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Lesson plan “Healthy Lifestyle”.

T – Hello class. Let us greet the guests of the lesson.( Pps greet the teacher and guests) I am your English teacher for today. My name is Kuna Anatolevna. I would like to begin our lesson with some pictures. I want you to analyse them and try to guess what is the theme of our lesson today. Now let’s listen to the song ( Amy Winehouse)

 T-Did you guess ?

Pps - bad habits

T – excellent! Today we are going to speak about healthy lifestyle. Before we go off our interesting experience , let me check your vehicles if I can say so. Show me your gadgets and your handouts, show me your pens. I will ask you to give likes on not to give after every activity right under the picture in my Instagramm. Now show me your wish to work. Thanks a lot.

From the very beginning I want you to make a test from your books ( P112) will you , please read the questions aloud, others point the answers which suit them.

T.So what is the income?  Is it really true that healthy lifestyle depends not only on food? Let’s Think of  important steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, use letters H=E=A=L=T=H=Y


- I would like to propose you my steps.

So let’s think of the main problem- is it possible to be happy without being addicted to alcohol, food, drugs, night clubs etc.? be ready to discuss it in the end of the lesson

Now let’s listen to the dialogue between husband and wife.Take your gadgets. Follow the steps on the board.( slide3)

Now we can see that you can make a task while listening . You will hear the recording twice.  The first time you have to make a task right on the Internet, and the system will count your scores. The second time you have to wright down the missing words in your handouts ( page1). It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm under the teachers photo)

T – Can you remember the similar situations from your life?  Why do our relatives give us advises what to est and what to do? (It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm))

Now I think you are ready to say what are good habits and what are not good in a form of advise, use modal verbs and following scheme.

You should/shouldn’t… because…

You must\ mustn’t… as it can …

You need to … to avoid problems with…

Healthy is wealthy for sure. But can we change this proverb  a little and say that wealthy people are healthy as well? Unfortunately not. Let’s read a very sad story about a pop star.

Let’s do some tasks to the text. When we speak about healthy  lifestyle we forget about our eyes often. But we shouldn’t cause visual ability is one of the main sources of information and life is so that we have to spend much time In front of the monitor.

 Eye movement

Performing regular exercises to ensure the eyes move to their full range of vision is important, particularly for individuals who spend lengthy periods of time looking in a particular direction (e.g. at a computer screen or reading material). Individuals can exercise the eye’s full range of motion by performing the following, simple exercise:

  • Sit upright, facing and looking forward;
  • Without moving the head, look up and down;
  • Then look left and right while continuing to face forward;
  • Repeat the exercise several times, throughout the day, as the eyes become strained.

 ( Pps take the Relaxation pose

 It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm)

Now you will receive the cards with the letters A and B.Students A strongly believe that one day, addictions will be a thing of the past; Students B strongly believe addictions will always be with us.

 You will have 3 minutes to think of your position and to discuss and than only one minute to speak.

 Today you took part in the debates about healthy lifestyle and the power of addiction. Try to remember the skills of negotiation you got and to use them in other subjects and in life as well. You have the home task in your handouts.

 It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm)

Thank you for the lesson! I need your feedback .Will you please  give a mark to the lesson according to the scale and leave it under the picture in instagramm?  At home you will have to make a project from your textbooks. And I will comment on your work at the lesson as well under your likes in Instagramme. You can also continue your study on the proposed sites  and to make signs  in your self-study logs. Be addicted to healthy life!

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