Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентации учеников к обобщающему уроку по теме "Государство социального обеспечения граждан"

Презентации учеников к обобщающему уроку по теме "Государство социального обеспечения граждан"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Life of pensioners in Great Britain in the USAHigh school №2, Luchegorsk

    1 слайд

    Life of pensioners in Great Britain in the USA
    High school №2, Luchegorsk

  • - I think it is necessary 100,000 $ a year for the western pensioner to provi...

    2 слайд

    - I think it is necessary 100,000 $ a year for the western pensioner to provide completely the old age.
    The problem question:
    My hypothesis:
    How much money is necessary for the pensioner to live in Great Britain?

  • Plan:2)  Whether pensioners can live on pension?1)    What is a pension? 3)...

    3 слайд

    2) Whether pensioners can live on pension?
    1) What is a pension?
    3) What Social programs are for pensioners?
    4) Conclusion

  • Whether pensioners can live on pension?The people become more senior, the mor...

    4 слайд

    Whether pensioners can live on pension?
    The people become more senior, the more they spend for doctors and medicines. Experts have made the calculations and have received following results, considering inflation, the most conservative approach and 7 % of the annual:
    The 30-year-old person, started to postpone $100 on account of pension monthly, on reaching 60-year-old age will receive from the pension scheme approximately $300 in today's money. Accordingly monthly $50 will bring to it about $150 a month on pension. If you begin the pension scheme at 20-year-old age figures will be much more interesting. $100 a month will return everyone to you more than $450 a month on reaching 65 years.

  • What is a pension?A pension is a steady income given to a person upon retirem...

    5 слайд

    What is a pension?
    A pension is a steady income given to a person upon retirement, typically in the form of a guaranteed annuity. A pension created by an employer for the benefit of an employee is commonly referred to as an occupational or employer pension. Labour unions, the government, or other organizations may also fund pensions.
    Occupational pensions are a form of deferred compensation, usually advantageous to employee and employer for tax reasons. Many pensions also contain an insurance aspect, since they often will pay benefits to survivors or disabled beneficiaries, while annuity income insures against the risk of longevity.
    While other vehicles (certain lottery payouts, for example, or an annuity) may provide a similar stream of payments, the common use of the term pension is to describe the payments a person receives upon retirement, usually under pre-determined legal and/or contractual terms.

  • In England employers and their employees are obliged to do deductions in Nati...

    6 слайд

    In England employers and their employees are obliged to do deductions in National insurance fund. The investor starts to receive pension on reaching 65-year-old (man) and 60-year-old (women) of age. The size of base pension in England makes from 79 to 127 pounds sterling a week that is considerable below a necessary living wage. However the greatest popularity so-called not state pensions when the employee during all labour life lists a part of incomes in private pension funds which are invested in economy there use and bring in incomes. Therefore their investors after achievement of the established age receive solid dividends, and guaranteed.

  • What social programs are for pensioners in Great Britain?

1)   The Mainland...

    7 слайд

    What social programs are for pensioners in Great Britain?

    1) The Mainland Resettlement Programme

    2) The “Six Pensions” Programme

    3) Lifelong Professional Pension Programme

    4) Loans for the purchase of housing

    5) The Maternal Rights Programme

  • The average citizen of the developed western country, such as America or Grea...

    8 слайд

    The average citizen of the developed western country, such as America or Great Britain, retiring, as a rule, has on the pension account on the average from $100 to $500 thousand a year it is necessary. This sum allows the western pensioners to provide completely the old age and to travel all over the world. How much money is necessary to have on pension?
    Experts consider, that average pension which will allow you to conduct a normal way of life, should make 70 % from your last income.


  • 1)    http://www.yandex.ruInformation resources:2)   http://www...

    9 слайд

    1) http://www.yandex.ru
    Information resources:
    2) http://www.google.ru
    3) K.V. Kusovlev 10-11 «Happy English»

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Life  of  pensioners in  RussiaHigh school 2

    1 слайд

    Life of pensioners
    in Russia
    High school 2

  • The problem question:“Will the retired be able to live on pension?”hypoth...

    2 слайд

    The problem question:
    “Will the retired be able to live on pension?”

    I think that the retired will be able to live on pension.

  • plan:1) What pension beside retiree in Russia
2) Social programs in Russia f...

    3 слайд


    1) What pension beside retiree in Russia
    2) Social programs in Russia for pensioners
    3) Pensioners opinions about the pension

  • Pension in RussiaAt the beginning of 90-s it was evident that the working di...

