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Практическая работа по теме Structure of Government Bodies in Russia




to be set up – создаваться

destruction – развал

nation – государство

term – срок

to enforce – обеспечивать соблюдение

to determine – определять

domestic – внутренний

draft bill – законопроект

to be vested with power – быть наделенным властью

to dismiss – распускать

legislative – законодательный

legislature – законодательство, закон

executive – исполнительный

 judicial – юридический

to check and balance – сдерживать и уравновешивать

bicameral – двух палатный

to override – отклонять

to dissolve – распускать

constituent entity - субъект

to appoint – назначать

to  impose the state of emergency – ввести чрезвычайное положение

draft  budget – проект бюджета

implementation – выполнение

to ensure – гарантировать

public order – общественный порядок

uniform social policy – единая социальная политика

to exercise – осуществлять

to administer – управлять

the State Council – Государственный Совет

the Security Council – Совет Безопасности

the Federal Assembly – Федеральное Собрание

the Federation Council – Совет Федерации

the Federal Government – Федеральное Правительство

the Ministry of Justice – Министерство Юстиции

the Supreme Court – Верховный Суд

the Prosecutor General – Генеральный Прокурор


     The Russian Federation has been set up by the Constitution of 1993. After its destruction in 1991, the Soviet Union was broken up into an independent Russia and 14 other new, sovereign nations.

     Under the Constitution the Russian Federation is a presidential (or a constitutional republic). The President is the head of state and is elected directly by the people for a term of 6 years for a maximum of two consecutive terms. The President is the chairman of his consultative bodies: the State Council and the Security Council and is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President makes treaties, enforces laws, appoints the Prime Minister to be approved by the State Duma. The President determines basic domestic and foreign policies of the Russian Federation and he can veto draft bills. He is also vested with power to dismiss the government.

     The federal government consists of three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.

     The legislative power is represented by the bicameral Federal Assembly (the Parliament). It consists of two chambers:  the State Duma (the lower house) and the Federation Council (the upper house). The Federation Council includes two representatives from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the State Duma consists of 450 deputies. Each Chamber is headed by the Chairman.

     The State Duma  adopts federal laws  relating to the federal budget; federal taxes; financial, currency, credit and customs regulation; money emission;   ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the RF; and war and peace. These laws must be compulsory examined  by the Federation Council and signed by the PresidentThe State Duma may override the veto.
The President can dissolve the Duma if he doesn't agree with his suggestions three times running.

     The Federation Council considers the following issues: it  imposes the state of emergency and approves the use of military forces outside the country. It has the competence in such issues as the appointment and the dismissal of the Prosecutor General and judges of the supreme body of the judicial branch.

     The executive power belongs to the Federal Government. It consists of the Chairman of the Government (the Prime Minister), Deputy Chairman and the federal ministers. The President appoints the Chainman of the Government, but the Duma must approve his appointment. The first action of the Prime Minister on appointment is to form the Government.
 The Government introduces a draft  budget  and  provides its  implementation. It also implements the financial policy of the country. It helps to ensure legality, rights and freedoms of the citizens; to protect property and public order and state security. The government ensures the implementation of a uniform social policy in the sphere of culture, science, education, health and ecology.

     The President has his administration, but it's not part of the Federal Government. The President is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches.
 The members of the State Duma are elected by popular vote for a four-year period. The Council of Federation is not elected. It is formed of the heads of the regions.

     The judicial power in Russia is exercised by the courts and administered by the Ministry of Justice. The Supreme Court of Russia is at the highest level.

     The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court,  the Arbitrary Court and regional courts.

     The judges of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the High Arbitration  Court are appointed by the Federation Council.


Ex. 1. a) Are these statements true or false. Correct the false ones.

    1. The Russian Federation is a parliamentary  monarchy.

    2. The President is the head of the state and is elected by the State Duma.

    3. The President is involved in the work of the legislative and judicial branches of    power.

    4. The executive power is vested in the Federal Assembly.

5. The Federation Council doesn’t approve decisions on changes of borders

between the constituent entities.

6. The Government consists only of the federal ministers.

7. The RF Parliament is the legislative organ of the Russian Federation.

8. The Federation Council introduces a draft budget.

9. The Government is the legislative body.

10. The Russian Federation has been set up by the Constitution of 1991.

b) Make your own true or false statements.

Ex. 2. Choose the best ending to these incomplete sentences:

1. The Parliament consists of … (one branch, two chambers, several committees).

2. Military forces cannot be used outside the country without the approval of … (the State Duma, the Federation Council, the President).

3. The executive power is exercised by … (the President, the Government, the Prime Minister).

4. The final decision on the President’s impeachment is taken by … (the Federation Council, the Government, the State Duma).

5. The Federation Council … (makes laws, imposes the state of emergency, introduces a draft budget).

Ex. 3. Try to match the words with their explanations.

a)  the Lower House

1)  the State Duma

b)  the head of state

2)  United Russia

c)  the Parliament of the Russian Federation

3)  a bill

d)  a written proposal for a new law, which is brought before parliament

4)  the President

e)  the standard unit of money in Russia

5)  the Federal Assembly

f)  a set of pictures painted on a shield and used as the special sign of the state

6)  the rouble

g)  the chairman of the Government

7)  the Federation Council

h)  the main political party

8)  the Prime Minister

i)  the official song of a nation that is sung or played on public occasions

9)  coat of arms

j)  the Upper House

10) the national anthem


Ex. 4. Scan the text and wright out  the answers:

1. What are two chambers of the Federal Assembly?

2. What are the functions of the Federation Council?

3. What are the functions of the State Duma?

4. What are the powers of the Government?

5. What are the functions of the President?


Ex. 5. Make a scheme of the political system of Russia.


The President:

·  …

·  …

·  …







                                                    3 branches of power



       the Legislative

       the Executive

         the Judicial








Ex. 6. Read the texts and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Translate the texts.

Text A

privatization, was elected, disintegration,  International Monetary Fund,  economic crisis,  radical changes,  liberalization


Yeltsin ….. President of Russia in June 1991, in the first direct presidential election in Russian history.  During and after the Soviet ….. wide-ranging reforms including ….. and market and trade ….. were undertaken, including ….. along the lines of “shock therapy” as recommended the United States and the ….. . All this resulted in a major ….. , characterized by 50 % decline of both GDP and industrial output between 1990 – 95.


Text B

voluntary,  deputies,  ballot,  Federal Assembly,  expression,  election


….. of the State Duma of the ….. of the Russian Federation will be elected by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ….. . Participation of a Russian Federation citizen in the ….. will be free and ….. . Nobody will compel a Russian Federation citizen to participate in the election or will prevent free ….. of his will.


Ex. 7. Prepare the summary of the texts you have read answering the following questions:

1. What is the form of government in Russia?

2. How many branches of power are there in the Russian Federation? What are they?

3. Who are the representatives of the executive power?

4. Who is the head of the state in Russia?

5. What are his functions?

6. Who is the head of the Government in Russia?

7. By what body is the legislature represented in Russia?

8. How many houses are there in the Federal Assembly?

9. What special powers does the Federal Council have?

10. What is the highest level of the judicial power in Russia?

11. What political system does the Russian Federation represent?

12. How many parties are officially registered in Russia?

13. What are the parties currently represented in the State Duma?

14. Why is it hard to describe the political spectrum of our country?


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