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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Мы любим английский"

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Игра-конкурс «Мы любим английский» (“We Love English”)


Организационная информация


Название                                         Игра-конкурс


Тема                                                 Мы любим английский язык

Класс                                                7 класс

Автор                                               Трунова Зоя Николаевна, учитель английского языка

Образовательное учреждение        Государственное Учреждение «Луганская 

                                                          специализированная  I-III ступеней школа №5”

Город                                                Луганск


Методическая информация

Тип мероприятия                        Конкурс


Цель мероприятия                      Самоконтроль и обобщение знаний обучающихся по темам

                                                       «Животные», “Овощи, Фрукты», «Предметы гигиены»                                                 


Задачи                                            Образовательные: Формирование навыков устной речи

                                                        Развивающие: Развивать речемыслительную и

                                                        познавательную способности, привитие интереса к

                                                        изучению английского языка; развитие творческих

                                                        способностей детей

                                                        Воспитательная: Воспитывать культуру общения, чувство

                                                        товарищества и взаимопомощи


Планируемый результат              уметь правильно произносить названия животных,

                                                        правильно использовать в устной речи степени

                                                        сравнения прилагательных и наречий, выразительно

                                                        читать стихи, правильно задавать вопросы


Знания, умения, навыки и             Навыки анализа и систематизации информации, умения

качества, которые                           работать в группе, умение строить вопросительные

актуализируют / приобретут         предложения

закрепят ученики


Необходимое оборудование          Мультимедийная установка, шнур для игры, ватман,

и материалы                                     поделки детей, презентация, предметы гигиены и




Мотивация учащихся                      Для успешного общения на иностранном языке

                                                           необходимо не только научиться владеть языковыми

                                                           средствами, но и в общем знать предмет разговора или



Ход и содержание

мероприятия                                      Организационный момент   

                                                            2 команды занимают свои места. У каждой команды

                                                     есть капитан, название, опознавательный знак. Оглашается

                                                     название мероприятия. Представляется жюри.


Teacher:         Good morning, girls and boys! How are you? Today we’ll play a game.

                          There are 2 teams which will take part in our game and please give names to

                          your teams. Let me introduce our jury: …

                                                    (представление жюри)


                          It's time the teams introduced themselves. The leaders, you are welcome.

                                     (капитаны вызывают свои команды, называют девиз, идет

                                                      представление команд. )


Teacher:        I'd like to show you some beautiful pictures of animals and their cubs and then

                       women  with their kids. Your task is to enjoy the photos and tell us what we are

                        going to speak about.

                                                       (показ презентации)

I am sure now you’ll be able to say who our game is devoted to. Right you are, to mothers, both in wild nature and in people’s

society. So, I’d like to start. Our first competition is ‘Amusing Animals” with questions about animals. You get 1 point for the right answer. It will be a team work.


                             Team 1                                                                   Team 2

1. How many cubs does mother raccoon

 usually have?                                       (3-7)

1. This animal is a predator. It lives in India,

South Korea, Bangladesh, Malasia. It is one of

the largest animals. It weighs up to 360 kg. It

has got 30 teeth.                              (tiger)

2. It is the cleverest of all the animals after

man and it’s a mammal.             (orangutan)


2. This animal is a marsupial. Sweet potatoes are eaten in the south of America with it. Their meat is traditionally prepared by smoking, then stewing. They can pretend dead when

 something frightens them.            (opossum)

3. This animal lives in savannas of Africa and

 has got white and black stripes on its body.


3. This animal is a mammal and herbivorous.

Its name came from the ancient Greek for

“river horse”. Their bodies are nearly hairless.

Adults usually weigh about 1.500 kg. They are highly aggressive and unpredictable. It’s the

most dangerous animals in Africa.      (hippo)

4. These animals are mammals. They live in Australia. They sleep in the trees in the daytime and climb up the trees at night. They eat only eucalyptus leaves.                                (koalas)

4. The water in the sea is cold,

     It is as cold as ice,

     But I am not afraid at all:

     My coat is warm and nice.     (a white bear)

5. These animals are predators. They live mostly in China and eat only bamboo. They

can eat up to 30 kg of bamboo and new branches, but sometimes they can eat eggs,

small birds, animals and insects.   (pandas)

5. What animal always goes to sleep

      wearing its shoes?                        (a horse)

6. This beautiful animal is the fastest of all the

animals. It can run up to 112 km within 3 seconds.                                           (cheetah )

6. This animal lives in America. It has leathery

armour shell. The word ‘amadillo’ means

‘little armoured  one’ in Spanish. Its length

is about 75 cm including  a tail. It has a very poor eyesight and unusually low body

temperature.             (armadillo – [a:mэ’dilou])



Teacher: Well, let’s listen to our jury. (жюри объявляет результаты первого конкурса)

                  Our second competition is called “Define the object by smell”. One member of your

                  team  comes up to the table with various things on it. I will put a scarf onto his/ her

                  eyes, take some object from the table and ask the participant to guess what object it

                  is. If he / she is able to do it right, the team wins one point. You will do it in turn.


