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Презентация по английскому языку "The capital of New England". Столица Новой Англии

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  • The capital of «New England»

    1 слайд

    The capital of «New England»

  • BOSTON  , MassachusettsBoston is the 5th largest city in the USA .It’s locate...

    2 слайд

    BOSTON , Massachusetts
    Boston is the 5th largest city in the USA .It’s located on the Atlantic Ocean. Boston Harbor has always been an important port. Boston is the capital of Massachusetts.It was found in 1630. only 10 years after the first pilgrims arrived.

  • The Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile, brick-lined route that leads you to 16 histori...

    3 слайд

    The Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile, brick-lined route that leads you to 16 historically significant sites — each one an authentic treasure. Explore museums and meetinghouses, churches, and burying grounds. Learn about the brave people who shaped our nation. Discover the rich history of the American Revolution, as it began in Boston, where every step tells a story. - See more at: http://www.thefreedomtrail.org/index.html#sthash.1ZYd6laU.dpuf
    The Freedom Trail

  • is    the city of 
“New England”Boston

    4 слайд

    is the city of
    “New England”

  • The capital of new EnglandBoston is one of the 50 states and one of the origi...

    5 слайд

    The capital of new England
    Boston is one of the 50 states and one of the original 13 states. It’s called the capital of New England.

  • Fenway Park stadium.
     If you like sport s you’ll like Boston. It’s the ho...

    6 слайд

    Fenway Park stadium
    If you like sport s you’ll like Boston. It’s the home of the Boston Celtics , a basketball team ,the Boston Bruins, an ice hockey team, and the Boston Red Sox, a baseball team. The Red Sox play at Fenway Park, an outdoor baseball field
    Boston and sport

  • The Boston Garden 
The Boston Garden opened on November 17, 1928, over the ra...

    7 слайд

    The Boston Garden
    The Boston Garden opened on November 17, 1928, over the railways of North Station at Causeway Street. At center, the framing for two levels of seating begins to take shape.
    The Boston Garden opened in 1928 above bustling North Station. Considered one of the premier indoor venues of its time, the Garden attracted professional sports franchises—most notably Bruins hockey and Celtics basketball—as well as a wide variety of shows, sporting contests, and rallies.
    Since its grand opening in 1995, more than 20 million people have come to the TD Garden to see NHL's Boston Bruins and NBA's Boston Celtics, as well as world-renowned concerts and sporting events, family shows, wrestling, ice shows and so much more.
    A variety of private events are also held at the TD Banknorth Garden each year.

  • Over the past 50 years the Celtics have won an unprecedented 16 World Champio...

    8 слайд

    Over the past 50 years the Celtics have won an unprecedented 16 World Championships including 8 in a row from 1959-1966, making them the the most storied franchise in NBA history

  • Boston cultural lifeBoston is also home of one of the best Symphonies in the...

    9 слайд

    Boston cultural life
    Boston is also home of one of the best Symphonies in the USA.
    The symphony usually performs in Symphony Hall on Massachusetts Avenue. The Boston Ballet is also very popular .

  • Over the past 50 years the Celtics have won an unprecedented 16 World Champio...

    10 слайд

    Over the past 50 years the Celtics have won an unprecedented 16 World Championships including 8 in a row from 1959-1966, making them the the most storied franchise in NBA history

  • The Boston Celtics

    11 слайд

    The Boston Celtics

  • The Boston Bruins The Boston Jr. Bruins are a U.S. Junior A hockey team based...

    12 слайд

    The Boston Bruins
    The Boston Jr. Bruins are a U.S. Junior A hockey team based in Boston, MA playing in the Eastern Junior Hockey League from 1999 to 2013. The team played in the New England Sports Center in Marlborough.

  • Some of the well known universities are located in Boston. The oldest univers...

    13 слайд

    Some of the well known universities are located in Boston. The oldest university in the USA, was founded in 1636. It is located in Cambridge, just across the Charles River from Boston The Massachusetts Institute of technology, or MIT, is also located in Cambridge. There is also Boston University, Boston College and many others. People call Boston a “College Town”
    Boston’s Universities

  • Harvard University
It  is one of the  oldest university in the world . It was...

    14 слайд

    Harvard University

    It is one of the oldest university in the world . It was founded in 1636.

  • Harvard UniversityHistory of Harvard University

Harvard is the oldest instit...

