Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока по английскому языку на тему "Plants in Great Britain and Kazakhstan"

План урока по английскому языку на тему "Plants in Great Britain and Kazakhstan"

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Class: 8

Theme: Plants in Great Britain


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The lesson:

1.      Warming up


What do you think about Great Britain?

What flowers do you know?


2.      The main part of the lesson

conglomeration                                                    origins

troops                                                                   logos

unfavorable                                                          quantities

herbaceous                                                               herbaceous

showy                                                                   diversity

bloom                                                                         jewel


The first group- National Flower of UK.

National Flower of UK

Since United Kingdom is a conglomeration of four countries-England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, it has separate national flowers for each of these country.

The Tudor Rose also known as an English Rose is a traditional heraldic emblem of England and takes its name and origins from the Tudor dynasty. Theshamrock, a three-leafed old white clover is an unofficial symbol of Northern Ireland. Shamrocks are said to bring good luck and also used as a badge for sports teams, state organizations, and troops abroad from Ireland. On the other hand the Thistle, a prickly-leaved purple flower is the national flower of Scotland, and is featured in many Scottish symbols and logos. Thistle was first used in the fifteenth century as a symbol of defense. Daffodil which is botanically known as Narcissus serves as the national flower of Wales where it is traditional to wear a daffodil on Saint David's Day.

Other Native and Popular Flowers of UK

Although the majority of flowers sold here are imported because of unfavorable climate, still many flowers are grown in the UK. The Channel Islands are famous for freesia, iris and roses; Cornwall, Lincolnshire and Scotland grow lots of bulb flowers (indeed Lincolnshire growers export daffodils to Holland!) UK growers also produce lilies, summer flowers such as delphiniums and pinks, and large quantities of chrysanthemums.

The red rose is the emblem of the Labour Party, the England National Rugby Union.

Lilies, colorful roses, sunflowers, orchids, gerberas, daffodils and daisy are some of the flowers which are passionately liked by Britishers for the gift purposes on various occasions.

a)      Make a poster

b)     Arrange the sentences according to the text

a)       The red rose is the emblem of the Labour Party, the England National Rugby Union.

b)      Thistle was first used in the fifteenth century as a symbol of defense.

c)    Shamrocks are said to bring good luck and also used as a badge for sports teams, state organizations, and troops abroad from Ireland.

d)      Daffodil which is botanically known as Narcissus serves as the national flower of Wales where it is traditional to wear a daffodil on Saint David's Day.

e)    Image of Lily FlowerThe Tudor Rose also known as an English Rose is a traditional heraldic emblem of England and takes its name and origins from the Tudor dynasty.

c)      Translate the underline words


the second- National Flower of Kazakhstan

National Flower of Kazakhstan

By the Present time the government of Kazakhstan has not selected any flower as the national flower of the country, officially. Though Tulips are very popular in the country, but the Lily(Lilium) serves as an unofficial national flower of Kazakhstan. The genus Lilium are herbaceous flowering plants normally growing from bulbs, comprising a genus of about 110 species in the lily family, Liliaceae. They are important as large showy flowering garden plants, and in literature.    Other Native and Popular Flowers of Kazakhstan

The diversity of a flora of Kazakhstan considerably varies both by structure and number of various systematic taxones of plants, and by geography, in particular, by nature-climatic zones and high-altitude belts. But the land of the country changes into a colorful flower carpet between April and beginning of May. When Millions of wild Tulips bloom at the same time among other flowers that grow from bulbs, such as Irises, Lilies, Sword Lilies and Hyacinths. The flower that is the most famous jewel and that attracts the most attention in the sea of flowers is the Tulipa schrenkii. While Some other Flowers Native to Kazakhstan are, Bulbs Fritillaria, Allium, Tulipa turkestanica, Iliensis and Allium strictum. Red Roses, Tulips, Hyacinths, Solidago, gerberas, carnations and Lilies are the flowers which are popular among the people of Kazakhstan for being used to express feelings as well as greetings.

a)      Make a poster

b)     Arrange the sentences according to the text

a)The flower that is the most famous jewel and that attracts the most attention in the sea of flowers is the Tulipa schrenkii.

b) Red Roses, Tulips, Hyacinths, Solidago, gerberas, carnations and Lilies are the flowers which are popular among the people of Kazakhstan

c) Though Tulips are very popular in the country, but the Lily(Lilium) serves as an unofficial national flower of Kazakhstan.

d) The diversity of a flora of Kazakhstan considerably varies both by structure and number of various systematic taxones of plants, and by geography, in particular, by nature-climatic zones and high-altitude belts.

e) By the Present time the government of Kazakhstan has not selected any flower as the national flower of the country, officially. Though Tulips are very popular in the country, but the Lily(Lilium) serves as an unofficial national flower of Kazakhstan.

c)      Translate the underline words

3.      Reflection

-What plants have you studied?

- Did you like these plants?

4. Hometask

5. Marks





























































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