Team 1      1. зубная паста

Tooth paste

2. мыло хозяйственное


3.крем женский

Women’s cream

4. пудра


5. губная помада

Lip stick

6. женская туалетная вода

Women’s toilet water

Team 2   7. мужская туалетная вода

Men’s toilet water

8. шампунь


9. лак для ногтей

Nail vanish

10. лак для волос


11. крем для обуви

Shoe polish

12. тушь для ресниц

Mascare [мэс’ka:rэ]


Teacher: And again I ask our jury to announce the results of the competition. (The jury tells

                 the score).

                 Our last contest is called “A Good Hostess”. You are to classify the foods according to

                 categories: “Vegetables”, “Drinks”,, “Fish”, “Cereals”.

                  You can see the rubrics on the blackboard. There are words with names of the foods

                  printed on sheets of paper. There are two lists lying on two tables. The teams stand

                  next to their table and one by one take one strip of paper, run to the board and put

                  their “product” in the right category. The team that is the first to finish wins. The jury

                  says whether everything is correct.

                                             (teams carry out the task)



Sazan                              Петух         cock


persimmon                     Фундук      filbert


beans                              Огурец       cucumber


cherry                             Киви            kiwi


Rice                                 Сморчок    morel


Capelin                            Кокос         coco


Millit                                Кумыс       koumiss


Tea                                    Репа          turnip


Cocktail                            Ананас      pineapple


tomato                             кисель        kissel




Teacher:  Well done. I ask the jury to announce the results of the three competitions.

                  Now I want to remind you that we will soon celebrate Mother’s  Day, that’s why my

                  pupils have prepared something for this holiday.


“My Mother Is…”


Cast: Narrator

Lera – perhaps 13 – 16 years old

Makar – perhaps 10 -13 years old

Ciril – perhaps 7 – 10 years old


Narrator: What you are about to hear is true. The parts are played to protect innocent.


Makar: My mother gives the best hugs. She hugs me when I’m sad.


Lera: My mother gives the best hugs. She hugs me when I’m happy.


Ciril: My mother gives me the best hugs. She hugs me when I’m tired.


Makar: My mother knows when I’m worried or upset. She just knows. She might have special powers.


Lera: When I need to look good, I ask my mother for advice.


Ciril: My mother ties my shoe laces. I could do it myself – but she likes to do it.


Makar: My mother can do 5 things at once. I’ve tried to copy her but I can’t. I thought she might be cheating but I’ve watched her carefully and she really can do them all at the same



Lera: My mothe watches things on TV, then complains about how silly they are. She spots a lot of silly things.


Ciril: When I fall over, my mom rubs magic cream where it hurts. I don’t think it’s really called magic cream but that’s what we call it. I fall over most days.


Makar: My mother knows nothing about great inventions of the 19th century. How am I supposed to do well at school?


Lera: My mother gave birth to me. She tells me that a lot, mainly when she wants to stop me complaining about something.


Ciril: My mother is mean. Sometimes she piles all my toys in the middle of the bedroom floor and tells me that if I don't sort them out, she will give them to other girls and boys who will take better care of them. She usually ends up helping me through.


Makar: My mother and I sing along to all the songs on the radio. She knows every single song ever sung !


Lera: My mother is just waiting for Brad Pitt. That’s what she tells Dad anyway.


Ciril: My mother likes pretty things. She also likes expensive things, like perfume and champagne.


  Teacher: My pupils have learned nice poems for their mothers. I want to have a contest to

define the best reciter.


1. “Sunshine”   -- Lera Podtynnaya

2. “Wishing You a Wonderful Day” – Yaroslav Kumanyayev

3. “Thank You, Mother”   -- Ilia Zhorniak

4. “A Mother’s Love” – Lera Makukhina

5. “Blessing” – Ann Vergerenko

6. “Wonderful Mother” – Amina Borovskaia

7. “I Love You, Mom!” – Ciril Gumeniuk

8. “Grandma” – Andrew Lopatka

9. “Best Friends” – Sofia Sergienko

10. “Mother…” – Makar Kuleshov

11. “Blessing”   -- Oksana  Bakhtin

12. “I Love you, Mom!” – Yaroslav Boriakov

13. “To My  Mother” – Gevorg Dilanian


Teacher: While the jury is working, I suggest listening  to a nice song about mothers. 


                 (звучите песня Spice GirlsMama”затем жюри подводит итоги)


Teacher: And now it’s time to have our last competition. I’d like the leaders of the teams come up to me. I’ve got six cards for both of you. They are questions written in Russian. The leader of the first team takes a card, translates  the question. The leader of team two answers the question

without using the words “yes” or “no”. Then they change roles.

The words they can use: -Certainly. –I’d love to. –By all means. – Of course I will.

I will be glad to. – Maybe. – I am not sure about it. 


    1. Ты поздравишь маму с праздником  утром?


    2. Ты  приготовишь маме чашечку кофе на завтрак?


    3. Ты уберешь в квартире перед праздником?


    4. Ты скажешь маме как сильно ты ее любишь?


    5. Ты подаришь маме какой-нибудь подарок?


    6. Ты помоешь посуду после завтрака?                                                                                                                                                                




Teacher: Dear mothers, your sons and daughters have prepared some presents for you. They are very talented: they can draw, embroider, work with cloth, paper and beads and now they would

like to present them to you. Thank you for your attention. Good bye!











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