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Практикум по английскому языку "Моя будущая профессия"

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Омский летно-технический колледж гражданской авиации имени

А.В. Ляпидевского - филиал федерального государственного бюджетного

образовательного учреждения высшего образования « Ульяновский институт гражданской авиации имени Главного маршала авиации Б.П. Бугаева»



Предметная методическая комиссия

«Иностранный язык»

Абрашина Т.П.


Практикум по английскому языку

На тему: «Моя будущая профессия»




В помощь курсантам специальностей:

 11.02.06  «Техническая эксплуатация транспортного радиоэлектронного

                   оборудования» (по видам транспорта)

25.05.03               «Техническая эксплуатация электрифицированных и пилотажно-

                   навигационных комплексов»

 25.05.01  «Техническая эксплуатация летательных аппаратов и двигателей»

 25.02.04   «Летная эксплуатации летательных аппаратов»












Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании ПМК ИЯ.

Протокол №8 от 04 апреля 2017г.



Преподаватель ПМК ИЯ ОЛТК ГА – филиал ФГБОУ ВО УИ ГА

Абрашина Т.П.



Преподаватель ПМК ИЯ ОЛТК ГА-филиал ФГБОУ ВО УИ ГА

Муртазина Е.В.


Абрашина Т.П. Практикум по английскому языку на тему: «Моя будущая профессия». Практикум по английскому языку -1-е изд., Омск,2017г.


Практикум составлен по одному из разделов дисциплины «Английский язык» в соответствии с рабочей учебной программой. Ориентирован на курсантов 2 курса специальностей 11.02.06, 25.02.03, 25.02.04, 25.02.01. Практикум включает тексты, тематическую лексику, диалоги и развернутую систему упражнений. Тематика текстов отражает повседневные жизненные ситуации.


Абрашина Т.П. 1-е издание,2017

Оригинал-маркет: Абрашина Т.П., Локусов Е. И.







            Данный практикум представляет материал второго раздела учебной рабочей программы « Основной курс ». Он ориентирован на курсантов второго курса всех специальностей 11.02.06, 25.02.01, 25.05.03, 25.02.04

 и имеет ознакомительные цели для курсантов с разговорной лексикой по данной тематике, систематизировать знания английского языка и совершенствовать навыки устной речи.

            Практикум включает в себя тему основного курса «Моя будущая профессия».

            Учебный материал и система упражнений помогут курсантам преодолеть барьер в речевом общении и повысить уровень владения английский языком.
















Task 1. Read and translate the text.


 “What do you want to be?” the director asked a boy, who looked sixteen. “An electrician,” he answered. “I am very fond of technical things and my elder brother is also an electrician.” “Now I see,” the director said, “all right, Igor Orlov, welcome to our technical school.”

 “What shall I be?” is a question which confronts all school-leavers and it is often quite difficult to choose. There are thousand of vocational and specialized schools in Russia. They train radio assembles, shop-assistants, nurses, turners, bakers, draftsmen, fitters, computer operators, dress-makers. The vocational training system offers 1,264 of them. Students learn not only the trade but get a complete secondary education. Compulsory education is one of socialism’s important victories. In Russia not only education is free, but students at higher school and technical school get grants. Workers studying at specialized secondary schools either in the evenings or part-time get paid leaves for tests and exams, shorter working hours and weeks and other benefits.                                         

Task 2. Answer the questions.

 1. What do you want to be? 2. Why does Igor want to become an electrician? 3. What question confronts all school-leavers? 4. Where can you get a profession? 5. What are the benefits of our system of education? 6. What does the Constitution of Russia guarantee to young people?

Task 3. Translate into English.

 Я спросил: «Кем ты хочешь быть?» Он ответил: «Электриком». Я сказал: «Это интересная профессия». Он спросил: «Где я буду работать?» Я ответил: «На заводе». Я сказал: «Ты должен учиться хорошо, потому что эта специальность очень важна для нашей промышленности». Я рассказал ему о выпускниках нашей школы.

Task 4. Complete the sentences.

 1. I want to be a technician because … .  2. It is often difficult to chose a profession because … . 3. Vocational and specialized schools train … . 4. If a students does well, he gets … . 5. Everybody gets a job because there is no … in our country.


Task 5. Translate into English.

