Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПромежуточный тест по английскому языку Rainbow 7 вариан 1

Промежуточный тест по английскому языку Rainbow 7

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Промежуточная контрольная работа

по английскому языку 7 класс (Rainbow English)                                                  Var.1

I Read the text and mark the sentences after it as true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in south London. His father died when he was a child, and the family didn’t have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five. After he joined Frank Karno’s company, he went to the USA in 1914 and in his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood’s early films. These were “silent films”: the actors couldn’t speak, but demonstrated their feelings in their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the roles he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk. With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company and he started to make his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on the screen and he wrote the music for one of his last films. Most people still like his films today.

1. Charlie Chaplin was born in the north of London.

2. His mother died when he was a child.

3. He played in thirty-five “sound films”.

4. He usually had a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and strange walk.

5. Many people didn’t like the roles he played.

6. Charlie Chaplin started his own theatre company when he was rich.

II Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

1.When (did you give/ have you given) ____ the book back to your teacher?

2. Mr. Jackson (chose/has chosen) _____ a present for his daughter just now.

3. They (never thought/have never thought) ______ about leaving this place.

4. Enemies (destroyed/have destroyed) _____ the castle many years ago.



Промежуточная контрольная работа

по английскому языку 7 класс (Rainbow English)                                                  Var.1

I Read the text and mark the sentences after it as true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in south London. His father died when he was a child, and the family didn’t have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five. After he joined Frank Karno’s company, he went to the USA in 1914 and in his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood’s early films. These were “silent films”: the actors couldn’t speak, but demonstrated their feelings in their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the roles he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk. With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company and he started to make his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on the screen and he wrote the music for one of his last films. Most people still like his films today.

1. Charlie Chaplin was born in the north of London.

2. His mother died when he was a child.

3. He played in thirty-five “sound films”.

4. He usually had a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and strange walk.

5. Many people didn’t like the roles he played.

6. Charlie Chaplin started his own theatre company when he was rich.

II Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

1.When (did you give/ have you given) ____ the book back to your teacher?

2. Mr. Jackson (chose/has chosen) _____ a present for his daughter just now.

3. They (never thought/have never thought) ______ about leaving this place.

4. Enemies (destroyed/have destroyed) _____ the castle many years ago.


 III Use the verbs in brackets in the right tenses: past simple or present perfect.

1.It`s the second time Sally (read) _____ this store.

2. Jason (buy) _____ a new dictionary the other day. He is already using it.

3. Colin (just break) _______ his bike.

4. My sister (eat) _____ Chinese food several times, buy I (never do) _____ it.

5. It`s the first time he (spend) ______ a month at the sea. He loved it. 

IV. Expand the brackets by using Present Perfect

1.  My mum ___ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.

2.  Dad, you ___ (eat) my biscuit!

3.  I’m tired. I  __ (watch) three X-Files videos.           

4.  Hurry up! They  __ (start) the film!

5.  Mary  ___ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.

6.  Oh no! She  ___  (break) the plate!

7.  The garden is very green. It  ___ (rain) a lot this month.

8.  These are my favourite trousers. I  ___ (have) them for five years.

9.  Tom's my best friend. I  ___ (know) him for three years.

10.... (you/be) to New York?

V. Complete the sentences with: may be or  maybe:

1.   ___her nephew will go to the snowmobiling later today.

2.  His sister _____the first person to do boxing among her family.

3.  Sweets ____ dangerous to your teeth.

4.   _____one day I will learn and do waterskiing.

5.   Her sister ____ the last person that she tells about her uncle's death.








III Use the verbs in brackets in the right tenses: past simple or present perfect.

1.It`s the second time Sally (read) _____ this store.

2. Jason (buy) _____ a new dictionary the other day. He is already using it.

3. Colin (just break) _______ his bike.

4. My sister (eat) _____ Chinese food several times, buy I (never do) _____ it.

5. It`s the first time he (spend) ______ a month at the sea. He loved it. 

IV. Expand the brackets by using Present Perfect

1.  My mum ___ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.

2.  Dad, you ___ (eat) my biscuit!

3.  I’m tired. I  __ (watch) three X-Files videos.           

4.  Hurry up! They  __ (start) the film!

5.  Mary  ___ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.

6.  Oh no! She  ___  (break) the plate!

7.  The garden is very green. It  ___ (rain) a lot this month.

8.  These are my favourite trousers. I  ___ (have) them for five years.

9.  Tom's my best friend. I  ___ (know) him for three years.

10.... (you/be) to New York?

V. Complete the sentences with: may be or  maybe:

1.   ___her nephew will go to the snowmobiling later today.

2.  His sister _____the first person to do boxing among her family.

3.  Sweets ____ dangerous to your teeth.

4.   _____one day I will learn and do waterskiing.

5.   Her sister ____ the last person that she tells about her uncle's death.


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