Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку "Реклама" (11 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку "Реклама" (11 класс)

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  • реклама

      Реклама вездесуща, многолика, разнообразна. Она тесно связана...

    2 слайд


    Реклама вездесуща, многолика, разнообразна. Она тесно связана со средствами массовой информации, которые выступают в качестве носителя конкретных рекламных текстов. В настоящее время в нашей стране возрос интерес к рекламе. В этой связи предоставляется актуальным углубленное изучение рекламных текстов, написанных на одном из наиболее распространенных международных языков - английском. так как именно англоязычная реклама, как и другие типы media текстов на английском языке, занимают ведущее положение в мировом информационном потоке, как в плане объема, так и в плане влияния.

  • Рекламный текст  Рекламный текст - особый вид информационного текста. Реклама...

    3 слайд

    Рекламный текст
    Рекламный текст - особый вид информационного текста. Реклама - это информация о товарах, различных видах услуг с целью оповещения потребителей и создания спроса на товары и услуги. Известный практик рекламы Д. Огилви утверждал, что рекламными текстами интересуются в среднем 5% общего числа читателей газет и журналов, и это совсем не мало. Реклама пропагандирует достоинства товара, чтобы повысить его популярность.
    В культуре XXI века реклама занимает специфическое место. Особенность рекламы в том, что она существует вне желания и воли воспринимающего ее субъекта, но, в конечном счете, подчиняет и волю, и желания своим целям.
    Рекламный текст является разновидностью современного мифа, в качестве такового он имеет устойчивое строение; главной целью рекламного текста является не только представление свойств товара, но и внушение покупателю мысли, что, приобретя товар, он делается одновременно и счастливым, и свободным.
    Учет законов психологического воздействия на сознание человека оказывается решающим при создании рекламного текста. Составление рекламного текста - творческий процесс, родственный искусству психотерапевта.

  • Antonyms and oppositionsOne of the most logical tricks is to convey to the bu...

    4 слайд

    Antonyms and oppositions
    One of the most logical tricks is to convey to the buyer the advantages of your product compared to competitors' products. To put it simply: they are bad, we are good. It is not necessary to compare yourself with others, sometimes they talk about how (bad) it was before, and how (good) it has become now that our product has appearedAntonyms here are used multiple times VS used just once. And the message is that an ordinary towel is evil, but our disposable napkins are fine))

  • Antonyms and oppositionsThe message is that for such a small price you get a...

    5 слайд

    Antonyms and oppositions
    The message is that for such a small price you get a big satisfied smile (big cheese-eating grin). It's funny, of course, that manufacturers are trying to sell not macaroni and cheese (mac &cheese), but a smile. However, it is normal to sell emotions, not goods)).

  • Comparisons, comparative and superlative adjectivesAnother very logical way t...

    6 слайд

    Comparisons, comparative and superlative adjectives
    Another very logical way to show the advantages of your product is to compare it with others using adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.Fresh breath that lasts longer – longer,than what?Than with other toothpastes.

  • Or here –it doesn't get better than this – it couldn't be better.That is, our...

    7 слайд

    Or here –it doesn't get better than this – it couldn't be better.That is, our hot dog is the limit of dreams))

  • ParallelismIn advertising texts, the technique of parallelism is often used,...

    8 слайд


    In advertising texts, the technique of parallelism is often used, that is, identical, repetitive constructions. Because of the repetition, they sound rhythmic and a little hypnotic. It is easier for the brain to connect different concepts if they are arranged in similar grammatical structures.In the first three cases, you performed some actions(learn,inspire,change),and in the latter you countthe meaning is already different (not "you think", but "you and your opinion are important)

  • EllipsisUsing an ellipsis ( omitting a word or structure) another logical an...

    9 слайд


    Using an ellipsis ( omitting a word or structure) another logical and reasonable feature of the advertising text. After all, there is not enough space, on magazine pages, and on the Internet they pay for the size, so the text should be at a minimum. In addition, pictures have a better and faster effect on the subconscious of the unhappy consumer than words.Rich enough to share, light enough not to- shortened version fromIt’s rich enough to share, it’s light enough not to share. without it's clear what we are talking about (about the product being depicted), and share at the end would be a repeat, so we ruthlessly get rid of it.

  • Replacing conceptsIn this case, the word we need (the name of the advertised...

    10 слайд

    Replacing concepts

    In this case, the word we need (the name of the advertised product, of course) is replaced by another - a word, a concept, an idea. Thus, associations are created, and again, something else is being sold.And here is a whole chain of associations, it's not for nothing that the tea package was put on a par with sneakers. The main message - start something good - in the context of sneakers hints at New Year resolutions, i.e. plans and promises to yourself (as many do before the New Year -start jogging, stop smoking).The first association is jogging = something good. And suddenly there is tea. Yeah, tea =something good. Moreover, tea is such a good thing that its benefits can be compared with jogging. Come on, this run, then I'd rather clap a seagull in the comfort of my favorite chair)) Sneakers are no longer needed.

  • References to cultural realitiesThis includes mentioning phenomena (or expre...

    11 слайд

    References to cultural realities

    This includes mentioning phenomena (or expressions) specific to a particular culture, the one for which advertising was invented. For a consumer who does not live in this cultural and linguistic context, this may not be clear, and therefore inefficient. So manufacturers are willy-nilly forced to adapt their advertising to local markets and cultural associations.There are cultural associations here. Time out is usually perceived as partying and partying. But this is in harsh seasons. But in the spring, this concept includes completely different things – outdoor recreation. And they advertise here a variety of equipment for picnics, home and garden.

  • IdiomsStable expressions in advertising in English are very common and in ma...

    12 слайд


    Stable expressions in advertising in English are very common and in many cases are used in such a way that it leads to a play on words. But in order for the words to start playing, something needs to be changed in the idiom: replace one word with another, one sound with another, etc.Here, the stable expression Home sweet home was taken as a basis, one sound was replaced and the near-fake Foam sweet foam turned out. In terms of pronunciation, the difference is only one sound, but in writing these words are not even close to similar. But it doesn't matter anymore, because the association has already started working.

  • Wordplaythere are many ways to make words play, ranging from changing idioms...

    13 слайд


    there are many ways to make words play, ranging from changing idioms and ending with the use of the phenomenon of polysemy of words.Again, the ambiguity of words plays into the hands of the creators of advertising.Crushproof, shockproof, freezeproof and waterproof: in all these words, proof is a part of the word with the meaning "counter"/"impenetrable"/"resistant": shockproof, waterproof, frost resistant.Here is a completely different proof - proof, evidence. That is, the camera is so unkillable that, wherever you climb during your vacation, you will take the necessary shots and bring home evidence of your adventures in the form of photographs

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Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

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