    4 слайд

    Pension in Russia
    At the beginning of 90-s it was evident that the working distributive system of pension payments based on the principle of solidarity of generations exhausted itself. The mechanism of the system is mostly rooted in the ratio of workers to networkers as with cutting down of the first or increasing of the second the pension diminishes.

  • Nowadays the total number of pensioners in Russia reaches about 43.7m people...

    5 слайд

    Nowadays the total number of pensioners in Russia reaches about 43.7m people and the ratio of payers to the RF State Pension Fund and pensioners approximately constitutes 1.5:1 while the ratio should be much more higher for payments for best workers and those who gave a damn to the work. the efficient operation of the distributive system.
    The basic pension under the current regulations is 600 rubles subject to regular revision by lawmakers together with the minimum salary.

  • social  programs in Russia for  pensioners The “Six Pensions” ProgramWith...

    6 слайд

    social programs in Russia
    for pensioners

    The “Six Pensions” Program
    With the aim of doing away with the financial burden for pensioners who wish to leave the Norilsk Industrial Region to resettle permanently in other parts of Russia, the company launched its “Six Pensions” program in March 1999. Under this program, pensioners are provided with material assistance each month that amounts to six times the level of the state pension for a period of two years after leaving the company and resettling on the “mainland”. This program is assisting in solving many social and economic problems. It provides a degree of security for the pensioners concerned and enables the company to deal with the problems associated with an ageing workforce while taking on young workers and specialists.

  • social  programs in Russia for  pensioners Lifelong Professional Pension Pr...

    7 слайд

    social programs in Russia
    for pensioners

    Lifelong Professional Pension Program
    Having achieved a stable financial situation, the company is now in a position to offer its workforce the opportunity of receiving a lifelong pension in addition to their state pension, and which is paid at a rate that is equal to double the state pension. In the period 2000 – 2001, around 1,000 working pensioners registered for this lifelong corporate pension and left for the “mainland”.

  • social  programs in Russia for  pensionersLoans for the purchase of housing...

    8 слайд

    social programs in Russia
    for pensioners

    Loans for the purchase of housing
    In addition to helping its pensioners, the company has established a scheme whereby young and middle-aged workers on an adequate level of income are able to buy a home on the “mainland” before they reach pensionable age. The company has developed a series of loan arrangements to enable its workers to assist in this respect. At the present time, more than 1,000 Norilsk Nickel workers are taking advantage of this scheme, and 300 workers have already bought their new homes in other regions of Russia thanks to the help provided by the company’s loans system.

  • social  programs in Russia for  pensionersThe Maternal Rights Program

    9 слайд

    social programs in Russia
    for pensioners

    The Maternal Rights Program
    This program was initiated at the company’s workplaces in 1998. Under the terms of the program, female workers with children up to the age of seven* may leave their jobs in order to care for their children (if they would prefer this to leaving them in pre-school nurseries) while receiving a fixed monthly payment until their child starts school. At the time of writing, 2,707 of the company’s female workers have taken advantage of the Maternal Rights Program.

  • Pensioners opinions about the pensionApproximately two-thirds Russian people...

    10 слайд

    Pensioners opinions about the pension
    Approximately two-thirds Russian people at able-bodied age consider that size to state pension will in the future be insufficient: the whole 5% respondent sure of that that he will be enough their state pension. The Majority - 62% polled - have declared that will not be able to reduce the end with the end unless will attract the concourses of the income. Beside 22% polled hope on that pensions to him will it is enough, but until sure of this completely. In contrast with 2005 estimations by population to sufficiency state pension practically did not change.

  • Conclusion: When elderly people reach pension age the size of their pension...

    11 слайд


    When elderly people reach pension age the size of their pension is sufficient to live on pension
     The Majority polled - beside 59% respondent at able-bodied age - aside from state pension in the future plan to have a concourses income. Does Not reckon for other sources income except pensions each fourth Russian people at able-bodied age, else 17% polled were obstructed answer the question. In contrast with 2005 answers respondent did not change. Thereby, 41% Russian people at able-bodied age until calculate on achievement of the pension age to attract the concourses an income except state pension or are obstructed in estimation of its possibility to have such. Herewith whole 27% calculate with one or another degree of confidence on that him will it is enough their state pension!

  • Information resources:www.allsoch.ru

    12 слайд

    Information resources:

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