Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация и конспект к уроку внеклассного чтения по английскому языку в 7 классе (Peter Pan)

Презентация и конспект к уроку внеклассного чтения по английскому языку в 7 классе (Peter Pan)

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Конспект урока


Учебная дисциплина: английский язык

Класс: 7


Тема: Питер Пэн. Часть 4

Тип урока:


Цель урока:

развитие навыков поискового чтения  


Задачи урока:


1. Развивать навыки чтения вслух.

2. Способствовать формированию умений работы с текстом.


1. Способствовать развитию умения выделять главное, существенное в изучаемом материале, обобщать.


1. Способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка.

2. Способствовать установлению правильности и осознанности изученного материала.


Планируемые результаты:

Личностные – формирование готовности и способности к образовательной деятельности.

Предметные – развитие навыка поискового чтения, освоение лексических единиц при чтении; умение оценивать полученную информацию, выражать своё мнение; развитие компенсаторной компетенции.

Метапредметные – развитие навыков работы с текстом; развитие умения организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками; развитие познавательных УУД (действия по поиску и выделению необходимой информации при чтении на иностранном языке), регулятивных УУД (действия прогнозирования, развитие умений самоконтроля и самооценки).


Учебная литература и ресурсы:

1.    Питер Пэн (по Д. Барри). Книга для чтения. 7 класс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений/ [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. – 3-е изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2011 – 37 с.: ил. – (Английский в фокусе)

2.    Английский язык. Книга для учителя. 6 класс: Пособие для общеобразовательных учреждений/ [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. – 4-е изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013. – 184 с.: ил. – (Английский в фокусе)


Оборудование и средства обеспечения учебного процесса:

5) физминутка в медиаформате, /песня

6) дидактический материал.













Содержание занятия


1. Организационный этап


Фонетическая зарядка. (warming up)

Teacher: Have a look at the screen. Here you can see a tongue twister. A tongue twister is a sentence or expression which is very difficult to say properly, especially when you try to say it quickly. Let’s read it aloud:

Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, ‘tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.


Teacher: And now let’s try to read it faster. (СЛАЙД 1)

(Обучающиеся проговаривают скороговорку несколько раз)


Teacher: Who is the main character of this tongue twister? (Ps: Peter Pan)

Teacher: What do you know about Peter Pan? (Ps: He is the main character of the book written by James Matthew Barrie)/ Who created Peter Pan? (Ps: James Matthew Barrie)



2. Этап проверки домашнего задания

Teacher: Have we read this book? (Ps: Yes, we have)

Teacher: We have read episodes 1, 2 and 3. Can you recollect the events? Put the KEY-sentences in the correct order. Open your exercise books, please. Put down the date, classwork and do the exercise. (дидактический материал)

Teacher: And now look at the screen and check your answers. (СЛАЙД 2)


Put the KEY-sentences in the correct order.

(1) The Darlings found Nana to look after the children.

(2) Peter Pan flew through the window into the room; Nana snapped at him and pulled off his shadow.

(3) When Mr and Mrs Darling went out Peter Pan flew again to find his shadow.

   (СЛАЙД 2)

(Обучающиеся выстраивают события в соответствии с содержанием главы 1, 2, 3)

Teacher: Very well!


3. Этап постановки цели и задач урока

Подведение к теме урока через наглядность и ключевой вопрос.


Teacher: Now have a look at the picture. What is the topic of our lesson today? (Ps: Peter Pan) (СЛАЙД 3)

Teacher: Can you answer the question now? What did Peter Pan tell Wendy and what did he teach the children to do?

Teacher: What should we do to answer these questions/ to prove your answers? (P1: We should read the text/ episode 4)

Teacher: Look at the phrases on the board and say what the aim of our lesson is. (P2: The aim of our lesson is to understand the text)

Teacher: What are we to do to understand the text? Let’s set the tasks. (P3: We are to learn the new words, to read the text, to answer the questions)



(Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя, называют тему и цель урока, ставят задачи с опорой на словосочетания на доске)


4. Этап усвоения новых знаний


Teacher: Read the title of the episode. (The children can fly) What is going to happen in it? Read out the sentences that you choose. (СЛАЙД 5)


Wendy meets Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell wants to be friends with her.

They are all going to fly to the Neverland.

The children don’t like flying.


Teacher: Have a look at the pictures. Find the characters of Episode 4 (СЛАЙД 6)


Read the words and word combinations and find their English equivalents in the text. (P1 – P2 – P3 - …) (СЛАЙД 7)



1. совсем молодой

2. сбежал

3. становиться взрослым, взрослеть

4. детский смех

5. искал

6. изумленная

7. пропавшие

8. бедняги

9. думай о прекрасном

10. Это так забавно!


1. quite young

2. ran away

3. grow up

4. baby’s laughs

5. looked for

6. amazed

7. lost boys

8. poor boys

9. think lovely thoughts

10. This is such fun!


(Обучающиеся читают заголовок; прогнозируют содержание текста, выбирая предложения; находят в тексте английские эквиваленты русских слов и выражений)


Teacher: Let’s move on to reading. Who wants to begin?

