Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Personal computer" (2 курс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Personal computer" (2 курс)

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    1 слайд


  • Contents:1. Input devices
1.1. Keyboard
1.2. Cursor
1. 3 Mouse and trackball...

    2 слайд

    1. Input devices
    1.1. Keyboard
    1.2. Cursor
    1. 3 Mouse and trackball
    1.4. Joystick
    1.5. Scanner
    2. Output devices
    2.1. Monitor
    2.2. Printers
    2.4.Floppy disks
    3. Computer memory

  • According to the definition by Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Computer...

    3 слайд

    According to the definition by Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Computer is “an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do calculations and control other machine”. It includes hardware and software. Hardware means the parts of a computer system, its physical components (hard disk, printer, modem, scanner etc).
    Software means programs, files containing instructions for your computer.

  •  Input  devices

    4 слайд

    Input devices

  • KeyboardThe most widely used input device is the keyboard. The keyboard is th...

    5 слайд

    The most widely used input device is the keyboard. The keyboard is the standard mean for the user to input data into the computer.
    The keyboard itself doesn’t contain any mechanism for creating printed pages. Each time a key on the keyboard is pressed, an electronic signal is sent to the system unit indicating which key was pressed.

  • There are three keyboard layouts. The first is the standard IBM-PC keyboard....

    6 слайд

    There are three keyboard layouts. The first is the standard IBM-PC keyboard. The central portion of the keyboard consists of the alphanumeric keys, that there are ten function keys (labeled F1 - F 10) on the top side of the keyboard, and there is a numeric keypad, much like that found on a calculator, on the right side of the keyboard.

  • The mouse and trackballThe most common pointing device is the mouse, so calle...

    7 слайд

    The mouse and trackball
    The most common pointing device is the mouse, so called because it slides over the desktop and has a wire or 'tail' attached to the computer.
    So a mouse is a hand-held device with a small rotating ball embedded in the bottom. The mouse is an opto-mechanical input device. It has three or two buttons which control the cursor movement across the screen. Each software program uses those buttons differently. The Mouse's primary functions are to help users to draw, point and select images on the computer display by moving the mouse across the screen

  • The Mouse slopes gently towards the front, so fingers rest comfortably on the...

    8 слайд

    The Mouse slopes gently towards the front, so fingers rest comfortably on the three (or two) buttons which respond easily; and click when pressed. Especially this feature is helpful when user must «double-click» the buttons to activate commands.
    Another pointing device is a trackball, which performs like a stationary upside-down mouse

  • JoystickA joystick is another pointing device, one that is usually associated...

    9 слайд

    A joystick is another pointing device, one that is usually associated with playing computer games. A light-pen is used to draw, write or issue commands when it touches the specially designed monitor or screen. It is a pen-shaped device connected by a cable to the terminal and a thin beam of light shines from the end. When the pen is pressed on the screen, the coordinates of the point are fed to the computer.

  • ScannerA scanner permits entering text into a computer. There are flat-bed sc...

    10 слайд

    A scanner permits entering text into a computer. There are flat-bed scanners and hand-held scanners.
    Perhaps the easiest way to enter data into a computer is by speaking, called Voice Recognition. Source data input refers to data fed directly into the computer without human intervention.

  • Output  devices

    11 слайд

    Output devices

  • MonitorA monitor may be referred to as a cathode Ray Tube (CRT) - a vacuum tu...

    12 слайд

    A monitor may be referred to as a cathode Ray Tube (CRT) - a vacuum tube such as the picture tube on a television set- that is used to generate the display on most monitors. Each monitor has either a color or a monochrome display and has varying degrees of picture sharpness.

  • PrintersPrinters are output devices which produce hardcopy. Printers come in...

    13 слайд

    Printers are output devices which produce hardcopy. Printers come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, with varying capabilities and mechanisms for printing. The important thing is the user must be sure that the printer is appropriate to the type of output that he wishes to produce. There are three main types of printers: a dot-matrix printer, a letter quality printer and a laser printer.

