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План урока по тема Famous actors and actresses

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The plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson

Famous actors and actresses




Tynyshtykbayeva Bayan

Class profile

9 "V", "Ә"

Timetable fit

40 min

Main aim

To extend range of vocabulary for describing famous actors and actresses

Oral fluency practice

Subsidiary aim

To listen to authentic information from magazine about famous actress


Students can differentiate the usage present perfect and past simple

Anticipated problems

Ss may have a problem in  using  the present perfect tense and past simple

Possible solutions

T will monitor the class during the controlled practice and prompts or manages a pair work with the ss who have difficulties



Interactive board, posters e t c

Stage aim


Interaction Pattern


Aids and materials

1. Checking up the hometask

-check up the previous knowledge about the genres of films


Game "Movie quiz"

T shows a pictures which give hints for popular films. Ss guess the film and tell the genre of the film.

Hatiko(drama), jumanki (adventure), Batman (fantasy, action), hunger games (science-fiction, action, adventure), rings(horror), mechanic(action)






Pictures of films on the flipchart

2. Lead in

-to brainstorm all the ideas according to the theme

-to predict the theme by hidden picture

T shows a piture of Daniel Radcliffe on the "walk of fame" by square projector and asks to predict what's in the picture and elicits the answers which lead to the theme.  T introduces with the theme and the aim of the lesson.




Picture of D.Radcliffe on the "walk of fame"

3. Pre-teach

-to present the lexical set and explain difficult words and phrases.

T introduces with the new words and phrases by pictures.  Then she checks up if ss can distinguish present perfect tense from past simple. T explains again and gives example











Pictures, table

4. Skimming

-To develop listening for gist

T asks to listen to the audio quickly and tell what about the text?









5. Detailed reading

- to develop learners cooperating with each other

-to develop learners processing the knowledge skills.



T asks ss to read the text again and put the sentences in the correct order in pairs.

Ss do self correction from the board

1.Jennifer was born in Kentucky

2.At school she played a basketball for a boys' team

3.She moved to New york

4.She appeared on TV for the first time

5.She moved to los Angeles

6.She was nominated for an Oscar

7.She played Katnees Everdeen in Hunger Games




Sheets with the activity

6.Controlled practice

- to encourage learners to giving peer feedback

 -to develop evaluating, summarizing, reasonong skills.

T gives two text for each student and asks to read and choose correct form of the verb.

Then ss do peer checking










Sheet of paper with the activity

7. Freer practice

-to enable learners to cooperating with each other

-to develop negogiating skill

-to develop using knowledge skill


T asks ss to choose one famous actor or actress and make a presentation about him\her. Then present it to the whole class.



12 m

Posters, markers, access to te internet

8. Feedback

-to develop analyzing, evaluating, summarizing skills.

T gives feedback to the whole lesson.




Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners







the will be



Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?


Health and safety check
ICT links

Asking classmates to help, observe individuals while working with the worksheet

Worksheets completion

Oral fluency


Careful movement around the room









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