(Обучающиеся читают текст)


5. Физминутка

Teacher: Now I have a song for you. Let’s listen and sing together.

Песня “do you believe in magic? ” (Обучающиеся исполняют песню с движениями)


6. Этап закрепления новых знаний и способов действия


Teacher:  For the next activity, I’d like you to work in two groups. There are two tasks for each group. When you cope with them, you are to guess the word. Each group will get one letter for one correct answer. Is everything clear?


Teacher: Task 1. Group 1 is going to look through the episode and correct the words in bold. And Group 2 is going to look through the text and complete the sentences words. Write down the words on your sheets of paper. You have __ minutes.

Let’s check the answers. Exchange your papers, please. Look at the KEY and correct the mistakes if there are any. (СЛАЙД 8, дидактический материал)


Teacher: Now do the next exercise. Sasha, read the task, please. (P1: Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.)

Teacher: Do the exercise in your groups and in 2 minutes we are going on.

Teacher: It’s high time to finish your work and check the answers. Here is the KEY.

(СЛАЙД 9, дидактический материал)


Teacher: Group 1, you have __  correct answers, so you have ___ letters. Group 2, you have __  correct answers, so you have ___ letters.

Now, answer the question: What helped the children to fly? Name the thing using the letters. (FAIRY DUST) (СЛАЙД 10)


(Обучающиеся работают в группах: исправляют выделенное слово/ заполняют пропуски в соответствии с содержанием текста, восполняют пропуски в предложениях действующими лицами. Учитель контролирует правильность выполнения задания группой. За каждый правильный ответ обучающиеся получают буквы, из которых затем должны составить слово.)


Teacher: The results of your work are excellent/ very good/ quite good.







7. Рефлексия

Teacher: Can you answer the questions now? What did Peter Pan tell Wendy and what did he teach the children to do? Find the key on the board.


Peter Pan told Wendy about fairies and the Lost Boys.

Peter Pan taught Wendy, Michael and John to fly.

Peter Pan taught Wendy to fly.

Peter Pan told about his childhood and his parents.

Peter Pan taught the children to be friends with Tinker Bell.


 (СЛАЙД 11)

(Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы, поставленные в начале урока, выбирая ключевую фразу)


8. Этап информирования о домашнем задании и инструктаж по его выполнению

Teacher: *Write down 4 or 5 sentences as a plan of episode 4.

*Answer the questions about Peter Pan (in written form/ in writing):

1.      How old is Peter Pan?

2.      Why did he run away?

3.      Where did he live?

4.      Has he got a friend?

5.      Who does he live in the Neverland with?







































Group 1


Task 1


Read the episode and correct the words in bold.


1. Peter Pan didn’t want to run away. __________

2. Fairies come from babies’ tears. __________

3. Wendy didn’t want to make friends with the girl. __________

4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with the fairies. __________

5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael to perform magic. __________



Group 1


Task 2


Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.


Michael     Tinker Bell    Wendy     Peter Pan     John    the Lost Boys


1. __________ was very surprised.

2. __________ came from the baby’s laugh.

3. __________ lives in the Neverland with the Lost Boys.

4. Will you teach _________ and __________ too?



Group 1


Task 1


Read the episode and correct the words in bold.


1. Peter Pan didn’t want to run away. __________

2. Fairies come from babies’ tears. __________

3. Wendy didn’t want to make friends with the girl. __________

4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with the fairies. __________

5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael to perform magic. __________




Group 1


Task 2


Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.


Michael     Tinker Bell    Wendy     Peter Pan     John    the Lost Boys


1. __________ was very surprised.

2. __________ came from the baby’s laugh.

3. __________ lives in the Neverland with the Lost Boys.

4. Will you teach _________ and __________ too?




Group 2


Task 1


Read the episode and complete the sentences words.

1. Peter Pan didn’t want __________.

2. Fairies come from babies’ __________.

3. _________ didn’t want to make friends with Wendy.

4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with __________.

5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael __________.




Group 2


Task 2


Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.


Michael     Tinker Bell    Wendy     Peter Pan     John    the Lost Boys


1. __________ didn’t know his age.

2. He looked for ________ and she flew to him.  

3. __________ don’t have mothers.

4. __________ blew fairy dust on the children.




Group 2


Task 1


Read the episode and complete the sentences words.

1. Peter Pan didn’t want __________.

2. Fairies come from babies’ __________.

3. _________ didn’t want to make friends with Wendy.

4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with __________.

5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael __________.




Group 2


Task 2


Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.


Michael     Tinker Bell    Wendy     Peter Pan     John    the Lost Boys


1. __________ didn’t know his age.

2. He looked for ________ and she flew to him.  

3. __________ don’t have mothers.

4. __________ blew fairy dust on the children.






Group 1


Task 1


Read the episode and correct the words in bold.


1. Peter Pan didn’t want to run away. (to grow up)

2. Fairies come from babies’ tears. (laughs)

3. Wendy didn’t want to make friends with the girl. (Tinker Bell)

4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with the fairies. (the Lost Boys)

5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael to perform magic. (to fly)


Group 1


Task 2


Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.