  • A dot matrix printerA dot-matrix printer produced output by having small pins...

    14 слайд

    A dot matrix printer
    A dot-matrix printer produced output by having small pins strike a ribbon, producing a pattern of dots on the paper.
    Dot matrix printers can also produce both characters and graphics by building a pattern of dots.

  • A laser printerA laser printer provides high-quality non-impact printing and...

    15 слайд

    A laser printer
    A laser printer provides high-quality non-impact printing and offers the highest quality texts and graphics printing for the desktop. A laser printer is like a dot-matrix printer is produced by generating patterns of dots; this is done electronically, so that the pattern can be extremely fine, making the individual dots indistinguishable to the naked eye.

  • A letter quality printerA letter quality printer uses the same technology as...

    16 слайд

    A letter quality printer
    A letter quality printer uses the same technology as a typewriter, with type holding the reserved images of fully formed characters striking the ribbon.
    A letter quality printer is unable to produce both characters and graphics by building a pattern of dots, because a dot pattern is not used to, produce characters. A letter quality printer allows the production of documents with a high quality of printing at a relatively low cost.

  • Inkjet  printerThere are another types of printers. Inkjet printers transfer...

    17 слайд

    Inkjet printer
    There are another types of printers. Inkjet printers transfer characters and images to paper by spraying a fine jet of ink. Like lasers, they are able to print many different types of fonts and graphics.

  • PlottersOther printers include plotters, that use colored pens for scientific...

    18 слайд

    Other printers include plotters, that use colored pens for scientific and engineering drawing and thermal printers that use heat to form a non-impact image on paper.

  • MicrographicsComputer output task involved micrographics. Micrographics is a...

    19 слайд

    Computer output task involved micrographics. Micrographics is a way to store output on a film. Output is sent to a special machine that reduces its size and records it 10 to 20 times faster than printing.
    There are two methods of storing and accessing instructions or data in auxiliary storage. One is direct access and the other is sequential access.

  • Floppy disksFloppy disks are divided into two sizes of portable magnetic disk...

    20 слайд

    Floppy disks
    Floppy disks are divided into two sizes of portable magnetic disks, which are commonly in use. The first of these is the 5.25 floppy disk. The second of these is the 3.5 floppy disk. Both these disks are called diskettes, because the disk material itself is a strong, flexible (floppy) plastic. The 5.25 disk has a heavy; but flexible, plastic envelope that protects the actual disk. The 3.5 disk has a rigid plastic casing to protect the disk.

  • Computer memorySoftware gives instructions that tell computers what to do. Th...

    21 слайд

    Computer memory
    Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do. There are two kinds of software. The first is system Software and includes programs that run the computer system or that aid programmers in performing their work. The second kind of software is Application Software, which directs the computer to perform specific tasks that often involve the user.

  • Memory can store instructions, programs, data in the computer. Memory can be...

    22 слайд

    Memory can store instructions, programs, data in the computer. Memory can be divided into two major categories:
    Main memory
    Auxiliary storage

  • Main memory is a part of the CPU. Maim memory is usually on chips or a circui...

    23 слайд

    Main memory is a part of the CPU. Maim memory is usually on chips or a circuit board with the other two components of the CPU.

    RAM for Random Access Memory is the storage area directly controlled by the computer’s CPU. RAM is read-write memory, in that it can receive or read data and instructions from other sources such as auxiliary storage.

  • Another type of memory is ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM holds instructions tha...

    24 слайд

    Another type of memory is ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM holds instructions that can be read by the computer but no written over. ROM is sometimes called firmware because it holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer.
    Auxiliary storage, also called auxiliary memory, is memory that supplements main storage. This type of memory is long-term, Nonvolatile Memory. Nonvolatile means that computer is turned off or turned on.

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Психоаналитический подход: изучение определенных аспектов психологии личности

4 ч.

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Развитие предметно-практических действий, игровых навыков и математических представлений у детей раннего возраста

6 ч.

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