Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан урока по иностранному языку на тему: "CLIL: Natural science: Adapting to the environment p.74" (7 класс)

План урока по иностранному языку на тему: "CLIL: Natural science: Adapting to the environment p.74" (7 класс)

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Краткосрочный (поурочный) план

CLIL: Natural science: Adapting to the environment p.74

 (тема урока)


Unit  5


Entertainment and  media

Teacher  name:




23  February  2022

Grade: 7 V

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


CLIL: Natural science: Adapting to the environment p.74

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.R2 understand independently specific information  and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular  topics

7.L3 understand with some support most of the detail of an argument in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.W8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives


·         Identify the main points in the text; recognize topic vocabulary; use new vocabulary;

·         Select the right variant;

·         Find the words correctly.

Plan of the lesson



Teacher’s  Activities

Learner’s activities



2 min

Org moment. Greeting

Hello dear student.

1.       Who is on duty today?

2.       What the date is it today?

3.       What the day of the week is it today? 

Please write down in your copybook.

Learners write in the copybook

Verbal evaluation

Every pupils should write date in the copybook





5  min







































5 min



















10  min















5 min





















5 min

















5 min


верблюд.jpgполярный медведь.jpg

Teacher shows the pictures of Camel and Polar bear. -Ask pupils where these animals live?

-Why Polar bears are able to live in a very cold condition? (hold on to the fat, white color, insufficient food)

-How camels have adapted to living in very hot, dry conditions?(fat, he can live without water for a month, dark colour)

Pupils guess the theme of the lesson. Today’s theme of the lesson is about Adapting to the Environment.

Then teacher presents lesson objectives to the students. Our lesson objectives are identifying the main points in the text; recognize topic vocabulary, choose the correct variant; use new vocabulary, listening about animal migration.



Pre-teaching vocabulary

Teacher shows some new words(your learners should copy them into their vocabulary copybooks):

      Adapt     [ əˈdæpt ]    приспособиться

      Appearance   [ əˈpɪərəns ]   внешний вид (внешность)

      Arctic fox   [ˈɑːk.tɪk ] [ fɒks ]   Арктическая лиса

      Venom   [ ˈvenəm ]   яд

      Feed  [ fiːd ]  питаться

      Habitat   [ ˈhæb.ɪ.tæt ]    среда обитания

      Migrate   [ maɪˈɡreɪt ]   мигрировать

      Salmon   [ ˈsæmn ]  лосось

      Breed  [ briːd ]  размножаться

      Monarch butterfly  [ ˈmɒn.ək ] [ ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ ]   бабочка Монарх

      Phenomena  [ fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nə ]   явление




TASK 1. Match the words with definitions 1-5

1.produce young animals             A. adapt

2.place where an animal lives      B. feed

3.move to another place to live    C. migrate

4.eat                                              D. habitat

5.change                                       E. breed

Answers: 1. Breed  2.Habitat 3.Migrate  4.Feed  5.Adapt


TASK 2. Write True Or False.

1. Arctic Foxes become red in the winter.

2. Cobras produce substances like venom.

3. Salmon travel from the ocean to rivers to breed.

4. Monarch butterfly migrates North to spend the summer.

5. Migration is one of the most amazing phenomena in the animal kingdom.

Answers: 1F  2T  3T  4F  5T




Ex 2 p 74.

Grey whale-Серый кит

Arctic tern- Арктическая крачка

Answers: B Grey whale    C Arctic tern


Ex 3 p 71.

Answer: 1)Bering Sea, Arctic 2)3 3)Antarctic 4)20.000

Students look at the pictures and try to describe it, and then guess the theme of the lesson. They answer the questions and compare it habitat etc.

























Pupils write down new vocabulary.
















Pupils read and translate the text "Animal migration" They have answer for question: "What's main idea?"







Pupils do differentiation task.

Task 1 for pupils A: They should match the words with definitions.

Task 2 for students B: Choose the right answer and write True or False.






Pupils listen MP3player and choose the correct migration routes.













Pupils before listening read the table. Then they listen and complete the table. Pupils can work in pair, then compare answers in pair and check answers with the class.

Verbal evaluation





































Verbal evaluation















Verbal evaluation

Excellent-all sentences is correct

Good-1 mistake

Well-2 mistake

Self assessment


No mistake-Excellent!!!!


1 mistake-Good Job!


2 and more- Well done!



Verbal evaluation

















Self assessment


No mistake-Excellent!!!!


1 mistake-Good Job!


2 and more- Well done!


Pictures at the board





















































Student book















Handout 1







Handout 2





























3 min

Teacher: Let’s have a rest. Я буду называть части тела, головы и лица, а вы должны дотронуться до этого на своем лице, голове или теле. Будьте внимательны: иногда я буду говорить одно, а показывать другое!
Например, я могу говорить: «Дотронься до носа», а сама касаться рта. Чтобы играть в эту игру, нам нужно запомнить новое слово: touch ― дотронься"

Touch your nose
Touch your knees
Touch your ears
Touch your toes
Touch your mouth
Touch your eyes
Touch your hair
Touch your head
Touch your shoulders

Pupils stand up & do the exercise together

Verbal evaluation




WELL      DONE!!!



5 min













5 min



Today we studied new words, let’s check you how do you remember it? I’ll give you cards and there will be a cloud of words, your task is to choose the right word and translate to it. Write down the English and Russian variant.

Word Art 1.jpeg

Pupils find the translation of the words in the card. They try to find correct meaning of the word.





Individual evaluation

- Use new vocabulary-1 point

-Find the meaning of the words-2 point

- matches words appropriately according to the cards-2 point








Handout 3











2 min




I can use more than 5 new words of the text



I can answer the question correct



I can select the right variant



I can match the definitions



Write the home task in the diary







Verbal evaluation






Handout 4













Handout 1

TASK 1. Match the words with definitions 1-5

1.produce young animals             A. adapt

2.place where an animal lives      B. feed

3.move to another place to live    C. migrate

4.eat                                              D. habitat

5.change                                       E. breed


Handout 2

TASK 2. Write True Or False.

1. Arctic Foxes become red in the winter.

2. Cobras produce substances like venom.

3. Salmon travel from the ocean to rivers to breed.

4. Monarch butterfly migrates North to spend the summer.

5. Migration is one of the most amazing phenomena in the animal kingdom.


Handout 3

Word Art 1.jpeg


Handout 4

I can use more than 5 new words of the text



I can answer the question correct



I can select the right variant



I can match the definitions






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