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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Лунное затмение" 6 класс

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  • Lunar EclipsesPrepared by: Учитель английского языка Турта Юлия Сергеевна...

    1 слайд

    Lunar Eclipses
    Prepared by: Учитель английского языка Турта Юлия Сергеевна
    ГБОУ города Москвы «Школа №1748 «Вертикаль»

  • Aim: To study of a total lunar eclipse.Objectives: 
To learn kinds of lunar e...

    2 слайд

    Aim: To study of a total lunar eclipse.
    To learn kinds of lunar eclipses.
    To learn what benefits the lunar eclipse brings for our planet.
    To explain through practical work why a total eclipse can be observed throughout the Earth.

  • Hypothesies:Full lunar eclipse is seen from all points of the Earth.The obj...

    3 слайд


    Full lunar eclipse is seen from all points of the Earth.
    The object of study:
    The lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon.

  • The Solar system has got many planets and moons. There are  Lunar Eclipses o...

    4 слайд

    The Solar system has got many planets and moons. There are Lunar Eclipses on the Earth.

  • The moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.

    5 слайд

    The moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.

  • The moon rotates around the Earth and makes one round about 28-32 days. Durin...

    6 слайд

    The moon rotates around the Earth and makes one round about 28-32 days. During this time it changes its form many times.
    The moon has mane shapes, for example it can be a thin moon or full moon. This is called the phases of moon. The phase of moon is a satellite illumination of the sunlight which changes periodically.

  • There are 4 phases of the moon: full moon, waning moon, new (dark) moon, waxi...

    7 слайд

    There are 4 phases of the moon: full moon, waning moon, new (dark) moon, waxing moon.
    A lunar eclipse is only possible during the full moon.

  • There are 3 types of lunar eclipse. 1. Total Lunar Eclipse.  This happens w...

    8 слайд

    There are 3 types of lunar eclipse.

    1. Total Lunar Eclipse. This happens when the moon stands in the center of the Earth’s shadow.

    2. A partial Lunar Eclipse. This happens when the shadow of the Earth falls on a small part of the moon.

    3. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The moon fully or partially located in the penumbra of the Earth.

  • 12 times a year the moon is perfectly round and glowing in the night sky.Thi...

    9 слайд

    12 times a year the moon is perfectly round and glowing in the night sky.
    This is called a FULL MOON.

  • People can always see the moon in the night sky in all its forms because the...

    10 слайд

    People can always see the moon in the night sky in all its forms because the sunlight falls on the moon and is reflected from its surface.

  • But 3-4 times a year the moon in the Full Moon becomes dark red.This is call...

    11 слайд

    But 3-4 times a year the moon in the Full Moon becomes dark red.
    This is called a LUNAR ECLIPSE.

  • This happens when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon stand in one line. And the...

    12 слайд

    This happens when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon stand in one line.
    And the orbit motion of the Moon and the Earth coincide at this point.

    At this moment, the Earth is covering the moon from the Sun by its shadow as more of the moon 4 times.
    A Lunar Eclipse lasts about 108 minutes.

  • And people can watch it  on that part of our planet where it is night.Lunar...

    13 слайд

    And people can watch it on that part of our planet where it is night.

    Lunar eclipses have always been interested and scared people. All ancient peoples thought guilty in a lunar eclipse different animals that ate the moon.

  • The Egyptians believed that the moon eats the pig, the Mayan people – the jag...

    14 слайд

    The Egyptians believed that the moon eats the pig, the Mayan people – the jaguar, the Chinese – the toad, the Scandinavians – the red wolf, in Asia – an evil spirit or demon. In Russia the lunar eclipse is also considered a messenger of trouble.

  • 31 January 2018 was a total Lunar Eclipse. On this day the moon was at the c...

    15 слайд

    31 January 2018 was a total Lunar Eclipse.
    On this day the moon was at the closest to the Earth distance.

    It is called a SUPERMOON.
    It happens once in 150 years.
    It was visible in Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, in the North America, in the Far East and Siberia.

  • Now by example  of a globe, a ball and a lamp the students are going to show...

    16 слайд

    Now by example of a globe, a ball and a lamp the students are going to show how a Lunar Eclipse is happening.

    Here is a lamp, a globe and our moon.

  • The moon moves around the Earth.The moon  begins to enter Earth’s shadow.

    17 слайд

    The moon moves around the Earth.
    The moon begins to enter Earth’s shadow.

  • A small part of the moon is in the Earth’s shadow.The half of moon entered th...

    18 слайд

    A small part of the moon is in the Earth’s shadow.
    The half of moon entered the Earth’s shadow.

  • A large part of the moon is in the Earth’s shadow.The moon is fully  in the s...

    19 слайд

    A large part of the moon is in the Earth’s shadow.
    The moon is fully in the shadow of the Earth.

  • The moon becomes red in the Eclipse, because only  the red rays fall on it fr...

    20 слайд

    The moon becomes red in the Eclipse, because only the red rays fall on it from the Sun.

  • Lunar Eclipse is the unusual and beautiful  natural phenomenon. It devoted a...

    21 слайд

    Lunar Eclipse is the unusual and beautiful natural phenomenon. It devoted a lot of myths and legends, kind and terrible as well. And although it is more often and lasts longer than the sun eclipse, but not every person can see it for the rest of his life.
    Not to mention, a Super Lunar Eclipse happens once every 150 years!
    We wish you to see this beautiful phenomenon. Good Luck!!!

  • Thank you for your attention!

    22 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

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