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Presenation " NIZHNY NOVGOROD "

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Nizhny Novgorod is a city with almost eight centuries-old rich history. Located at the confluence of the Volga and the Oka, he has always been one of the major cultural, economic and transportation center of Russia. Not once the city was a stronghold of statehood, defending the country from external enemies. All this contributed to the fact that currently, Nizhny Novgorod is rich in interesting places and attractions. One of them is the famous and ancient Kremlin.  Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin began to build approximately 1500 Finally it was erected in 1515 the Building was a two-kilometer wall, which was reinforced by thirteen towers. One of them is Zacateca have not survived to the present time. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, which was also called stone city, had a permanent garrison, as well as an impressive artillery weapons. Volga fortress was created by the Moscow government as the main reference point, designed to withstand the Kazan khanate. During his military service in Nizhny Novgorod withstood many attacks and sieges. The last page in the combat record of the Volga fortress was written in the early 17th century It was a period of foreign intervention and great deeds of the Nizhny Novgorod militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. The thickness of the walls is from three and a half to four and a half meters. The perimeter of stone town was erected defensive towers. How many towers in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin? At first there were thirteen. At the present time twelve. The names for the towers were chosen according to their use and purpose or for the names of the nearby buildings. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod) since the Foundation had on its territory the cathedrals, which were the main in the city. Among them the Archangel Michael and the Holy Trans figuration. In "stone city" there are several parish churches. There is an Episcopal and princely palaces, as well as several monasteries 


If you see the plan of a chain of fortifications, you will see that it is an irregular polygon located at the corners of the towers. They in the old days and played the role of defensive towers. The scheme of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin acquaints us with the names of the towers. If you look clockwise, the first of them – Demetrius (Dmitrovskaya). It is the main tower. It was named in honor of the great Nizhny Novgorod Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich, who ruled in the 14th century Following the scheme is a tower called the Pantry. It was used as a storage place. Next to the now-defunct Posadskaya St. Nicholas Church was built the St. Nicholas tower. The next tower – Koromyslovo – presents us with a diagram that shows the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The history of this building tells the story of a supposedly buried in this place of the legendary young woman with a yoke. The fifth tower Tainitskaya. The name of the tower derives from the location of her secret passage leading to the river Pocsaj. The northernmost tower is Elias

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It is located near the Church of Elijah the Prophet. This tower is called and by geographic location – Northern. In the Clock tower in the 16th century clock was installed. Ivanovskaya tower was next to the now destroyed Church of St. John the Baptist. White was named defensive tower due to its white stone facings, the bottom of which is overlaid with an outer facade. George tower was erected near the now-defunct St. George's Church, and the Gunpowder stored in the gunpowder and various munitions.


The purpose of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

After fall of Kazan, the military value of the Volga fortress was lost. Later it became the administrative center for a vast district. On its territory was writ hut. Located in stone town vicegerent, and the provincial government.

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Today the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a cultural and administrative center of the city. On its territory there are buildings of regional and city administration, as well as the representation of the President of Russia in Volga Federal district. Visitors of the former fortification facility offers tours to the Art Museum and the Museum of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Located on the site of ancient stone town, and the Centre for Contemporary Art.

Demetrius tower

The main defensive tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was erected in the Central part of mountainous area. It faces the semicircular part of the area, named after Minin and Pozharsky. The Dmitrievsky tower of the Nizhniy Novgorod Kremlin since its construction was the primary entrance to the fortress. She was also the Central hub of defense of the Nagorno-site. The leading role of the tower is confirmed by the radial-concentric layout of the city. The fact that the entrance to the Dmitrievsky tower in different directions the rays of the street. Among them, Ulyanov, Alekseevskaya, Barbaric and Bolshaya Pokrovskaya. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, which contains in the ancient Chronicles, began its existence with the erection of this tower. This is confirmed by the extant documentary sources.

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In the 17th century Demetrius tower possessed considerable weaponry. In numbers it was superior to all other defensive towers. Combat equipment existed until 1705, Subsequently, in the late 18th – early 19th century Demetrius tower served as a space for the accommodation of the garrison school. Then housed the provincial archives, and from 1896 to 1919 Museum of artistic and historical exhibits. In the Soviet period in the tower for a considerable time worked in the shop producing the scenery for the ballet, theatre and Opera. In 1965, a momentous event occurred. On the roof spire of the tower was erected a gilded coat of arms of the city depicts a walking deer.

