Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан факультативного занятия по теме «Job» в 10 классе (наименование факультативного курса «Деловой английский»)

План факультативного занятия по теме «Job» в 10 классе (наименование факультативного курса «Деловой английский»)

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План факультативного занятия по теме «Job» в 10 классе

(наименование факультативного курса «Деловой английский»)


Цель занятия:

Образовательный аспект: активизация ранее изученной лексики  по теме «Профессия»; развитие умений аудирования и чтения аутентичного текста, развитие умение общаться на английском языке.

Развивающий аспект: развитие умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к поставленной проблеме; развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся; развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Воспитательный аспект: развитие у учащихся самостоятельности мышления; содействие профориентации учащихся.

Использованный материал и оборудование: Лингафонный кабинет, интерактивная доска, компьютер, медиапроектор.

Текст “The Job Interview” и тест http://www.learnenglish.de/Games/Reading/ReadInterview.htm

Текст для аудирования и задания к нему


Видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VFeqnK3Z6BM

Презентация для ИД (марка доски IQ Board)


План  занятия:

1.     Начало занятия. Оргмомент.

2.     Речевая зарядка.

3.     Работа с видео (просмотр, обсуждение).

4.     Работа с аудиотекстом (прослушивание, выполнение заданий).

5.     Работа с текстом для чтения.

6.     Итог занятия.


1.                  T - Good morning! Today we’ll speak about jobs. We’ll watch the video, listen to the conversation of 4 friends about their work and read the job interview.

2.                  To begin with look through the list of professions and guess what profession I mean.

They play different roles in films or performances and shows.

They cure patients.

They give lessons at schools.

They serve in the army.

They play different instruments.

They erect houses.

They grow veggies.

They cure teeth.

They make and repair boots and shoes.

They give books to readers.

They write books.

They sell different things.

They read texts on TV.

They keep documents in order.

They make films.

They protect nature.

They translate other people words.


Nowadays, English is commonly required for many jobs: having English on your CV may help you to win your dream job! Choosing a job is not an easy task. I hope that you have already made up your mind on this.  What professions are popular among the young people? I asked you to be ready to tell some words about your dream job. (Краткие сообщения учащихся по вопросам).

1.     What kind of job would you like to have?

2.     Who helped you to choose a profession?

3.     Do you find this profession interesting (important) and why?

4.     What do your friends and family think about your choice?

5.     What kind of job would you least like to have?

6.     What jobs, if any, do you think should only be done by men/women?

7.     What’s more important to you – earning money or having job you enjoy? Do you want to have a well-paid job or low-paid job but interesting job for your profession?


3. Работа с видео

T - You know there is a great variety of  jobs. Some of them are very popular in our days.  Let’s watch the video “Preparing for the Future Job Market”. It’s about top careers for the future. Before watching it I’d like you to write down 10 professions which you think will be the most required by the year 2023. It’ll be your own list of top careers, and then we will compare your lists with that from the video.

Well. Let’s watch._____________________________________ (Video)

T - As for me I was very surprised by this list. I expected some other professions to be the first. (Перевести названия профессий вместе). Don’t you find very interesting the list of the future most required professions? What can you tell about the list? What do you agree with and what don’t?

(Уч-ся высказывают своё мнение)

T – Well. I agree. But you chose other professions for yourselves.

And what professions were in your lists? ____________________________

You’ve guessed only 1-2 professions which are in the list. There can be a reason for that - our living in a village. We can't see and know what new professions are now on the labor market. I hope you will tell your friends, schoolmates and parents of course about what professions will be the most required by the year 2023.

4. Работа с текстом для аудирования включает в себя:

- a pre-listening vocabulary activity;

- the transcript of the episode;

- two comprehension activities;

- two language activities.

