Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПлан мероприятия “How is your English” 5-8 класс

План мероприятия “How is your English” 5-8 класс

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The theme: “How is your English?”

The aims of the lesson:

1. To consolidate and generalize the knowledge.

2.To develop pupils interest to three languages.

The form of the lesson: non –traditional.

The type of the lesson: competition

Method: games.

Equipment of the lesson: slides, cards.

Procedure of the lesson:

I   Organization moment:

Good morning ,students! Today we are having a competition lesson. You  devide  into two teams. We’ll also have the group of experts. They are our teachers .They will assess your knowledge. You have time limit.

Warming –up: Do you know the ADC? How many English words do you know?

Әрбір топ мүшесі 1әріпті тфңдап алады:  Bb,Dd, Ff, Mm,Nn, Pp, Tt,Hh.

3минут ішінде кім көп сөз жазады?

I tour “Introducing” Captains ,introduce  yourself  and the members of your team. There are two teams 1. Stars,2 Strongers.

II tour  “Who is the quicker?Әрбір топтан бір қатысушы ортаға шақырылады да, берілген тапсырмадағы сандарды 1-20 дейін уақытқа санайды.Тез,әрі шапшан және дұрыс санау қажет.Can you count from 1 to 20? Look ,show and count from 1 to 20 as quick as possible.

III tour “Find the unnecessary word”

Терең,биік,  жарық, аласа,ұсақ

A table, a chair, a bed, a ,floor, a wardrobe

Неудача,волнение,поражение,крах, провал

Үй ,арман,көлік,сиыр, ағаш.

A builder, a teacher,a doctor, a book, a manager.

Береза,сосна, дерево, дуб,ель.

IVtour  A game “Banker”

№1 There  are many different animals: big animals and little animals. You know that elephants are the biggest four-legged animals.They eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water. They help men in their work.

The question: Where do  the  elephants come from?

(They live in Africa and Asia)

№2 There are a lot of animals  of different colours.But  we have got a lot of white animals: white cats and white dogs , white rabbits and white horses, white elephants and white tigers,white crocodiles .

The question:Where do white tigers and white crocodiles live?

(White tigers live in India and white crocodiles live in America)


№ 3 You know that the English people like tea as the Russian do .The English people drink a lot of tea. They like it in the morning , in the day, in the evening.

The question: How many times a day do the English people drink tea?

 (They drink tea 6 times a day)

№4 You know from books  that the English  people don’t eat much bread. They never eat bread with meat or vegetables. But sometimes they eat bread.

The question: When and what do the English people eat bread with?

(They eat it with soup.)

V tour  Grammar time

Now I’ll give you some cards with  grammatical tasks.

5th class                                                          6th class

Зат есімнің көпше түрін жаз.                Сын есімнің салыстырмалы , күшейтпелі түрін

1.Pen-                                                       жаз.

2.Wolf-                                                    1. Good-

3.Apple-                                                  2.tall-

4.Dog-                                                      3.beautiful-

5.Orange-                                                4.bad-


7th class                                                                            

Модаль етістігін дұрыс қой.                       

1Pupils …… run in the school.

2You….. go to the doctor.

3You …..stand up when teacher comes in.

4You ……to drink a hot milk.

5You ….  to bring me my book.


8th class

Етістіктерді дұрыс шақта қой.

I…. playing football now (Present Continuous tense)

They ……studied  all subjects at school. (Present Perfect tense)

He ….. dancing  at 5 o’clock yesterday. (Past Continuous tense )

She….. visited  his grandparents . ( Past Perfect tense)

We….. students. (Present  tense)

VI tour  “How old is the man” 

Берілген суреттегі адам неше жаста?

I see you can count very well.But can you  count doing sums? How old is that man? Count and write  the number.

VII tour   “Who is the best interpreter?” 

Тыңдап түсінуге арналған мәтіндерді әрбір топқа оқып, аударуды ұсыну.

Listen to my English texts and translate them into Kazakh language.

VIII tour   “Word snake”  Look at that word snake . Read the clues and write the answers on the snake . The last letter of each  word is the first letter of the next word.

Our judges will say your last marks.  Listen to them and pay attention for them.I congratulate you and wish you good luck.












































III tour “Find the unnecessary word”

Терең,биік,  жарық, аласа,ұсақ

A table, a chair, a bed, a ,floor, a wardrobe

Неудача,волнение,поражение,крах, провал

Үй ,арман,көлік,сиыр, ағаш.

A builder, a teacher,a doctor, a book, a manager.

Береза,сосна, дерево, дуб,ель.



III tour “Find the unnecessary word”

Терең,биік,  жарық, аласа,ұсақ

A table, a chair, a bed, a ,floor, a wardrobe

Неудача,волнение,поражение,крах, провал

Үй ,арман,көлік,сиыр, ағаш.

A builder, a teacher,a doctor, a book, a manager.

Береза,сосна, дерево, дуб,ель.




5th class                                                          6th class

Зат есімнің көпше түрін жаз.                Сын есімнің салыстырмалы , күшейтпелі түрін

1.Pen-                                                       жаз.

2.Wolf-                                                    1. Good-

3.Apple-                                                  2.tall-

4.Dog-                                                      3.beautiful-

5.Orange-                                                4.bad-


7th class                                                                            

Модаль етістігін дұрыс қой.                       

1Pupils …… run in the school.

2You….. go to the doctor.

3You …..stand up when teacher comes in.

4You ……to drink a hot milk.

5You ….  to bring me my book.


8th class

Етістіктерді дұрыс шақта қой.

I…. playing football now (Present Continuous tense)

They ……studied  all subjects at school. (Present Perfect tense)

He ….. dancing  at 5 o’clock yesterday. (Past Continuous tense )

She….. visited  his grandparents . ( Past Perfect tense)

We….. students. (Present  tense)




5th class                                                          6th class

Зат есімнің көпше түрін жаз.                Сын есімнің салыстырмалы , күшейтпелі түрін

1.Pen-                                                       жаз.

2.Wolf-                                                    1. Good-

3.Apple-                                                  2.tall-

4.Dog-                                                      3.beautiful-

5.Orange-                                                4.bad-


7th class                                                                            

Модаль етістігін дұрыс қой.                       

1Pupils …… run in the school.

2You….. go to the doctor.

3You …..stand up when teacher comes in.

4You ……to drink a hot milk.

5You ….  to bring me my book.


8th class

Етістіктерді дұрыс шақта қой.

I…. playing football now (Present Continuous tense)

They ……studied  all subjects at school. (Present Perfect tense)

He ….. dancing  at 5 o’clock yesterday. (Past Continuous tense )

She….. visited  his grandparents . ( Past Perfect tense)

We….. students. (Present  tense)


IVtour  A game “Banker”

№1 There  are many different animals: big animals and little animals. You know that elephants are the biggest four-legged animals.They eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water. They help men in their work.

The question: Where do  the  elephants come from?

(They live in Africa and Asia)

№2 There are a lot of animals  of different colours.But  we have got a lot of white animals: white cats and white dogs , white rabbits and white horses, white elephants and white tigers,white crocodiles .

The question:Where do white tigers and white crocodiles live?

(White tigers live in India and white crocodiles live in America)


№ 3 You know that the English people like tea as the Russian do .The English people drink a lot of tea. They like it in the morning , in the day, in the evening.

The question: How many times a day do the English people drink tea?

 (They drink tea 6 times a day)


№4 You know from books  that the English  people don’t eat much bread. They never eat bread with meat or vegetables. But sometimes they eat bread.

The question: When and what do the English people eat bread with?

(They eat it with soup.)


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