Storage tower



In the beginning, Zelensky Congress is the round tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Call it the Pantry. Previously it was used as a storage space. In the 17th and 18th centuries the tower was named Alexis, and the Church nearby. Currently, the tower is a four-story building. In the lower part are underground rooms, which are fighting side chamber with embrasures. Restoration work, which was carried out in 1953, made it possible to restore a semi-circular extension Pantry tower. This building, erected in the 19th century, is designed to create air ventilation in the storerooms of lower layer where he kept the Garnier oil used for lighting the streets of the city.

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In the second tier of the tower there are similar camera in the side walls. The third level is the "stone tent" with no overlap. The fourth tier represents a running a platform around the tower. His wall – a parapet with merlons.


The Nikolskaya tower


After a storage tower on the scheme of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is St. Nicholas. Its name was taken from the nearby Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker. In ancient times, this tower played a role second in importance to host defense. In importance it is inferior to the Dmitrievskaya tower. Currently, with the restoration work restored the original shape of the structure with gates. During the 17th through 19th centuries the tower was used as warehouse space, significantly altering its internal layout. The restoration works carried out in 1959-62 he was restored not only the interior of the room. The façade of the tower also adopted its original historical appearance. In the same period was restored the roof of the tower, having the form of a tent with an observation tower.


Beam tower


In the chain of walls, located on the upland area, the corner is a round tower, which bears a peculiar name. The history of the name Beam-tower connected with the two legends about the woman buried in this place. According to one, she was killed to give the walls strength, as demanded by popular belief. The second legend is about the courage of women who killed their rocker a few of the invaders and buried near the tower. A distinctive feature of the Beam-tower is its cladding in white stone. In the 18th and 19th centuries the tower housed the archive, and from 1886 it was arranged different warehouses.

The taynitskaya tower

This round tower is located above the inclined steep banks of the ravine with Bachinskogo flowing along the bottom of the river Pochayna. Its name to this building due to the cache – the underground passage. This path led from the tower down the slope of the ravine to the Creek. The trench had wooden floors and walls, and the upper part from prying eyes hid Derain. In the 80-ies of the last century found the remains of the cache were destroyed. Historical documents relating to 17th century, present us with even one name towers myronositskaya derived from located on the opposite Bank of the ravine of the Church.


North tower

Frontage on Pochainsky the ravine leaves the tower, located in the North-Western corner of the mountainous part of Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Is the North tower, which received its name from the geographical position. However, this happened at a later time. The papers of the 17th century called it Elias as the eponymous Church, which was located on the opposite side of the ravine. In some documents, the tower was listed as a Corner (corner).

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The device of this tower was no different from the plan tajnitsky and Beam. In some parts there are minor differences. In the 19th and early 20th century the tower was used of a military unit as a warehouse.

Clock tower


This building is located at the slope of the river Volga at the top of the fortress hill. It is the only tower of the Kremlin, located on a ledge inside. In the old days fighting of the role she played. Its main purpose is the creation of artistic and aesthetic composition. Ensemble North and Clock towers were the architects solved exceptionally well. In this beautiful place in the Kremlin are giant steps that descend from the high cliff from the wall of the tower. On top of the tower is a wooden room – "clock house". Hence the name of the building.

Ivanovo tower

The name of the facility received from previously located near churches, named after St. John the Baptist. Ivanovskaya tower of Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin from its inside had a ladder extension, according to which the defenders of the stone town, climbed the wall. There was a camera for the criminals and captives. Ivanovskaya tower was equipped with a gate was the main in the foothill area of the Kremlin.



White tower

This building is opposite the turn of the Congress called the Kremlin. This is the only round tower that stands on the foothill of the fortress. From the field the facade of the tower faced with white stone. Hence its name. Used tower in times of peace as a warehouse, and the fire, which occurred here in 1924 in the premises of the tower were stored archival documents.



St. George tower


Construction of rectangular shape that was previously carriageways. Georgievskaya tower of Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is located above the steep Bank of the Volga. Nearby is a monument to V. P. Chkalov. There are two versions of the origin of the name structure. On one of them, located near the homonymous Church. Second, this place stood St. George tower – Palace built by the founder of the city Yuri Vsevolodovich. In their appearance and interior modern rectangular tower is significantly different from the similar structures of the Kremlin

The powder tower

The round tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is named after their application. It stored ammunition. On the same name of the nearby Cathedral of the 17th century documents called the Spasskaya tower. In the annals of the 18th century it is referred to as Musketeers, because next to it there was Streletskaya Sloboda. Currently, the Powder tower covered with a roof and partially restored. The device rigs similar to Pantry. These two towers are different from the rest in the form of absence in the lower layers of the front battlements.






Welcome to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

prepared Trusova Irina

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