Инфоурок Музыка Научные работыПрезентация по русскому языку на тему "Существительное" (5 класс)

Презентация по русскому языку на тему "Существительное" (5 класс)

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Listening Syllabus draft

Unit 1:

·         Predicting answers

·         Understanding synonyms and paraphrasing

·         Completing forms

·         Matching

·         Answering multiple-choice questions


Predicting answers:

·         Before you listen, try and predict what the answers will be. This will help you focus your mind as you read the questions before you hear the recording and enable you to make better guesses. Ask yourself the following questions:

1.      What is the subject of the answer? For example, is it a name, a date, a country?

2.      What word fits grammatically? Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb?

3.      What is the function of the answer? For example, is it a comparison, a list, an instruction, a label, a question?


Form completion (1):

·         In the Listening exam, you may have to complete a form. This question type can often be found in Section 1. Normally, each answer is one or two words. In Section 1, the information is factual; for example, dates, places and times.

·         When you complete a form, it is important to spell the names of people and places correctly. Any words you are not expeced to know will be spelled out.

For example, Mr Forsythe. F-O-R-S-Y-T-H-E


Words you are expected to know will not be spelled out.

For example, 14 North Street


Matching (1):

·         In the Listening exam, you may have to match pieces of information. Such tasks can be found in any section of the exam.


Multiple choice (1):

·         In the Listening exam, there are different types of multiple-choice questions. The first type has a number of questions, each of which has three answer options. You have to choose the answer option which is correct according to the recording. This is called a multiple-choice single-answer question.

·         Don’t always write down the first thing you hear. The recording often refers to a number of possible answers, but only one answers the question correctly. Look at this example conversation between a tourist and a travel agent about the date of a flight:


Tourist: I’d like to fly out on the twenty-third of July…. that’s the Sunday, isn’t it?

Travel agent: No, that’s the Saturday… the twenty-fourth is the Sunday…

Tourist: Then the twenty-fourth… Yes, I’d like to go on the Sunday.


The answer would be July 24th, not July 23rd.



Unit 2:

·         Following intructions

·         Using the correct format

·         Building words

·         Completing tables

·         Labelling maps or plans

·         Completing flow charts


Using the correct format:

·         It is important to answer questions using the correct format. Look carefuly at the layout  and the style used in the questions. For example:

1.      How are names written? First name only? Surname only? First name and surname? Are initials used?

2.      How are numbers expressed? In words? In figures? As percentages?


Table completion (1):

·         In the Listening exam, you may have to complete a table. This question type can be found in any section of the exam.

·         You have to complete the table with words or options from a list.

·         If the instructions state that your answer should be one or two words, do not write three words. If you write three words, your answer will be marked incorrect.


Labelling a map or plan (1):

·         In the Listening exam, you may have to label a map or plan. This question type can be found in any section of the exam.

·         There will be some visual information (a map or plan) which you have to label by writing the information yourself or choosing the answer from a list of options. The information you need in order to answer the questions is in the same order as it is on the recording.


Flow chart completion (1):

·         In the Listening exam, you may have to complete a flow chart. A flow chart is a diagram that shows the order in which things happen, or a process. Each box usually shows a separate stage in the order or process. The boxes are normally separated by a line or arrow, shich shows the flow order. This question type can be found in any section of the exam.

·         You have to complete the flow chart by writing up to three words and/or a number, or choosing the answer from a list of options.



Unit 3:

·         Spelling words correctly

·         Understanding the sequence of events

·         Following a conversation

·         Labelling a diagram

·         Completing notes

·         Classifying


Spelling words correctly:

·         In the Listening exam, you are expected to recognise and be able to spell a variety of non-technical words. If you spell a word incorrectly, your answer will be considered incorrect. Spelling abstract nouns is easier if you know some common endings, for example -ity, -tion, -ment, -ness.

·         Note!!! Study affixes and roots.


Understanding the sequence of events:

·         The sequence words that are used to mean “Before

former, initially, previously, prior

·         The sequence words that are used to mean “After

eventually, finally, in the end, next, the next phase/step, ultimately, when

·         The sequence words that are used to mean “At the same time

during, simultaneously, when

·         The sequence words that are used to make “Transition from one stage to another

Moving on to, next, the next phase/step, when



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