Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПланирование урок-игра "Алфавит" 1 класс

Планирование урок-игра "Алфавит" 1 класс

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Date: 18.05.16,  1 “b” form

Тhe theme of the lesson:Thereviewlessonof“Alphabet”,“Numbers” и “Transcriptions”.



1.     Educational aims – to reinforcethealphabet, ,numbers,transcriptions;To review material pupils have learned ingames;

2.     Developinggames – toprovide conditions for developing of memory, attention, developing an interest to the language.

3.     Bringingupaims - toprovideconditionsforformingwilling obedience, and accepted standard of behavior of pupils, to teach to be attentive and listen to other pupils.




Stage of the lesson




1.Organizational moment (1min)




2. Warmup (3 min)





































































































4.     Studying new words


Touch [tʌtʃ] ready [‘red|] steady [‘stedi] well done [wel’ dʌn] applause [ǝ’plɔ:z]

Shout [ʃaut]




5.     Lessonoutcome












Get an acquaintance with pupils, to asktheir names and how old are they






Toplaythegamedevidingtheclassintotwoteams. Thetaskofthegameistopicjup a cardwithnumbers, translatingthemintoEnglish. A correctanswergivespiontstoeachteam, whichwillbecome a winnerattheendofthegame. (10 min)















Tocountpointsforthefirstgame. Beforethesecondgamewewillsingthe ABC song, aslongasthesecondgameisconnectedwithlettersandtheirsounds.  To present pupils the game with alphabet, the task of which is to give correct transcription of the picked letter.

 (10 min)















ToplaythegamecalledTouchFaster. Thetaskistotouchfasterthethingpronouncedbytheteacher. (3-5min)









Toplaythememory game. Thefirststudentsayswhathelikes,  thesecondpupilrepeatsthewordsofthefirstpupiladdinghisownwordandsoonandsoforce, tillthechampionisknown.

 (3 min)






Thegamewithcards. A pupilpicksonecardandwithoutlookingwhatiswritteninsideshowsittotheclass. Pupilsshouldshowwiththeirgestureswhatiswritteninthecardinorderthatpupilcouldguesstheword.

 (5-6 min)







Towriteontheblackboardnewwords (2min)














Tocountpointsofbothteamsandtoannounce the winner.(3 min)



-Stand up, please

- Good morning class

-How are you?

- Thanks, I’m fine too

- Take your seats


- Now, let’s get acquainted, my name is JiparaErkinbekovna

- Tell me please, one by one, what is your name and how old are you?

- It’s very nice to meet you

- Ok, thank you



1)- So, everyone knows how old is he, and who can count in English?

- Who wants to count till 10?

_ Ok thank you, now who can count till 20?

-Now let’s play a game. First of all we will have two teams. One by one you will come up to me, pick any card and say it in English. In each card you will see different numbers F.ex 3+3 is 6. And if a student’s answer from your team is correct, your team gets one point(plus). The second rule of this game is to be quiet, if your behavior is bad and you will make a noise, I will take away your pluses and you will loose. How to say in English на старт, внимание, марш,repeat after me – Ready! Steady! Go!

- Ok thank you,it was the first round of our game. Let’s count our points, the first/second team has a strong lead in our game.


2)- Before the second round of the game let’s remember an English alphabet. How many letters/vowels are there in English? Can you name vowels? We will sing the ABC song. Do you remember? Let’s listen and sing together.

- Oh, great, everyone sings very well. Now let’s continue our competition. This is a game machine, it’s like a clock, but instead of numbers you can see letters of alphabet.We will roll the pointer, and you should write on the board the transcription of the letter that is chosen.

Is it clear? Don’t forget about your points, be quiet and listen to each other.

-         Ready! Steady! Go!

-Your knowledge of English letters is very good, well done!

- Now look at the blackboard, it’s becoming clear who’s going to be a leader.




3) - Ok class, now let’s play another game, called Touch faster. Touch is прикоснись, (write on the blackboard)

- I will tell you f.ex. touch your nose and you should quickly touch your nose,touch your eyes,etc

Ok, let’s start touch your nose, hand, shoes, mouth, desk or table, blackboard, book, pen, bag, eyes, ears, classmate,  leg and so on.



4)- ok, take your seats, we will play champion game, the first student tells I like f.ex milkshake, second student repeats his words and adds his own word, the third student repeats words of the first, second student and adds his own so on and so force. You should be very quiet and attentive, because the winner will be a champion and we will applause him.

- Ok, now we have a champion let’s applause him and say well done.


5) -Now let’s play one more game with cards.One boy or girl comes up and picks any card and shows to the class,you should show with your moves what is written in the card ok? F.ex if it says jump you can jump in order that your classmate could guess the word, is it clear? But first of all let’s check the words that you know or don’t know

words- jump, dance, sing, one violin, cold, pen, book, hello, write, applause, window, girl, eat, shout, sit down

















-Let’s count your points and decide who is the winner today. Congratulations…


-         What have you learned today?

- Stand up please, the lesson is over, thank you, you may be free.


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