Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация к уроку английского языка 7 класс на тему «Green issues».

Презентация к уроку английского языка 7 класс на тему «Green issues».

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • «Save the Earth»Урок английского языка 7 класс на тему «Green issues» 

    1 слайд

    «Save the Earth»
    Урок английского языка 7 класс на тему «Green issues»
    Учитель английского языка Левашова Т.Л.

  • PollutionA power stationToxic fumesA factoryA factorywastePolluted cloudsAir,...

    2 слайд

    A power station
    Toxic fumes
    A factory
    A factory
    Polluted clouds
    Air, water and soil pollution
    Fish and plant species dying

  • PollutionAcid rain

    3 слайд

    Acid rain

  • Match  the words.

    4 слайд

    Match the words.




  • Read the text at page 77, SB and answer the following questions. 

 What is t...

    5 слайд

    Read the text at page 77, SB and answer the following questions.

    What is the beginning of problems?

    How does it happen that acid rain appears?

    What is the process of water and soil pollutions?

    What are the possible perspectives in this problem?

  • Fill in the words from
toxic  fumes ,  factory waste,  acid rain, natural ha...

    6 слайд

    Fill in the words from
    toxic fumes , factory waste, acid rain, natural habitats, soil pollution, plant species, solar power
    ……………. is very harmful to the environment.
    A lot of ……………… is dumped into this river.
    Chemicals cause ………………..
    …………………. is environmentally friendly.
    Many …………………… are in danger of dying out.
    Forests fires cause many animals to lose their …………………
    How can I avoid breathing ………………. from cars while cycling in the city?
    acid rain
    factory waste
    soil pollution
    solar power
    plant species
    natural habitats,
    toxic fumes

  • Present  Perfect  ContinuousI/we/they/you  have (= I've...

    7 слайд

    Present Perfect Continuous
    I/we/they/you  have (= I've …….)

    he/she/it  has (= he's ………)
    been V-ing

  • Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuo...

    8 слайд

    Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuous tense.

    • Tony _______________________ (talk) on the phone for two hours.
    • I ____________________________ (look) for my keys since 11 a.m.
    • We ______________________________ (wait) for the bus for 20 minutes.
    • She ____________________________ (play) computer games for 50 minutes.
    • They ____________________________ (live) in Moscow since January.
    has been talking hours.
    have been looking
    have been waiting
    has been playing
    have been living

  • Match  the words.

    9 слайд

    Match the words.




  • Read the text at page 77, SB and answer the following questions. 

 What is t...

    10 слайд

    Read the text at page 77, SB and answer the following questions.

    What is the beginning of problems?

    How does it happen that acid rain appears?

    What is the process of water and soil pollutions?

    What are the possible perspectives in this problem?

  • Acid RainCars burn petrol, factories and power stations burn coal and emit to...

    11 слайд

    Acid Rain
    Cars burn petrol, factories and power stations burn coal and emit toxic fumes. The air becomes polluted.
    This pollution is gathered in clouds and with the oxygen and water in the atmosphere it becomes acid.
    The wind carry the polluted clouds across long distances where it rains.

  • Acid RainWhat causes it?Toxic fumes  gather
in polluted clouds and 
become ac...

    12 слайд

    Acid Rain
    What causes it?
    Toxic fumes gather
    in polluted clouds and
    become acid in the atmosphere.

  • Acid RainWhat effects does it have?It falls into lakes, streams, 
   rivers a...

    13 слайд

    Acid Rain
    What effects does it have?
    It falls into lakes, streams,
    rivers and seas and
    they become toxic.
    So, it kills, harms and wipes
    out fish and plant species.
    It poisons trees and plants.
    It also causes serious damage to buildings and other objects.

  • Acid Rain What can we
 We can use our cars less.We can use solar power 
to he...

    14 слайд

    Acid Rain
    What can we

    We can use our cars less.
    We can use solar power
    to heat our homes.

  • Fill in the words from
toxic  fumes ,  factory waste,  acid rain, natural ha...

    15 слайд

    Fill in the words from
    toxic fumes , factory waste, acid rain, natural habitats, soil pollution, plant species, solar power
    ……………. is very harmful to the environment.
    A lot of ……………… is dumped into this river.
    Chemicals cause ………………..
    …………………. is environmentally friendly.
    Many …………………… are in danger of dying out.
    Forests fires cause many animals to lose their …………………
    How can I avoid breathing ………………. from cars while cycling in the city?
    acid rain
    factory waste
    soil pollution
    solar power
    plant species
    natural habitats,
    toxic fumes

  • Present  Perfect  ContinuousI/we/they/you  have (= I've...

    16 слайд

    Present Perfect Continuous
    I/we/they/you  have (= I've …….)

    he/she/it  has (= he's ………)
    been V-ing

  • Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuo...

    17 слайд

    Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuous tense.

    • Tony _______________________ (talk) on the phone for two hours.
    • I ____________________________ (look) for my keys since 11 a.m.
    • We ______________________________ (wait) for the bus for 20 minutes.
    • She ____________________________ (play) computer games for 50 minutes.
    • They ____________________________ (live) in Moscow since January.
    has been talking hours.
    have been looking
    have been waiting
    has been playing
    have been living

  • Internet Resourceshttp://protonsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/2011/06/09/is-the-...

    18 слайд

    Internet Resources

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