Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан урока The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

План урока The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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План открытого учебного занятия   № 12



Дата ___________

 Предмет             иностранный язык                                                            Группа  МТ – 13- 9


Ф.И.О. преподавателя  Биева Г. К.


І. Тема занятия    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland



Тип и вид занятия              урок усвоения новых знаний


Цель: развитие у учащихся навыков устной речи и аудирования, используя мультимедийные


            повторение числительных и конструкций сложного подлежащего и сложного дополнения



2. Задачи

а) обучающие – познакомить с географическим положением Соединенного королевства, усвоить

                             лексику, связанную с   географическими названиями, использовать 

                            конструкции сложного подлежащего и сложного дополнения;

б) воспитательные -  прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, воспитывать  желание

                                узнать новое о стране изучаемого языка и воспитывать уважение к другой

                               культуре и её людям, расширять кругозор учащихся;

 в) развивающие- развивать навыки аудирования и чтения с извлечением необходимой     



ІІ.Ожидаемые результаты:

а)  должны понимать   указания учителя, географические названия, понимать   содержание  

                                текстов и извлекать из них  необходимую информацию, находить предложения

                                со сложным подлежащим и дополнением;                                                        

б) должны иметь ценностные установки  к осознанию необходимости овладения иностранным

                                        языком как средства коммуникации и получения информации

в)  должны уметь  отвечать на вопросы по содержанию услышанного и прочитанного, правильно

                                называть числительные, переводить с английского на русский и наоборот

                                предложенные слова, фразы, предложения, заменять придаточные

                               дополнительные предложения сложным дополнением




                                         Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

Greeting with the Good Morning Song

Questions about the date, the day of the week, seasons, etc

Phonetic Drill – Rhyming words

II.The main part

Introduction about the theme of the lesson

1.Revision of numerals

2. Film “An Introduction to Britain”

Watch the film and fill the cards with the information derived from the film

 Complete the sentences using the facts from the film

Singing of the song ‘Yellow Submarine’

4.National Symbols of the UK

5. New vocabulary – geographical names

6.Reading of the text about the United Kingdom

Answer the questions about the text

7.Grammar – Complex Subject and Complex Object

Translate from Russian into English using the Complex Subject

Change the sentences using the Complex Object

8.Role play : Presentation of Countries – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland by ‘travel agents’.

9.Quiz about the UK



Singing of the famous Scottish song “My Bonnie”


I.Greeting with the Good Morning Song

Good morning, good morning!

Let’s have a happy day!

We’re all ready to listen and learn

To work well and to play.

We remember to do the right thing

Try our best in every way

Cooperating with our friends

We’ll have a happy day.

              I wish you a happy day.

II.Warming – up

Questions about the date, the day of the week, seasons

I want to remind you the rules of our lesson

Be active

Be attentive

Be emotional

Don’t say “I don’t know’

III.Phonetic Drill      Rhyming words

Hat  chat  sat rat

Cook  book  took  hook

Let  met  pet  bet

Dog  hog  frog  log

Sled  led  bed  fed

Hand  band  land  stand

Mop  pop  hop  stop

Van can man fan

Pack  rack  tack  black

Sold  old   fold   told

IV.The Main Part

Look at the map.

What country can you see on the map?

What do you know about the United Kingdom?

Today we are going to learn some more interesting facts about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and refresh some grammar items – Numerals and Complex Subject and Complex Object.

1)Before  watching the film about the UK let us revise numerals.

 Can you count to 100? I’m sure you can.

Count from one to twenty.

Count from ten to one hundred. Ten, twenty and so on.

Pronounce the following numerals

34,  11,  63,   79,  12,   129,   582,     51,  1234,   12345 


2)Watch the film about the UK and fill in the cards with the information derived from the film                Cards with assignment

Film “An Introduction to Britain”


3)Complete the sentences

The United Kingdom consists of (4)… countries. Name the countries.

The population of  Britain  is (58 mln)… people.

The population of England is  (49 mln)… .

The population of Scotland is  (5 mln)… .

The population of Wales is  (3 mln)…

The population of Northern Ireland is (1.5 mln)… .

(London)… is the capital of the UK.

The population of London is (7 mln)… .

The Prime Minister lives ( at 10 Downing Street) …

Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister

David Cameron, the current Prime Minister

The Head of State is (the Queen) …

Do you know the name of the Queen? Elizabeth II

The Queen lives in (Buckingham Palace)… .

Famous towns and cities are (Edinburgh, York, …

Edinburgh is (the capital of Scotland…

Stratford- upon- Avon is … (the birth place of W. Shakespeare

Liverpool is … (a very important port

Who are they?   The Beatles

The Beatles are from … (Liverpool)

Do you know any songs composed by Beatles?Let us sing the song “Yellow Submarine”

In the town where I was born,

Lived a man who sailed to sea,

And he told us of his life,

In the land of submarines,

So we sailed on to the sun,

Till we found the sea of green,

And we lived beneath the waves,

In our yellow submarine.

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine, yellow submarine (2 times)

And our friends are all aboard,

Many more of them live next door,

And the band begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine, yellow submarine (2 times)

What is the song about?