Все задания (включая запись и упражнения он-лайн, которые также можно распечатать) здесь


5. Работа с текстом для чтения


The Job Interview


Interviewer: So, you've applied for the Saturday position, right?
John: Yes, I have. 
Interviewer: Can you tell me what made you reply to our advertisement? 
John: Well, I was looking for a part-time job to help me through college. And I think that I'd be really good at this kind of work. 
Interviewer: Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a shop assistant? 
John: Well I imagine I would be helping customers, keeping a check on the supplies in the store, and preparing the shop for business. 
Interviewer: That about covers it, you would also be responsible for keeping the front of the store tidy. What sort of student do you regard yourself as . . . did you enjoy studying while you were at school? 
John: I suppose I'm a reasonable student. I passed all my exams and I enjoy studying subjects that interest me. 
Interviewer: Have you any previous work experience? 
John: Yes. I worked part-time at a take-away in the summer holidays. 
Interviewer: Now, do you have any questions you'd like to ask me about the position? 
John: Yes. Could you tell me what hours I'd have to work? 
Interviewer: We open at 9.00, but you would be expected to arrive at 8.30 and we close at 6.00 pm. You would be able to leave then. I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank you for coming along to the interview. 
John: Thank you. When will I know if I have been successful? 
Interviewer: We'll be making our decision next Monday; we'll give you a call.

Контроль понимания прочитанного текста осуществляется с помощью интерактивной доски (уч-ся выбирают варианты ответов).

1. John has left school.

A.   True

B.    False

C.     Didn't Say

He wants the job to help pay for college. That means he must have left school.

2. The job doesn't pay very well.

A.    True

B.     False

C.    Didn't Say

No one mentions the pay.

3. The job is in a shop.

A.   True

B.     False

C.     Didn't Say

It's for a shop-assistant.

4. John would be working in the electrical department.

A.    True

B.    False

C.    Didn't Say

The text doesn't mention what department John would be working in.

5. John would start work at 9.00.

A.   True

B.    False

C.    Didn't Say

The shop opens at 9.00, but John would have to be there at 8.30.

6. He wouldn't have to deal with customers.

A.    True

B.    False

C.    Didn't Say

He would be helping customers.

7. John failed some of his exams.

A.   True

B.    False

C.    Didn't Say

He passed all his exams.

8. The job is full time.

A.   True

B.    False

C.    Didn't Say

It's a Saturday Job. That means he would only work on Saturdays.

9. John will start the job on Monday.

·        True

·        False:

·        Didn't Say

John will know if he's been successful on Monday.

10. He saw the advertisement in the local newspaper.

A.    True

B.     False

C.    Didn't Say

It only mentions an advertisement; it doesn't say where the ad was.

7.     Summing up I’d like to say many roads are open before you. The most important thing is not only to choose the profession you enjoy but to work well. The English proverb says “He works best who knows his trade.” A person who works at many trades never becomes really expert at any one of them. It is better to be really skilful at one trade than to have small knowledge of many.

Дополнительный раздаточный материал

Удаленная работа на английском

Internet marketer  [ˈɪntərnetˈmɑːrkɪtər]       Интернет-маркетолог

SMM-manager     [ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l ˈmiːdɪə ˈmanɪdʒə ]    Менеджер социальных медиа

Copywriter ['kɔpiraitər] Копирайтер

SEO-specialist      [ˈsiːəʊˈspeʃəlɪst]   СЕО-специалист

Data scientist        [ˈdætə'saiəntist]    Специалист по данным

Graphic designer  [ˈɡrafɪk dɪˈzʌɪnə]  Графический дизайнер

Digital marketer   [ˈdɪdʒɪt(ə)l ˈmɑːkɪtə]      Цифровой маркетолог

Project manager   [ˈprɒdʒekt ˈmanɪdʒə]     Руководитель проекта

Content producer  [kənˈtentprəˈdjuːsə]       Контент-продюсер

Application developer    [aplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n dɪˈvɛləpə]  Разработчик приложений

Software engineer [ˈsɒf(t)wɛː ɛndʒɪˈnɪə]      Программист

Technical support engineer      [ˈtɛknɪk(ə)l səˈpɔːt ɛndʒɪˈnɪə]   Инженер технической поддержки

