Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан урока в 11 классе по теме "Технология подготовки к выполнению задания С5 раздела «Говорение» в формате ЕГЭ"

План урока в 11 классе по теме "Технология подготовки к выполнению задания С5 раздела «Говорение» в формате ЕГЭ"

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План урока английского языка в 11 классе.

Тема: Технология подготовки к выполнению задания С5 раздела «Говорение» в формате ОГЭ.

Цели урока:

Практические: совершенствование произносительных навыков, продолжение формирования грамматических навыков, закрепление лексики по теме «Learning Foreign Languages», отработка навыков чтения.

Развивающие: развитие языковой догадки, развитие навыков поисковой деятельности, развитие аналитического мышления, развитие речевых способностей. Создание условий для рефлексии собственной деятельности.

Образовательные: расширение знаний о способах изучения иностранных языков, приобщение к аутентичным информационным источникам.

Воспитательные: воспитание самостоятельности в работе, воспитание личностной ответственности и умения работать в команде, расширение кругозора.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: опорные карты, раздаточный материал, индивидуальные IT устройства, песочные часы.





Ход урока.

Элементы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Форма взаимодействия


Оргмомент: приветствие.

Цель: настроить учащихся на урок,

Hello, Friends!  Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?



-I’m glad to see you too.

-I’m ok!

-I’m fine, thank you!

-I’m so-so,  feel a bit nervous



Речевая разминка.

Цель: развитие навыков устной речи и активизация лексики по теме.

Today we are going to speak about a very important thing in your life. If you look at the blackboard you’ll understand what we are going to speak about. What are your ideas?

Quite right! We are going to learn to express opinion about the most productive ways of learning languages.


Are you ready with reading and translation the text? Have you learned the words and phrases!


Fine! Let’s begin with definitions. Take Card 1. Read the definitions and put down the words. You have 1 minute to do the task.

Ready? Let’s check!

(1-D, 2-I, 3-M, 4-B, 5-J, 6-H, 7-C, 8-A, 9-G, 10-F, 11-E, 12-K, 13-L )







I think we are going to speak about the importance of learning foreign languages.








-Yes, we are.







Беседа с опорой на цитату ”One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” (Frank Smith)






Беседа, работа по карточке 1, поиск слов по дефинициям, проверка выполнения


Сообщение темы урока.

Цель: познакомить учащихся с тем. Что предстоит делать на уроке.

Fine! Now have a look at these three photos!  Read the task and tell me, please, what we are going to do at the lesson.




Right you are. What can you say about the ways of learning foreign languages as is shown in the photos?







That’s right! Imagine, that you are going to learn a foreign language. Choose one photo to present the best way of learning, as you see it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

-We are going to speak about different methods of learning languages.

-We are to choose any picture we like and describe it.

-We are to express our own opinions about this or that way of learning languages, to describe these methods and to analise  that we find most productive  and effective.


-In the first photo we can see a girl in earphones. She is listening to something and looking at the screen of her laptop.

-In the second photo there’s a group of students in the classroom. They are working with textbooks and all that school stuff together with their teacher.

-The last one is a photo of travelers. They are somewhere in another country. And they look happy!


Беседа, работа по карточке 2

7 мин

Подготовка к основному этапу. Цель: мотивация. Повторение лексического материала.

But beforehand let’s determine the key moments for your future monologue.

Study Card 3.What information should be considered ?


By the way what methods of learning languages do you know?


What methods are called traditional ones?







Can you say a few words about non-traditional methods of learning?


























What pro-s and con-s of these methods can you mention?


What about your personal experience? What are you going to speak about?






What skills are important to consider in your saying?





I have one more question for you. What grammar tenses are used to describe a picture?

-methods of learning a FL

-means of learning

-pro-s and con-s of these methods and means






- traditional and non-traditional.





-learning at school, using textbooks, dictionaries, doing different kinds of exercises

in phonetics, writing, memorizing rules and drilling grammar, reading and translating, listening and speaking.

-a teacher organizes the process and the students stay in class during the lesson.


-These methods have become widely spread recently. One of them is “Crazy English” invented in China. It places heavy emphases on practicing English shouting out loudly, standing on the roof of the building. It helps people overcome their shyness and become confident.

-Another popular method is to jump into the Internet. There are tons of web-sites to chat or talk English. Or you can make a rule for your friends: try chat in English.