What colour is the submarine?


Cambridge and Oxford are … University cities

People ride a bike in …Oxford and Cambridge)

There are …(10) national parks in Britain .

The Lake District is in …(north-west of England) .

The Giant’s Causeway is in …(Northern Ireland)

What is Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is … a temple, a clock, a calendar

The Snowdon National Park is in …(Wales)

People in Wales speak …(Welsh)


4)Every country has its State (National) Symbols. What are they?

The Flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses.

Let’s watch the clip about the history of the Union Jack

How many crosses are there in the flag?

 What is the name of the State Flag of the UK?


Britannia is a personification of the island of Great Britain and an emblem of British power and unity

And this is the national  emblem of the UK or Coat of Arms

Listen to the National Anthem “God, Save the Queen”


5)Great Britain and  Ireland are the largest islands and they are washed by the ocean and the seas.

Let’s learn some geographical names

The British Isles, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel, the Strait of Dover, The Severn, the Thames, Ben Nevis, Snowdon


6)Reading of the text about the UK

Answer the questions about the text

Where is the UK situated?

What are the largest islands?

What climate has the country?

What kind of country is the UK?

Which is the longest river?

Which is the highest mountain?


Let us see how well you know geography.

Show us …


7)I see you are good in Geography. Now let’s see how well you know grammar.

Read the sentence and say if it is the sentence with the Complex Subject or Complex Object.

The UK is known to be an island country.

Everybody knows Great Britain to be an industrial country.

Translate from Russian  into English using the Complex Subject

Говорили, что принцесса Диана  -была очень красивая женщина.

Princess Diana was said to be a very beautiful woman.

Оказалось, что принц Чарльз любил другую женщину.

Prince Charles appeared to love another woman.

Лондон ,  безусловно, самый красивый город.

London is sure to be the most beautiful city.

Change the sentences using the Complex Object

The students know that the Queen is the Head of State.

The students know the Queen to be the Head of Sate.

We heard that the Beatles came from Liverpool.

We heard the Beatles come from Liverpool.


8)Do you  want  your group to visit the UK?

Imagine that your parents decided to send you to one of the countries of Great Britain. Which of them will you choose? To make the right choice we’ve invited travel agents. Listen to them and decide which country is worth visiting.


Welcome to England! It is situated in the southern part of Great Britain. The State Flag of England is St George’s Cross. The emblem of England is the Red Rose. London is the capital of England. There are many places of interest in London, such as the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and many others. The countryside is very beautiful. England is the land of ancient castles. English people are proud of their well known scientists Isaac Newton. Henry Cavendish, writers – William Shakespeare, George Gordon Byron, Charles Dickens and many others.


Welcome to Scotland! Scotland is situated in the northern part of Great Britain. The State Flag of Scotland is St Andrew’s Cross. The thistle is the emblem of Scotland. The Pine is the national tree. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Scotland’s famous people are Alexander Bell, the inventor of the telephone,  writers Robert Louis Stevenson and Arthur Conan Doyle . and an actor Sean Connery. Scotland is famous for kilts and bagpipers.


Welcome to  Wales! Wales is situated to the west of England. The state flag consists of a red dragon  on a green and white field. The Welsh Oak is the national tree of Wales. The daffodil is the national flower. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Snowdon is the highest mountain.  There are two official languages  English and Welsh. Wales is known as a country of music and song.


Welcome to Northern Ireland!  It is a part of the United Kingdom. It is situated in the north-east of the island Ireland. The State Flag is St Patrick’s Cross. Shamrock is the national emblem . Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.  There are many beautiful places worth visiting in Northern Ireland.  Irish people are great sport lovers.


What country would you like to visit and why?



1.What is the capital of Great Britain?

a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London d) Cardiff e) Paris

2.   The capital of Northern Ireland is…

a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast d)Boston  e)Belgrad

3.   The British flag is often called…

a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes c) the Maple Leaf d) the United Nations  e) St Andrew’s cross

4.   What is the river in London?

a) Thames b) London c) Avon d) Severn  e)Snowdon

5.   What colour are the buses in London?

a) blue b) red c) black d)grey   e)brown

6.   What is the home of the Queen?

a) Buckingham Palace b) the White House c) Westminster Abbey d)the Tower  e)Westminster Palace

7.   Ben Nevis is…

a) a famous footballer b) a sort of whiskey c) a mountain  d) a river  e) a flag

8.   10, Downing Street is the residence of … .

a) a president  b) a queen c) a king  d)prime minister  e)red cross agency

9.   Britain' s national drink is…

a) tea b) Coca-Cola c) coffee d)milk   e)lemonade

10.   The Stonehenge is in …

a) Wales b) Ireland c) Scotland d) England   e)France

11.The kilt is…

a) a shirt    b) a skirt    c) a pair of trousers d)a shirt   e)a suit


1. c; 2. c; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. c; 8. d; 9. a; 10. d; 11. b.


V. Homework

1)write down 5 questions about the UK

2)4 sentences with complex Subject and Complex Object


Our lesson has come to its end. Let us sing the famous Scottish song “My Bonnie”












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