Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииPlaces of interest in Great Britain

Places of interest in Great Britain

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  • LONDON IS THE CAPITAL OF GREAT                                BRITAIN

    1 слайд


  • Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the official residence of Queen Elizabe...

    2 слайд

    Buckingham Palace
    Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth. It is located near Green Park. When the Queen is in the residence, the Royal Standard flies over Buckingham Palace.

    There are 775 rooms where members of the Royal family and their servants live. There are also rooms for guests. There are offices, on-site post and even swimming pool in the palace.

    Throughout the year right in front of Buckingham Palace the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place, attracting a lot of tourists.

  • Big BenBig Ben is the name of the Great bell of the clock at the Palace of We...

    3 слайд

    Big Ben
    Big Ben is the name of the Great bell of the clock at the Palace of Westminster. Nowadays this name mostly refers to the clock and the clock tower.

    In 2012 the tower was renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen and is now officially known as the Elizabeth Tower.

    The height of the tower is 96,3 metres. Big Ben is one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom.

  • WestminsterWestminster is a historical area of central London with several fa...

    4 слайд

    Westminster is a historical area of central London with several famous landmarks.

    Westminster Abbey, a Gothic church, is located there. The church is a traditional place of coronation and burial site for all British kings and queens.

    Not far from the church there is the Palace of Westminster which is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

  • St. Paul's CathedralSt. Paul's Cathedral is located at the highest point of t...

    5 слайд

    St. Paul's Cathedral
    St. Paul's Cathedral is located at the highest point of the City of London, Ludgate Hill. The Cathedral was seriously damaged during the Great Fire of London. It was redesigned by Christopher Wren, a famous architect.

    There are three Galleries and 17 bells in the Cathedral. The largest bell is called Great Paul. The funerals of a lot of notable figures have occurred at the cathedral.

  • Trafalgar SquareTrafalgar Square, the largest square in London, is often cons...

    6 слайд

    Trafalgar Square
    Trafalgar Square, the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city. Ever since the Middle Ages, this area has been a central meeting place. In the middle of the square stands a tall column honoring admiral Nelson.

  • Hyde ParkThe land originally belonged to Westminster Abbey until 1536, when H...

    7 слайд

    Hyde Park
    The land originally belonged to Westminster Abbey until 1536, when Henry VIII confiscated it and made it into private royal hunting grounds. The park was open to the public during the seventeenth century.
    The world fair exhibition of culture and industry, called the Great Exhibition, took place in Hyde Park in 1851. For this event the Crystal Palace was built on the south side of the park, but the building was removed from the area shortly afterwards because of citizen turmoil.
    Hyde Park is considered the oldest park in the city, and since it opened it has housed duals, protests, and concerts. For special occasions, especially Royal occasions, gun salutes are fired from Hyde Park at midday.

  • London EyeThe London Eye, or the Millennium Wheel, is a cantilevered observat...

    8 слайд

    London Eye
    The London Eye, or the Millennium Wheel, is a cantilevered observation wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It is Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel, and is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3 million visitors annually.

  • 9 слайд

  • 10 слайд

  • 11 слайд

  • Choose the correct answerSt. Paul ‘s Cathedral is
a church
b fortress
c museum

    12 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    St. Paul ‘s Cathedral is
    a church
    b fortress
    c museum

  • Choose the correct answerThe Great Fire of London take place in
A 1666
B 1796...

    13 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    The Great Fire of London take place in
    A 1666
    B 1796
    C 1904

  • Choose the correct answerThe largest park in London is
A Regent’s Park
B Hyde...

    14 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    The largest park in London is
    A Regent’s Park
    B Hyde Park
    C St. James’s Park

  • Choose the correct answerBig Ben is
A Bell
B clock
C tower

    15 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    Big Ben is
    A Bell
    B clock
    C tower

  • Choose the correct answerEnglish money is…
A pounds
B dollars
C rubles

    16 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    English money is…
    A pounds
    B dollars
    C rubles

  • Choose the correct answerA double-decker is …
A red car
B red bus 
C red plane

    17 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    A double-decker is …
    A red car
    B red bus
    C red plane

  • Choose the correct answerWhat is Queen’s home?
A Westminster Abbey
B  the Tow...

    18 слайд

    Choose the correct answer
    What is Queen’s home?
    A Westminster Abbey
    B the Tower of London
    C Buckingham palace

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    Захарова Юлия Александровна
    Захарова Юлия Александровна
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    • Всего просмотров: 844
    • Всего материалов: 4

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

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Менеджер по туризму

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

72/108/144 ч.

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Сельский и индустриальный туризм

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эффективная самопрезентация

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психологические механизмы и стратегии: сохранения психологического равновесия

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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