-School? Who needs a school in the 21st century? You can learn English online, listen to the radio, subscribe to English lessons via e-mail, listen to English lyrics or find an English pen pal to practise writing. In short, the internet is a multimedia platform where you can utilize all the elements necessary to learn English.

-In fact, the fastest way to learn English or any other foreign language is in a total-immersion course. Two weeks at a language school in England is more effective than a full year in high school or college in Russia. And less expensive than a vacation too. Typically, mornings are devoted to classes while the afternoons are at leisure, so you’ll have time to visit museums, and other sights…


-I prefer …., because…

-I think…is more resultative because…

-It’s more fruitful…


-I will speak about the way we are taught English in school. I’ve never tried anything else. It suits me well.

-We can speak about using authentic materials and total-immersion courses

-We may speak out our opinion about advantages and disadvantages of this or that method or way of learning a FL.


I think we should use the proper words and grammar, make the story interesting and even entertaining, and, of course, the personal opinion is very important. Besides, introduction, conclusion, linking words are important as well.


-They are mainly Pr.S., Past Simple passive, Pr.Progressive.

Беседа, работа по карточке 3


Изучение нового.

Цель: формирование навыка подготовки к монологическому высказыванию в формате задания С5 раздела «Говорение» ОГЭ, развитие коммуникативной компетенции.

Take card 4, please. Look at the table and put down the suitable words in each section

-to say about what you can see in the photo and why the photographer made the shot;

-to describe the main personages: what they are doing at the moment;

-to suggest about their attitude to the chosen method of learning a FL.

Let’s check the task!


Now , get ready to start speaking in 1.5 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about

*what\who in the photo is

*where\when the photo is taken

*what is happening

*why you have chosen the photo

*why you think this method is the best


Your time is over.

Make a record of your



 Great! It’s high time to analize the results. Take card 5 and answer the questions. What are the results? What’s the score?

Ответы учащихся с помощью карточки№4








Работа по карточке 4, запись слов и проверка выполнения














Подготовка к устному высказыванию



















3 мин

























Подведение итогов.


Цель: выяснить, насколько полезным и интересным был материал урока, что нового учащиеся узнали для себя, чему научились.

-what kind of work was the most difficult for you?

-was there any helpful information in the cards?


-what have you mastered during the lesson?

- I think … was the most difficult thing for me, because even if you know the strategy of speaking it’s not an easy thing to speak out spontaneously

- I should say that those cards were very helpful. They helped to concentrate on the most important things we were to mention in our saying.

- You know “practice makes perfect”. I believe that this kind of work will give its results and we will not feel too shy while speaking English in any situation.




Your task is to make a record of your answer and to analise it.

Thank you for cooperation. You’re great! You’ll get your total marks after I listen to the recordings.






Card 1


Find the definitions


to come up with


to catch the idea





a large number



to convince smb with smth


 to make practical or worthwhile use of smth





to find smth



a pen pal


a fast effort under smb’s control



total-immersion course


right or suitable; fitting



to utilize


to begin



to parse out


 a way to study foreign language in this language environment



to strike up


the improvement of one's status, position, education, etc., by one's own efforts


a shotgun


a person with whom one regularly exchanges letters, often a person in another country whom one has not met




to become tired, exhausted through overwork



to burnout


to become upset



to frustrate


 to make (someone) agree, understand the truth or validity of something




Card 3


Your photographs show different ways of learning a foreign language. Now I’d like you to talk together about the best way to master any language, using the prompts from the table.


General Information

Personal Experience

Language skills

*methods of learning foreign languages

*learning English in school

*vocabulary in this topic ”Learning languages’

*means of learning languages

*learning English at Language Courses

*ability to describe a picture or a photo


*total-immersion courses

*grammar skills in speaking


*authentic materials

*ability to make a story interesting


*personal opinion about Pros and Cons of any method

*ability to express one’s own opinion






Card 4


Choose the suitable words for the second column.