Michael     Tinker Bell    Wendy     Peter Pan     John    the Lost Boys


1. __________ was very surprised. (Wendy)

2. __________ came from the baby’s laugh. (Tinkle Bell)

3. __________ lives in the Neverland with the Lost Boys. (Peter Pan)

4. Will you teach _________ and __________ too? (Michael, John)



Group 2


Task 1


Read the episode and complete the sentences words.

1. Peter Pan didn’t want __________. (to grow up)

2. Fairies come from babies’ __________. (laughs)

3. _________ didn’t want to make friends with Wendy. (Tinker Bell)

4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with __________. (the Lost Boys)

5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael __________. (to fly)


Group 2


Task 2


Look through the text and complete the sentences using the names below. You don’t have to use all the names or you may use the same name several times.



Michael     Tinker Bell    Wendy     Peter Pan     John    the Lost Boys


1. __________ didn’t know his age. (Peter Pan)

2. He looked for ________ and she flew to him. (Tinkle Bell)

3. __________ don’t have mothers. (the Lost Boys)

4. __________ blew fairy dust on the children. (Peter Pan)





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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The _____ of January________Tongue Twister

Picky people pick Peter Pan Pean...

    1 слайд

    The _____ of January
    Tongue Twister

    Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, ‘tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.

  • Put the KEY-sentences in the correct order. The Darlings found Nana to look a...

    2 слайд

    Put the KEY-sentences in the correct order.
    The Darlings found Nana to look after the children.
    Peter Pan flew through the window into the room; Nana snapped at him and pulled off his shadow.
    When Mr and Mrs Darling went out, Peter Pan flew again to find his shadow.

  • What is the topic of our lesson? Peter Pan
Episode 4?
What did Peter Pan tell...

    3 слайд

    What is the topic of our lesson?
    Peter Pan
    Episode 4
    What did Peter Pan tell Wendy and what did he teach the children to do?

  • What is the topic of our lesson? Peter Pan
Episode 4TasksAimto understand the...

    4 слайд

    What is the topic of our lesson?
    Peter Pan
    Episode 4
    to understand the text
    to learn the new words
    to read the text
    to answer the questions
    What did Peter Pan tell Wendy and what did he teach the children to do?

  • What is going to happen in it? 
Read out the sentences that you choose.Wendy...

    5 слайд

    What is going to happen in it?
    Read out the sentences that you choose.
    Wendy meets Tinker Bell.

    Tinker Bell wants to be friends with her.

    They are all going to fly to the Neverland.

    The children don’t like flying.

    The Darlings found Nana to look after the children.

  • Ex. 1. Find the characters of Episode 4. Mr DarlingMrs DarlingWendy

    6 слайд

    Ex. 1. Find the characters of Episode 4.
    Mr Darling
    Mrs Darling
    Peter Pan
    Tinker Bell

  • Ex. 2. Find the English equivalents in the text. 1. quite young
2. ran away

    7 слайд

    Ex. 2. Find the English equivalents in the text.
    1. quite young
    2. ran away
    3. grow up
    4. baby’s laughs
    5. looked for
    6. amazed
    7. lost boys
    8. poor boys
    9. think lovely thoughts
    10. This is such fun!

  • Ex. 3. Work in groups. Task 1

1. Peter Pan didn’t want to grow up.

    8 слайд

    Ex. 3. Work in groups.
    Task 1

    The KEY
    1. Peter Pan didn’t want to grow up.
    2. Fairies come from babies’ laughs.
    3. Tinker Bell didn’t want to make friends with Wendy.
    4. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with the Lost Boys.
    5. Peter Pan taught Wendy, John and Michael to fly.

  • Work in groups. Task 2
Group 1
1. Wendy was very surprised.
2. Tinker...

    9 слайд

    Work in groups.
    Task 2
    Group 1
    The KEY
    1. Wendy was very surprised.
    2. Tinker Bell came from the baby’s laugh.
    3. Peter Pan lives in the Neverland with the Lost Boys.
    4. Will you teach Michael and John too?
    Task 2
    Group 2
    The KEY
    1. Peter Pan didn’t know his age.
    2. He looked for Tinker Bell and she flew to him.
    3. The Lost Boys don’t have mothers.
    4. Peter Pan blew fairy dust on the children.


  • What helped the children to fly? FAIRY DUST

    10 слайд

    What helped the children to fly?

  • Peter Pan. Episode 4?
What did Peter Pan tell Wendy 
and what did he teach th...

    11 слайд

    Peter Pan. Episode 4
    What did Peter Pan tell Wendy
    and what did he teach the children to do?
    Peter Pan told Wendy about fairies and the Lost Boys.

    Peter Pan taught Wendy to fly.

    Peter Pan taught the children to be friends with Tinker Bell.
    Peter Pan taught Wendy, Michael and John to fly.

    Peter Pan told about his childhood and his parents.

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Краткое описание документа:

Представленный материал содержит презентацию и конспект урока внеклассного чтения по книге Peter Pan к учебнику Spotlight 7. Урок построен с использованием групповой формы работы, в материал урока включены дифференцированные задания, имеются ключи к упражнениям, для оценивания работы групп применяется игровая технология.

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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

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