Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему Olympics

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Olympics

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Technological map of the lesson


 Uzbekistan and the Olympics

Aims of the lesson

Educational: Practise talking about sports and athletes; to practice listening for detaied information; to practice and revise Wh-questions.

Developing: to enable pupils to speak about sport events in Uzbekistan and in the world;

Socio-cultural: Through talking about Olympics raise awareness of patriotic feelings oriented on respectfulness of the spiritual and cultural values.     

Technology of learning process:

Marking: By pupils` activity during the lesson.

Equipment: book, dictionary, blackboard, chalk, cards, table, CD,computer, slides

Type of the lesson: practical lesson.

Learning outcomes

Teacher:   Gains knowledge on learning topic; Topic is learnt by all pupils in short time; raises active participation; 80 % of pupils get marks during the lesson; enables pupils to  revise previous material and develop speaking skills.

Pupil: Gets new knowledge in short time; learns to work independently and in groups, develops speaking skills.

Subject: English

Grade: 7

Theme:  Uzbekistan and the Olympics.

 (Fly High textbook II quarter)

Aims: Practise talking about sports and athletes; to practice listening for detaied information; to practice and revise Wh-questions.

2. to enable pupils to speak about sport evevts in Uzbekistan and in the world;

3. Through talking about Olympics raise awareness of patriotic feelings oriented on respectfulness of the spiritual and cultural values.     

Structure of the lesson: oriented on developing of reading and listening and speaking skills

Type of the lesson: Mixed

View of the lesson: Integrated skills lesson

Methods: “Brainstorming”, “Making a sentence” “Playing a game”,”MISSING WORDS”,  describing according to the picture.

Forms: question – answer conversation, individual work, pair work, group work (working in fours), working with vocabulary


Time: 45 min


1. Organisation of the lesson                                         3min

2. Revision of the previous material                             12 min

3. Introducing the theme and the aims                            2 min

3a. Working with new materials:                                 20- min

a)Listening exercise:                                                            6 min

b) talking about the last Olympic Games in Rio de Janeyro in 2016  8min

c) Act. 2a -2b                             7min

 4. Consoidation                     10 min

5. Evoluation                             3min

6. Homework                             2min

                     PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON:

1 . Organization of the lesson:

Teacher greets children and introduces herself.

Good morning, children. Thank you for your taking part  at the lesson.I am glad to meet you .How are you? Are you OK? How is your mood?Are you ready for the lesson?  If so  we shall begin our lesson?

What date is it today?

What date was it yesterday?

What date will be tomorrow?

What day is it today?

What day was it yesterday?

Who is on duty today?  Who is absent today?

What is your Motherland? My Motherland is Uzbekistan.

Do you like your Motherland? Yes, I do.I like my motherland very much.

2. Asking the previous material:

1. You must choose sports with “play” and with “DO”. … VOLLEYBALL  … GYMNASTICS (play, do)

Objectives: to consolidate of using DO, PLAY with sports

There are some pictures on the table . Pupils will make sentences and read them:(At one of the previous lessons they were shown a grammar video on the topic. Teacher can check if they remember it)

I play football,I play volleyball, I play handball

I do kurash, I do karate, I do gymnastics.

I go swimming; I go skiing; I go snowboarding

According to made sentences pupils divide into three  groups. Groups can give names to their groups. Eg. “Champions”, “Sportsmen”, “Olympics”

2. On the monitor you can see the symbols of Olympic Games. You must describe them:


objective: to improve speaking skills; to consolidate the learnt material

Two symbols are given for each group. Groups have to make at least two sentences about each  symbol.

A mark is given for each sentence.

3. Make a sentence.

Objective: to revise using of going to; consolidate the previous material, improve writing skills.

In this activity pupils have to put the words in correct place to make a sentence.

Cards with words:                              

1. team /going to/ our/take part/in/ competition/ school/ is/ sports

2. I/my/going to/father/am/football match/ on TV/with/watch/a

3. we/mountains/teacher/to/going to/are/go/with/our/ in May

The sentences will be written on the blackboard by a member of the groups

4. Play “What are you going to do?”

Objectives: to consolidate using of going to; to develop speaking skills.

Pupils will be given cards with pictures of different things. They have to make dialogues using the pictures.

Eg. A: Whar are you going to do with this ticket?

B: I am going to go to the cinema

Used pictures: apple, hat, racket, money, cup, shopping bag, books, parsel, aspirin, mask, flowers, popkorn, pencil, botlle of wine, envelope, credit card, ticket, bucket


It is a less controled speech practise activity. Here strong pupils can help weak ones and check their sentences.


3  Introducing new theme  : Uzbekistan and theOlympics.

Act.1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions

Objective: to introduce and practice the new vocabulary; to stimulate the interest in the topic.

Teacher introduces new words                                                                    DIVING;    SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING;   WATER POLO                 1.     Do you know these sports? Diving, water polo, synchronised swimming


2.        Do you like them?

3. Do you want to do any of them?


Act 1b Listen to the radio programme 'Sportsweek' and complete the table.

Objective: to practice listening for detail



















Act 2 Talking about Olympic champions.

Objectives: Talking about Olympic champions in Rio in 2016.

Pupils in turns speak about champions and present information prepared beforehand using slides.



2a Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Objectives: to stimulate the interest in the next activity

1. Do you know the athlete in the picture?

2. What is he famous for?


2b Read the interview and write Wh-questions for each answer.

Objectives: to revise and practice WH-questions

e.g. What's your name?

1. Muhammadqodir Abdullayev.

2. I was born on the fifteenth of November 1973 in Andijan.

3. I began to do boxing when I was 13.

4. My trainer now is Mars Kuchkarov.

5. My first big victory was in 1995 at the Central Asian Games in Tashkent. I won a gold medal.

6. In 1997 I was the Asian Champion.


IV. Consolidation

Ask WH-questions about athletes and practice talking about them


V. Evoluation

Teacher gives pupils marks for active participating, speaking, writing and reading skill and for their presentation. 3 min


VI. Hometask: Write questions and prepare to ask question about Olympic champions                                                                   2 min.


Additional information:

Review of the lesson, doing exercises, listening to audio files, watching video lessons, movies, reading books,

magazines, answering questions.


National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan logo

National Olympic Committee Country/Region         Uzbekistan Code UZB

Created 1990

Recognized 1993

Continental Association  OCA

President Mr  Mirabror Usmanov

Secretary General Mr  Oybek Kasimov Website  www.olympic.uz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Olympic_Committee_of_the_Republic_of_Uzbekistan











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