edward was still in battle.


PRINCE EDWARD: This war is taking us nowhere. I have to talk to the general.


NARRATOR: And he did.


GENERAL: What is so important that couldn’t wait until tomorrow.


PRINCE EDWARD: Well, I have a plan to win this war.


GENERAL: And what is your plan?.


NARRATOR: He explained his strategy to win the war.


GENERAL: How do you know it will work?.


PRINCE EDWARD: Because I know that is what our late king would have done.


GENERAL: And how do you know that?.


PRINCE EDWARD: Because he taught me everything I know.  He was my father.


GENERAL: That is nonsense.  But your plan sounds good… let´s do it.


NARRATOR: The general followed Prince Edward´s advice, and the war was won.


GENERAL: Tom, you are a great soldier!.


PRINCE EDWARD: Our country deserves good soldiers, like you .


GENERAL: Let´s go to the river, we need a good bath before going back to the city.


NARRATOR: When Prince Edward took off his shirt, the general was surprised.


GENERAL: Tom, those marks you have in your neck.


PRINCE EDWARD: What about them?.


GENERAL: I have seen them before.  I saw them in the prince when he was born.  You are really Prince Edward!.


PRINCE EDWARD: I know it was hard to believe in someone like me, but I was telling you the truth.


GENERAL: We have to go to the city!.  The people must know that they are being ruled by a false king.


NARRATOR: When they told the people about the false king, they went to the palace, forced the entrance gates, and went straight to the throne.


TOM: Guards!.  Guards!.


GUARDS: We are sorry, your highness, but we couldn´t stop them!.


TOM:  How do you dare enter my palace like that!.


PRINCE EDWARD: This is not your palace anymore!.


TOM: What is this beggar doing here?. Guards!.


PRINCE EDWARD: You well know I am not a beggar.


GENERAL: We know the truth!.


PRINCE EDWARD: I order you to give me my clothes and my crown.


TOM: But…


GENERAL: Do it now!.


TOM: He is lying!.


GENERAL: It´s useless.  Guards, please, get him out of the castle.


PRINCE EDWARD: I forgive you for what you did.  Your punishment will be to go back to your old life and work hard.


NARRATOR: So he was thrown out of the castle.


PRINCE EDWARD:  I have suffered with and for my people and my country… and now I can be a good king.





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