Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему : "Conditional sentense"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему : "Conditional sentense"

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  • Целевое назначение и краткая аннотация:Данная презентация рассчитана для уч-с...

    1 слайд

    Целевое назначение и краткая аннотация:
    Данная презентация рассчитана для уч-ся 8-11 классов.
    Тип урока: ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом “Conditional sentences”.
    Учебные цели:
    1) Ознакомление с грамматическим материалом “Conditional sentences” («Придаточные предложения условия»);
    2)Развитие грамматических навыков по теме.

  • Conditional  SentencesThese sentences are sometimes called if-clauses. 
The c...

    2 слайд

    Conditional Sentences
    These sentences are sometimes called if-clauses.
    The conditional tense says that an action is reliant on something else.
    The two most common conditionals are real and unreal.

  • The real conditional (often named 1st Conditional or Conditional Type I) desc...

    3 слайд

    The real conditional (often named 1st Conditional or Conditional Type I) describes situations based on fact.

    The unreal conditional (often named 2nd Conditional or Conditional Type II) describes unreal or imaginary situations.

    There is also what we call the 3rd conditional (often named Conditional Type III), used to express no possibility of something having happened in the past, and the 0 conditional (often called the zero conditional),used to express absolute certainty.

  • 1st Conditional / Conditional Type IThe first conditional is used to express...

    4 слайд

    1st Conditional / Conditional Type I
    The first conditional is used to express situations based on fact in the present or future (things which may happen).

    (IF Clause) (Main Clause)
    Present Simple Future

    If I see you tomorrow, I will buy you a drink.

    (Main Clause) (IF Clause)
    I will buy you a drink if I see you tomorrow.

  • We often use unless which means 'if ... not'             (IF Clause)...

    5 слайд

    We often use unless which means 'if ... not'
    (IF Clause) (Main Clause)
    Unless you hand in your homework, I won't mark it.
    If you don't hand in your homework, I won't mark it.


    (Main Clause) (IF Clause Clause)
    I won't mark your homework unless you hand it in.
    I won't mark your homework if you don't hand it in.

  • For example:
If I have time today, I will phone my friend.  
I will phone m...

    6 слайд

    For example:

    If I have time today, I will phone my friend.
    I will phone my friend if I have time today.

    (It is possible that I will have time - therefore the condition is real).

    If I go to England, I will buy some Cheddar cheese.
    I will buy some Cheddar cheese, if I go to England.

    (It is possible that I will go to England - therefore the condition is real).

    Note! We never use will, or won't in the if clause

  • 2nd Conditional / Conditional Type II  The 2nd conditional is used to express...

    7 слайд

    2nd Conditional / Conditional Type II
    The 2nd conditional is used to express unreal situations in the present or future. Often used to express a wish.

    (IF Clause) (Main Clause)
    Past Simple Conditional

    If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house.
    (Main Clause) (IF Clause)
    I would buy a new house if I won the lottery.

  • For example:
If I were you, I wouldn't do that. 
I wouldn't do that, if I...

    8 слайд

    For example:

    If I were you, I wouldn't do that.
    I wouldn't do that, if I were you.
    (I am not you - therefore the condition is unreal)

    If I had more time, I would do more on my websites.
    I would do more on my websites, if I had more time.
    (I don't have more time - therefore the condition is unreal).

    Note! We never use would, or wouldn't in the if clause

  • 3rd Conditional / Conditional Type IIIUsed to express conditions in the past...

    9 слайд

    3rd Conditional / Conditional Type III
    Used to express conditions in the past that did not happen. Often used to express criticism or regret with would have, could have or should have.

    (IF Clause) (Main Clause)
    Past Perfect Conditional Perfect

    If I had worked harder,I would have passed my exam.
    If I had worked harder,I could have passed my exam.
    If I had worked harder,I should have passed my exam.

  • or...

(Main Clause)                     (IF Clause)

I would have passed my...

    10 слайд


    (Main Clause) (IF Clause)

    I would have passed my exam if I had worked harder.
    I could have passed my exam if I had worked harder.
    I should have passed my exam if I had worked harder.

    Note! We never use would have, or wouldn't have etc in the if clause.

  • For example:If I hadn't helped you, you would have failed. 
You would have...

    11 слайд

    For example:
    If I hadn't helped you, you would have failed.
    You would have failed, if I hadn't helped you.
    (I helped you so you didn't fail)

    If it had been sunny, we could have gone out.
    We could have gone out, if it had been.
    (We didn't go out because it wasn't sunny)

  • Zero Conditional / Conditional 0The conditional 0 is used to express general...

    12 слайд

    Zero Conditional / Conditional 0
    The conditional 0 is used to express general truths and facts (often things based on scientific fact).
    We use the simple present tense.

    (IF Clause) (Main Clause)
    If you heat water to 100°C,it boils.


    (Main Clause) (IF Clause)
    Water boils if you heat it to 100°C.

    Note! Most zero conditional sentences mean the same thing if "when" is used instead of "if".

  • For example:If you drop an apple, it falls. 
An apple falls, if you drop i...

    13 слайд

    For example:
    If you drop an apple, it falls.
    An apple falls, if you drop it.

    (This is an absolute truth based on scientific fact - gravity).

    If you don't do your homework, I will be disappointed.
    I will be disappointed, if you don't do your homework.

    (This is a general truth based on previous knowledge -
    you know that I am disappointed if people don't do their homework).

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