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Презентация на тему: "Susquehanna University"

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  • Подготовила студентка СР-161
Перова ЛилияSusquehanna University

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    Перова Лилия
    Susquehanna University

  • Susquehanna University is a four-year, co-educational, private liberal arts u...

    2 слайд

    Susquehanna University is a four-year, co-educational, private liberal arts university in Selinsgrove, in central Pennsylvania, United States. The university is situated in the Susquehanna Valley approximately 50 mi (80 km) north of Pennsylvania's state capital, Harrisburg.

    The academic programs fall into either the School of Arts and Sciences or the AACSB International-accredited Sigmund Weis School of Business. Susquehanna University enrolls more than 2,200 undergraduate students from 33 states and 23 countries,[4] and maintains a student-to-faculty ratio of 12 to 1. Most students are required to live on campus all four years[5] and as of 2012, all students participate in a cross-cultural study away or service learning experience known as the GO Program. Noteworthy alumni include several Pennsylvania political representatives and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

    The university was founded in 1858 by Benjamin Kurtz as the Lutheran-based Missionary Institute paired with a sister college, the Susquehanna Female College. When the sister college closed in 1873, the missionary institute became co-educational, and in 1895 it became a four-year school renamed Susquehanna University. The school's 325 acres sit in rural Pennsylvania and house 39 residential buildings, six academic buildings, a library, athletic facilities, a health center, and several administrative buildings.

  • 3 слайд

  • Susquehanna University is a small, liberal arts college based in rural centra...

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    Susquehanna University is a small, liberal arts college based in rural central Pennsylvania and is devoted solely to undergraduate education. The university is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Susquehanna maintains a student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1 with 90% of full-time faculty holding a doctorate or highest equivalent degree.

    The university offers more than 100 majors, minors and programs and gives students the freedom to design their own major. Susquehanna balances its liberal arts education with five pre-professional programs in law, veterinary medicine and teaching, and coordinates with Thomas Jefferson University for allied health, Temple University for dentistry and Columbia University for engineering. In 2016, an average of 96% of graduates were enrolled in graduate school or employed within six months of graduation.

  • 5 слайд

  • Susquehanna University is split into two main academic departments, the Schoo...

    6 слайд

    Susquehanna University is split into two main academic departments, the School of Arts and Sciences and the Sigmund Weis School of Business. The School of Arts and Sciences offers the majority of majors, putting an emphasis on a more traditional liberal arts education including science and the humanities. The Sigmund Weis School of Business is geared towards a more technical degree.

    Susquehanna University is governed by the president, a governing body of 56 members and a team of administrators.

  • 7 слайд

  • Susquehanna competes in 23 varsity sports in Division III of the NCAA. Most s...

    8 слайд

    Susquehanna competes in 23 varsity sports in Division III of the NCAA. Most sports compete as part of the Landmark Conference with other Northeastern colleges. Susquehanna competes in the Centennial Conference for football and women's golf and the Empire 8 for men's golf.[citation needed] Cheerleading is Susquehanna's 24th varsity team.

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500/1000 ч.

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Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 122 человека из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 466 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

2200 руб. 1100 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 350 человек из 75 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 235 человек

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 82 человека из 29 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 54 человека


Искусство звука: путешествие по музыкальным жанрам

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 11 человек


Экономика и управление

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Жизненный цикл продукта и методология управления проектами

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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