Инфоурок Английский язык Конспекты"Present Simple", "Present Continuous" закрепление

"Present Simple", "Present Continuous" закрепление

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Date: 20.05.16,  3 класс

Тhe theme of the lesson: The review lesson of Present Simple”, Present Continuous and Degrees of comparison”.

Тype of lesson: the review lesson

Aims of the lesson:

1.     Educational aims – to reinforce Present Continuous, Present  Simple, Degrees of comparison;  To review material pupils have learned using pictures and games;

2.     Developing aims –  to provide conditions for developing of memory, attention, imagination, developing an interest to the language.

3.     Bringing up aims -  to provide conditions for forming willing obedience, and accepted standard of behavior of pupils, to teach to be attentive and listen to other pupils.



Course of the lesson


Stage of the lesson

Tasks of the lesson

Content of the lesson


1. Organizational moment (1 min)






2.  Warm up  (2 min)












3. Lead-in




















































































4.Studying new words


  Gather [‘gæðə] lie [lai] bloom [blu:m] skate boarding [skeit bɔ:diŋ] bench [bentʃ]     

     Cavy [Keivi]



4.     Lesson outcome









To write on the blackboard the date.





Get an acquaintance with pupils, to asktheir names and how old are they










To ask what are they doing now. To remember  Present Continuous Tense, and to ask to write on the blackboard. To play the game called Act as you say with cards. Three pupils come up.The aim of this game is to pick a card with tasks, the first pupil gives a command to the second one about the action written in the card. The second student performing an action transforms the expression to Present Cont. tense, and the third pupil repeats the same words but in the third person. (10 min)



To play the game on visual memory using Pres.Cont. tense.

Two pupils come up,  look at each other, trying to remember their clothes, turn around and start describing one other

It's possible to give points for correct answers.

 (10 min)




To go travelling using pictures played by the projector.

The aim of using pictures is a description of what pupil see, using  Present Continuous, Present Simple




To describe two pictures using degrees of comparison.








The typewriter game.

Several pupils come up  (we can devide into groups) The will be given letters from different words.The task is to stand in the same order as the letters of that word.

 (5 min)











To write on the blackboard new words










To praise ppils who got points and to give out to pupils who don't have point.


To thank for the lesson


-Stand up, please

- Good morning class

-How are you?

- Thanks, I’m fine too

- Take your seats

- -What’s the weather like today?



- Now, let’s get acquainted, my name is Jipara Erkinbekovna

-Here you can see some questions, I will give one minute to think then you will answer.

(What’s your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you like to do?

- It’s very nice to meet you

- Ok, thank you




First of all I would like to inform you that each of you will have grades like hearts. I will give them if you behave yourself good, but if you make a noise and don’t listen to each other you won’t get a heart so it means a bad mark. Do your best.

1)- Tell me please what are you doing now?

-Ok, now who can tell me the rule of Present Continuous? How is it formed?

-Lets play a game called Act as you say. Three pupils come up and one of you pick any card, reading words in the card, a pupil gives a command to the second one, he or she performing an action says the same sentence or combinations of words using Present Continuous, the third student says the same expression but using the third person. Is it clear? Let’s start who wants to be the first?





-Now let’s play another game.

- Two pupils come up, look at each other, turn around and start describing each other using Present Continuous and Present simple f ex She is wearing white shirt, she has blue eyes. You will get points for the grammatically correct answer.









- Now we will go travelling to amazing places, meet different people and animals which you will see now. Your task is to describe pictures using Present Continuous and degrees of comparison.







- Please pay attention to these pictures; I am sure you can see obvious differences. Now please try to tell about these differences in English using degrees of comparison f ex a girl in the first picture is taller than in the second one…




-ok, let’s play one more game based on spelling. I need several pupils to come up and take any letter of an alphabet. Your task is to stand in a write order to form a word. Your classmates will help you. We can make two teams, and we’ll see who acts faster. Let’s start.


























- Ok, it was very interesting to work with you. Your knowledge of English is promising.


-         What have you learned today?


- Stand up please, the lesson is over, thank you, you may be free.



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