Английские слова, выражения, клише

Дать общее представление о фотографии




Описание расположения важных предметов и людей




Описание людей








Эмоциональное состояние












Интерпретация увиденного: предположения




Выражение мнения





Vocabulary List


As I see it…,   in my opinion,   I think / believe,   in the foreground (middleground, background), in the top right corner,   a student,   a group of students,   a couple of students,   I can say that…, look happy / tired/ unhappy,   Personally,  I feel…,  English textbooks,  listening to a CD, conversing with native speakers, a multimedia platform, to utilize all the elements…, maybe,   the central focus of the picture is…, Perhaps they …,   Probably,   It shows smb doing smth,   It seems that,  active,  full of ideas and emotions,   stylish,   trendy,  This photo, perhaps, was taken in…,   teenager,   From their facial expression,   be inspired,   bored,   surprised,   Don’t you think that…,  They look like…, to pronounce words, to chat with native speakers and friends, to practice with professional teachers, more effective, to express oneself, students, to enjoy speaking for the joy of hearing oneself, to recommend,  via e-mail, an appropriate method, to join a language school, to strike up a conversation, to utilize, self-improvement.









Card 5


Критерии оценивания С5-С6 – 7 баллов



Организация высказывания

Языковое оформление


Коммуникативная задача выполнена полностью: содержание полно и развёрнуто отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании.




Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: один аспект не раскрыт (остальные раскрыты полно) ИЛИ 1-2 раскрыты не полно.

Высказывание логично и носит завершённый характер: имеются вступление и заключение, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи используются правильно.

Словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 2-х негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок или\и не более 2-х фонетических ошибок)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: два аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно) ИЛИ все аспекты раскрыты не полно.

Высказывание в основном логично и носит достаточно завершённый характер, НО отсутствует вступление ИЛИ заключение, ИЛИ средства логической связи используются недостаточно.

Словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче( не более 4-х лексико-грамматических ошибок (из них не более 1 грубой) или\и не более 4-х негрубых фонетических ошибок (из них не более 1-й грубой)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена менее, чем на 50%: три и более аспектов содержания не раскрыты.

Высказывание нелогично И\ИЛИ не носит завершённого характера: вступление и заключение отсутствуют; средства логической связи практически не используются.

Понимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных лексико-грамматических и фонетических ошибок (5 и более лексико-грамматических или\и 5 и более фонетических ошибок) ИЛИ более 2-х грубых ошибок.





Text.  Seven Myths About Learning English.


Do you want to learn English, or do you want to spend your time coming up with excuses for why you can't learn English? Like other self-improvement activities (dieting or working out) you can convince yourself with a multitude of excuses why you can't pronounce English words or remember 3 forms of irregular verbs - or you can use that time and energy to learn.

Myth 1: English is more difficult than Russian

Reality: In fact, research shows that it's easier to learn English. Beyond the scientific reasons, though, as a child no one knows any better when learning to speak their native tongue. You should mind that everyone was a beginner at one time. Children laugh and enjoy speaking and singing nonsense words for the joy of hearing themselves. As the English proverb says - No gain without pain”. You have to try, before say “no” for any efforts.

Myth 2: There aren't any English language schools near my house

Reality: School? Who needs a school in the 21st-century? You can study English online, listen to the radio, subscribe to English lessons via e-mail, listen to English lyrics, or find an English pen pal to practice writing. In short, the Internet is a multimedia platform where you can utilize all the elements necessary to learn English.

Myth 3: I'll never use English

Reality: No matter what your motivation for learning English, new opportunities can present themselves in ways you cannot imagine initially. Learn English and write a book. Or learn English and take your chance to get a better job with business trips abroad.

Myth 4:  No one I know speaks English, so there's no opportunity to practice

Reality: One more chance to jump into the Internet. There are tons of web-sites to chat or talk English. Or you can make a rule for your friends: try chat in English. You can also join any language school to practice your speaking and pronunciation with professional teachers.

Myth 5: I don't have time to learn a language

Reality: For those pressed for time, here are ten ways to speak English quickly. In fact, the fastest way to learn English (or any foreign language) is in a total-immersion course. Two weeks at a language school in England is more effective than a full year in high school or college in Russia. And less expensive than a vacation too. Typically, mornings are devoted to classes while the afternoons are at leisure, so you'll have time to visit churches, museums, and other sites.

Myth 6: Native English-speaker won't understand me

Reality: If you make an effort, chances are they'll parse out what you're saying. Try English hand gestures too. And if you strike up a conversation, you'll be practicing English. An important part of learning to speak English is building your self-confidence - so the more you try to express yourself, the quicker you'll learn the language.

Myth 7: I have to use a textbook to study English

Reality: There are many effective ways to study English. Whether it's reading an English textbook, completing workbook exercises, listening to a tape or CD, or conversing with a native English speaker, any method is appropriate. The shotgun approach is recommended  to avoid burnout and frustration.


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