 ПТУ и техникумы готовят рабочих и специалистов для нашей промышленности. Каждый может выбрать любую (any) специальность. Образование в нашей стране бесплатное. Студенты получают стипендию. Конституция России гарантирует работу каждому гражданину (citizen). В нашей стране нет безработицы.

Task 6.  Make up the text  “My Speciality”.

Этот текст вы должны составить сами, отвечая на вопросы и подбирая слова и выражения, соответствующие действительности.

1. Who are you? (My first name is … . My surname is … .)  2. How old are you? (I am … years old.)  3. Do you work or do you study?  4. Where do you study? (I study at ….)  5. Are you a full-time or a part-time student, or do you study by correspondence? (I am a … student. I study by … .)  6. What faculty (department) are you in? (I am in a … .)  7. What year are you in? (I am in … year.)  8. What is your future speciality? (My future speciality is … .)  9. What will you be? (I shall be a … .)  10. Where will you work? (I shall work at … as a …)  11 .Do you like your future speciality?  12. Why do you like your future speciality? (I like my speciality because … .)

Task 7. Translate without dictionary.

 Russian children go to school at the age of six or seven and spend the first three years at a primary school where they learn to read and write, and get to know a little history and natural science. This is followed by the five-year secondary school (4-8 forms). Over this eight-year education pupils learn enough to be able to continue their studies at specialized secondary schools where they learn to be technician, designers, medical assistants, etc., and complete  their secondary education.

 In Russia every young man and woman must complete full ten-year secondary course in one form or another, and this can be made up of a combination of secondary education and vocational training at special schools or factory evening courses. Or they can simply complete a ten-year school education. Education in Russia is free at every level.




Task 8.  Read and translate the text.


   When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession, your future life has come. It’s not easy to make the right choice of a job. I have known for long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character. What do I want to be when I leave school? It’s a very important question for me. A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer.

   As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about what science or field of industry to specialize in. It’s difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs, to which I might be better suited. A couple of years ago I wanted to become a doctor, you know, I wanted to help people who had problems with health. Then I wanted to become a policeman, then a spaceman. I even wanted to become a professional football player. But all of them are now in the past, they were like children’s dreams and nothing more.

   Now I have already decided what to do. I’d like to be an aviator. I know that it’s very difficult. I should know perfectly everything about the planes, airports, weather and other things. You know that the weather is very important thing for flight, too. I must be well-educated and well-informed. I’ll do everything to realize my plans and my dreams.

  I want to say that the profession should be chosen according to the character and hobbies of the person. That’s why parents mustn’t make their children choose the thing they, parents, like. Children must do it themselves, because they must love the thing they do, believe that people need them; and their job will bring them more pleasure.

Task 9. Make up your story.

Task 10. Make up the dialogue using the questions.

1. What is you favorite subject?

2. Which subject are you poor at?

3. What do you like best/least about your college?

4. What do you want to be? Why?

5. What are some jobs that you think would be boring?

6. What could influence your choice of job?

7. Would you like a job in which you travelled a lot?

8. Would you rather work inside or outside?

9. How many years are you ready to devote to studying?

10. Is it easy to find a job in Russia?


Task 11. Answer the following questions.

1.     Why did you enter the Omsk Flying Technical College of Civil Aviation?

2.     Did you want your future profession to be connected with aviation or radar equipment?

3.     Were you good at mathematics and physics while studying at school?

4.     Do you like studying at the Omsk Flying Technical College of Civil Aviation?

5.     What are the advantages of this institution?

6.     What are your favorite subjects here?

7.     Where would you like to work after graduating from the college?


Task 12. Write down the words and memorize them.

an applicant – абитуриент

to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение)

to deal with – иметь дело с чем-либо

to be connected (with) – быть связанным, относиться к чему-либо

to comprise – охватывать, включать в себя

common features – общие черты

to suggest – предлагать

a specialty – специальность

a technician – специалист

an exploitation – эксплуатация

to install – устанавливать

to provide – обеспечивать

to graduate from – выпускаться, заканчивать (учебу)

Task 13. Find the equivalent of the following words and phrases in the wordlist:

a specialist, to finish an educational institution, to set, the synonym of "use", the antonym of "to graduate", a profession, the same signs, the person who is trying to continue the school education.