Blogger       [ˈblɒɡə]       Блогер

Web developer     [web dɪˈvɛləpə]    Веб-разработчик

Tutor ['tju:tə]        Репетитор

Freelancer   ['fri:la:nsər] Фрилансер

Профессии, связанные с управлением, экономикой и финансами

Banker       ['bæŋkə]      Банкир

Auditor       ['ɔ:ditə]       Аудитор

Broker        ['brəukə]     Брокер

CEO  [siː.iːˈəʊ]     Генеральный/исполнительный директор

Accountant [ə'kauntənt] Бухгалтер

Distributor  [dis'tribjutə] Дистрибьютор

Administrator       [əd'ministreitə]     Администратор

Manager     ['mænidʒə]  Менеджер

Attorney     [ə’tə:nı]       Адвокат

Business owner    [bıznıs’əunə]        Предприниматель

Head [hed] Глава (отдела)

Deputy       ['depjuti]     Заместитель

Cash collector      [kæʃ kə'lektə]       Инкассатор

Inspector    [ınspektə]  Инспектор

Logistician  [lə'dʒistiʃn]  Логист

Marketeer   [ma:ki'tiə]   Маркетолог

Notary public       ['nəutəri 'pʌblik]   Нотариус

Programmer ['prəugræmər]       Программист

Prosecutor  ['prɔsikju:tə]         Прокурор

Insurance agent    [ın’ʃuərəns’eıʤənt]        Страховой агент

HR-specialist       [ˈhjuːmənriːsɔːrsəz ˈspeʃəlɪst]   Специалист отдела кадров

Personal assistant [pə:snlə’sıstənt]    Личный секретарь

Realtor       ['riəltə]        Риелтор

Receptionist [rı’sepʃənıst]         Секретарь в приемной

Tax officer  [tæksfisə] Налоговый инспектор


Medical assistant  ['medikəl ə'sistənt] Фельдшер

Surgeon      ['sз:dʒən]    Хирург

Nurse          [nз:s] Медсестра

Anesthesiologist   [ˌænəsˌθiːziˈɒlədʒɪst]     Анестезиолог

Cardiologist          [ka:di'ɔlədʒist]      Кардиолог

Chiropractor         [ˈkʌɪrə(ʊ)ˌpraktə] Мануальный терапевт

Therapeutist          [θerə'pju:tist]        Терапевт

Dentist       ['dentist]     Стоматолог

Pharmaceutist       [fa:mə'sju:tist]      Фармацевт

Ophthalmologist   [ˌɒf.θælˈmɒl.ə.dʒɪst]      Офтальмолог

Pediatrician [pi:diə'triʃn]         Педиатр

Nutritionist [njuːˈtrɪʃ.n.ɪst]      Диетолог

Dermatologist      [dз:mə'tɔlədʒist]   Дерматолог

Family doctor       [ˈfæməlɪˈdɑːktər]  Семейный доктор

Gynaecologist      [gaini'kɔlədʒist]    Гинеколог

Endocrinologist    [endəkrə'nɔlədʒist] Эндокринолог

Psychologist         [sai'kɔlədʒist]       Психолог

Psychiatrist [sai'kaiətrist]         Психиатр

Traumatologist     [trɔ:mə'tɔlədʒist]   Травматолог

Rescuer      ['reskjuə]     Спасатель

Pathologist [pə'θɔlədʒist]        Патологоанатом

Gastroenterologist [ˌɡæs.trəʊˌen.təˈrɒl.ə.dʒɪst]      Гастроэнтеролог

Neurologist [njʊəˈrɒl.ə.dʒɪst]   Невролог

Oncologist  [ɔŋ'kɔlədʒist]        Онколог

Orthopedist [ˌɔːθəˈpiːdəst]       Ортопед

Radiologist [ˌreɪ.diˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst]  Радиолог, рентгенолог

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