Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыПоурочный план по английскому языку на тему Clothes and Fashion

Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему Clothes and Fashion

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LESSON: Clothes and fashion




Teacher name: Keneeva A.K.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a topic “The balloon fashion show”

7.W6 link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a topic “The balloon fashion show”

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

·    read and understand short, simple text

Most learners will be able to:

·        Answer the questions to identify specific information


Some learners will be able to:











        describe clothes


Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, comprehension, application

Assessment criteria

  read the text and understand specific information

  describe clothes and fashion using the words from the text

Language objective

Learners can: practice and pronounce the new words in chain

Key words: T-shirt, shorts, dress, shoes, trousers, cap, jacket, trainers, coat, boots…

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

1.     What do you usually wear at home/at school?

2.     Are you interested in fashion?

3.     Do your clothes influence your mood?

4.     Do you follow the latest fashion?

Values links

Communicative abilities

Cross – curricular links

Technology, art, music

Previous learning

Healthy habits


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




7 min






T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you?

What date is it today?

P.: Today is ..... of.....

T: Yes. It is winter. What is the weather like today?

P: It is cold, windy.

T: Right you are! What kind of clothes do you usually wear on these days?

P: I wear warm clothes. I wear a coat, a scarf, trousers, mittens…


T: Good. Now, please, look at the board! Let’s see a video with words of clothes and try to guess the theme of our lesson.

 What is the theme of our lesson?


T: You are right. The topic of our lesson today is CLOTHES AND FASHION!  We will speak about clothes, fashion, patterns, style and materials. I want to divide you in two groups. The first group “Clothes” and the second “Fashion”.











cards with new words




5 min





















5 min



























7 min







5 min























3 min


Task: Match the following accessories with the correct part of the body

1.     gloves a) head

2.     socks b) finger

3.     belt c) neck

4.     scarf d) neck and shoulders

5.     bat e) ankle

6.     tie f) feet

7.     boots g) wrist

8.     bracelet h) ears

9.     earrings i) waist

Peer assessment:

Task: Teacher asks learners to read the text about “The balloon fashion show” like Jigsaw reading about clothes and fashion. Each team will read the text and discuss in the group and the speaker one and the second command will tell the opposite team. Then complete the sentences and answer the question.


Formative assessment according understands with some support some specific information and detail in short on the topic “The balloon fashion show”.


Group assessment “Think  Pair  Share”:




Task: Complete the sentences. (for less able students)

 A   The Balloon Couture Fashion Show takes place in ....................... . 

B   The designers who take part in it are from ....................... . 

C   The winner earns ....................... . 

D   The models wear the clothes only ....................... .



Task: Answer the questions in pairs (for more able students):

1         What is the Balloon Couture Fashion Show? 

2         What can you see there?

3         How do the designers make the clothes?

4         How long does it take to make the clothes?

5         What kinds of clothes do designers make? 

6         What is special about these clothes?

Peer assessment:


Let’s relax a little bit.

Т: (Listen music: rain, noise  of  the leaves, wind)

What a sweet music! Natural sounds are lovely indeed. Nature helps us to relax and dream a little bit. Сlose your eyes! Open your eyes! Look up! Look down! Turn left! Turn right! Hands up! Hands down! OK!



Interactive board











































Cards with the sentences





cards with the questions

evaluation card



















8 min

























4 min














For less able students’ teacher give them cards with the pictures and students try to describe them: T-shirt, shorts, dress, shoes, trousers, cap, jacket, trainers, coat, boots….


For more able students’ teacher give them write a

 short paragraph about people in your country who wear a traditional uniform. Write: what they do – where you can see them – what they wear. Read to the class or make a poster.




- Put your stickers on the stains of success:




Evaluation cards




Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?




Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

·         Complete the sentences for less able students


·    Answer the question for more able students

·     For less able students show the cards with the pictures

·    For more able students write a short paragraph about people in your country who wear a traditional uniform.

·        Peer assessment:

·        Group assessment “Think  Pair  Share”:

·        Peer assessment:

·        Self-assessment:

·        Reflection

- Put your stickers on the stains of success:

·    Music, Art & Technology

·        Formative assessment and warming up activity develop Ss’ critical thinking skills

·        White board is used no more than 5 minutes


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