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Проект по английскому языку "Rating system in Russia" (11 класс)

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1. Actuality………………………………………………………………………1 

2. The aim and tasks……………………………………………………………..1        

3. Our own rating system………………………………………………………1-2

4. The conclusion………………………………………………………………3-4

5. List of references………………………………………………………………4

6. The Supplements…………………………………………………………….4-5




































1.     Actuality


Rating system is necessary because it helps people to make a choice.  Nowadays thousands of films are shot monthly and, of course, it`s impossible to watch all of them. What do people do if they want to see a film? They listen to feedbacks of friends and, of course, watch ratings! Ratings are consolidated opinions of many people and they help us to save our time and avoid watching boring and dull films.

2.The aim:

to create the rating system in Russia


The tasks:

·         to improve  my English

·         to learn new words

·         to study the effects of different categories of film for people of different ages





3.     The creation of the rating system of films in Russia

There is an age limit for each film. Each country has a different rating system. We will talk about  our own rating system in Russia.  We believe that Russia needs rating system, because most movies are widely available and often have a negative influence  on  children. It will warn viewers about programs  that are not designed for children. There are different kinds of films: feature film, short film, action, adventure, comedy, drama, crime, horror, fantasy, romance, thriller, animation, family, war, documentary, musical, biography, sci-fi, western, post-apocalyptic.

          Our rating system is divided into six categories. For convenience we denote their numbers 0+,6+,12+,16+18+, banned films.

       0 + is for  general audience : these films can be demonstrated for people of every age. These films are made for family and children sessions. There is no violence, bad words or sexual content. There is nothing in theme, language, violence.

      6+ short-term and non-naturalistic depiction or description of human diseases (except for serious diseases)  or their consequences in a form that does not humiliate human dignity; non-naturalistic depiction or description of an accident,  catastrophe or nonviolent death without demonstrating the consequences that can cause fear, horror or panic in children; not encouraging the Commission of antisocial actions and crimes episodic image or description of these actions and crimes, provided that it is not justified and justified their admissibility and expressed negative, condemning the attitude to the persons committing them.

      +12 Parents should watch these films with their kids to help them to understand a plot. There is no actions with blood, but can be some soft violence, some scenes with nudity.

      16+  Films can include ‘adult themes’ : suicide , crime , corruption , problems with wedding , emotional attacks , drug and alcohol addictions , death , racism , religion aspects . There can be violence,  nudity , rude words  and vulgar sentences. There can be most of the adults scenes, sexual relationships, a  some violence, using drugs.

      +18   There are no limits for language. There can be detailed scenes of nudity, sexual scenes or raping, realistic crime scenes, antisocial behavior.

      Banned films in Russia: sexual scenes with children, sadistic scenes with children or animals, spreading racism, drugs, crime and violence, scenes of real violence or death.


4.     Conclusion

This is our own rating system. The main task of this system is protecting children from viewing unwanted scenes in movies. We think that parents should pay attention to these restrictions. The rating system allows each category only watch some programs. We did our project with pleasure. We have learned many new words and practiced using English. We have evaluated many films from the standpoint of our rating system. We have completed the tasks and achieved the goal.



List of references

1.  Голденков, М.А. Street English [Текст] / М.А. ГолденковМ.: «ЭксноФормат», 2003. -

2.  Кузовлев, В.П. «Английский язык, 10 - 11». Учебник. - М.: «Просвещение», 2006.

3. Кузовлев, В.П. «Английский язык, 10 - 11». Книга для чтения к учебнику. - М.: «Просвещение», 2006.

4.  Голденков, М.А. Street English [Текст] / М.А. Голденков – М.: «ЭксноФормат», 2003. -

5.  Рейтинговая система MPAA [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: http://www.kinopoisk.ru/mpaa/, свободный.















0+: mimimi bear, funny balls, Masha and Bear, Wait, Fiksiki, The kid and Karlson



6+: Shrek, Grinch, Ralph, Cars, SpongeBob Square pants, Minions,

 https://mult.pw/uploads/posts/2018-11/1543077249_oboi-iz-multika-grinch-20185.jpg https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/754739/6768820e-68d6-42c5-8cfc-39f1cf73d259/s1200?webp=falsehttps://www.malyshu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Cars.jpghttps://terafilms.ru/uploads/posts/2018-07/1531052213-2109444608-1.jpg


12+: Home alone, Harry Potter, Gentlemen of luck, Love and pigeons, T34




16+: Dead Pool, Griffins, Futurama, The Simpsons



18+: It, Cry, Sausage party, I spit on your graves, Fifty shades of grey

Banned films: Green elephant, Clockwork orange, the human centipede















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