Task 14. Fill in the gaps with the words from the wordlist.

1.     The school education _______ almost all the spheres of science.

2.     After school everybody gets a _______ according to his own choice.

3.     The Omsk Flying Technical College _________ to its ________ six specialties.

4.     Practically all the subjects we study at the college _____________ with aviation.

5.     When you begin working with the Windows programs you should ________ the necessary drivers.

6.     The function of the empennage is to _______ stability of the aircraft.

7.     Every technical device is usually supplied with the manual of ________.

      8.   In future I am going to _______ radar equipment

Task 15. Read the text and decide if it is about you.


            Two years ago I entered the Omsk Flying Technical College of Civil Aviation. There were several reasons for my choice. I was always interested in radio electronics, which deals with the design and technology of radio electronic equipment. At school I was good at mathematics and physics and hoped my future profession would be connected with these subjects. Besides, I wanted to know computer science better, because computer industry is developing so fast, and comprises almost all spheres of professional life. It is a well-known fact, that business now is possible without computers. As you know, radio electronics and computer engineering have many common features and that is why I entered this institution.

            The Omsk Flying Technical College of Civil Aviation suggests to its applicants six specialties: instrument equipment, radio electronic equipment of aircrafts, ground radio electronic equipment, flying exploitation of aircrafts, technical exploitation of aircrafts and engines, flight mechanics.

            Instrument technicians deal with different aircraft instruments, such as air speed indicator, altimeter, various gyroscopes, autopilot etc.

            Radio technicians deal with radio equipment, which is installed on the aircraft. For example, communication-, command- and emergency- radio stations.

            Ground radio electronic technicians of the airport deal with ground communication equipment which provides flights of different types of aircrafts.

         Aircraft mechanics must keep aircraft in good operating condition. The replace faulty units and make minor adjustments. The mechanics are responsible for maintenance and repair.

         Flight mechanics make pre-flight checks. They inspect the main parts of the helicopter, regulate the oil and fuel pressure.

            Now I am a student of the second course and in a year I will get a diploma. I do not worry about finding a well paid job because I am sure that my specialty will be necessary not only in aviation but also in other fields connected with radio electronics and computer engineering.

Task 16. Answer the following questions.

1.     What is the full name of the College you are studying in?

2.     What specialties does the College suggest to the applicants?

3.     What is your specialty?

4.     What do radio technicians deal with?

5.     What radio equipment installed on the aircraft do you know?

6.     What do ground radio electronic technicians of the airport deal with?

7.     What do instrument technicians deal with?

8.     What do aircraft mechanics do?

9.     What must flight mechanics do?

10.How many years do need to study to get a diploma?


Task 17. What professions do you know?


Specialists in our







Task 18. Read the text, divide into the paragraphs and underline the key words.

Task 19. Make a plan.

Task 20. Indentify the main idea of the text.

Task 21. What does the specialist do? Match the specialties with job descriptions.

1.Instrument technicians                                      Exploitation of aircraft

2.Radio technicians                                                Exploitation of engine

3.Ground radio electronic technicians               Deal with instrument equipment

4.Mechanics                                                            Deal with radio equipment

5.Pilots                                                                     Deal with ground communication equipment


Task 22. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text.






Task 23. Find the devices which these specialists used.

Instrument equipment


Radio equipment


Ground equipment



Task 24. Translate the sentences.

1. Практическая деятельность техника включает обслуживание самолёта или вертолёта, силовых установок, устранение неисправностей, обеспечение безопасности полётов.  2. После приземления бортмеханик осматривает вертолёт и делает запись в бортовой журнал. 3. Радисты имеют дело с радиооборудованием, установленном на воздушном судне.  4. Прибористы имеют дело с различными авиационными приборами.

Task 25. Speak about your future profession.




Рекомендуемая литература


1.     Парахина А.В., Тылкина С.А.

Учебник английского языка для средних специальных учебных заведений. Москва 2012.

2.     Буренина Л.К., Консон С.Б.

Учебник английского языка для средних специальных учебных заведений. Москва 2013.

3.     Бейзеров В.А. Английский для путешественников. Ростов-на-Дону 2012.

  1. Христорожденственская Л.П. Английский язык. ООО «Издательство Эксмо» 2014.


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