    15 слайд

    Harvard University
    History of Harvard University

    Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the College’s first benefactor, the young minister John Harvard of Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his library and half his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard, and is perhaps the University’s best known landmark.
    The symbol of this university is dark red colour, the same colour has University sport team and their newspaper.

  • The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    16 слайд

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Places for resting

    17 слайд

    Places for resting

  • Nature corners

    18 слайд

    Nature corners

  • The Public Garden

    19 слайд

    The Public Garden

  • The Public                                   Garden. Swan boatsThe Public Ga...

    20 слайд

    The Public Garden.
    Swan boats
    The Public Garden has a pond where you can ride on boats in the shape of swans. They’ re called Swan Boats. There are many other parks along the Charles River.

  • The Public GardenThe Public Garden was established in 1837 when philanthropis...

    21 слайд

    The Public Garden
    The Public Garden was established in 1837 when philanthropist Horace Gray [ [http://www.bahistory.org/HoraceGray.html Horace Gray: Father of the Boston Public Garden ] ] petitioned for the use of land as the first public botanical garden in the United States. Grey helped marshal political resistance to a number of Boston City Council attempts to sell the land in question, finally settling the issue of devoting it to the Public Garden in 1856. [ Kellogg p 345 ] The Act establishing use of the land was submitted to the voters on 26 April, 1856 where it passed with only 99 dissents

  • The Freedom Trail
The Freedom Trail is a red (mostly brick) path through down...

    22 слайд

    The Freedom Trail

    The Freedom Trail is a red (mostly brick) path through downtown Boston, Massachusetts which leads to sixteen significant historic sites. It is a 2.5 mile (4 km) walk from the Boston Common to the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown and is popular with tourists. The Freedom Trail is a unit of Boston National Historical Park.
    The Freedom Trail was originally conceived in 1958 by local journalist William Schofield. He had been promoting the idea of linking important local landmarks with a pedestrian trail since 1951

  • Freedom Trail
The Freedom Trail is a red (mostly brick) path through downtown...

    23 слайд

    Freedom Trail
    The Freedom Trail is a red (mostly brick) path through downtown Boston, Massachusetts which leads to sixteen significant historic sites. It is a 2.5 mile (4 km) walk from the Boston Common to the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown and is popular with tourists. The Freedom Trail is a unit of Boston National Historical Park.
    The Freedom Trail was originally conceived in 1958 by local journalist William Schofield. He had been promoting the idea of linking important local landmarks with a pedestrian trail since 1951.
    The Freedom Trail

  • The Boston MassacreBackground
In 1767, with the end of the military threat fr...

    24 слайд

    The Boston Massacre
    In 1767, with the end of the military threat from France, Britain imposed a series of taxes, culminating with the Townshend Acts, which proved unpopular in the colonies. Boston was a center of the resistance and the British sent troops in 1768 to protect Loyalist interests. General Thomas Gage ordered the 14th West Yorkshire Fusiliers and the 29th Regiment of Foot to Boston; they landed on October 1, 1768. The friction between the troops and the colonists grew from this point with several events most notably including the death of Christopher Seider on February 22, 1770.

  • Other sights  and interesting places

    25 слайд

    Other sights and interesting places

  • Views of modern Boston

    26 слайд

    Views of modern Boston

  • Museum of Science

    27 слайд

    Museum of Science

  • Historical museumThere are more than 25 museums in Boston : Boston Children’s...

    28 слайд

    Historical museum
    There are more than 25 museums in Boston : Boston Children’s Museum ,Boston Tea Party Ship, Harvard Art Museums, Hayden Planetarium , Boston Fire Museum etc.

  • North End

    29 слайд

    North End

  • Public Library

    30 слайд

    Public Library

  • Yacht Club

    31 слайд

    Yacht Club

  • Beacon Hill- the most prestigious  district

    32 слайд

    Beacon Hill- the most prestigious district

  • Boston industrial center

    33 слайд

    Boston industrial center

  • Historical museumThere are more than 25 museums in Boston : Boston Children’s...

    34 слайд

    Historical museum
    There are more than 25 museums in Boston : Boston Children’s Museum ,Boston Tea Party Ship, Harvard Art Museums, Hayden Planetarium , Boston Fire Museum etc.

  • Each trip gives you itsown uniquness…

    35 слайд

    Each trip gives you its
    own uniquness…

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