Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПроверочная работа №6. Spotlight 7

Проверочная работа №6. Spotlight 7

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I.                   Listening

Listen to Freddy and Ally talking about the things they are going to do when in London. What activities has each person chosen to do?


1.      Ally                _______                                             A. walk around city

2.      Freddy            _______                                             B. go to museums and art galleries

3.      Sue                 _______                                             C. go shopping

4.      Nathan            _______                                             D. see countryside

5.      Bob                 _______                                             E. see Royal Family’s home

6.      Mark               _______                                             F. spend time with a friend


II.                 Vocabulary

A. Match the words in column A to the words in column B.


1.      trapeze                                   _______                                 a. ride

2.      theme                                     _______                                 b. artists

3.      fun                                         _______                                 c. park

4.      rocket                                     _______                                 d. fair

5.      driving                                   _______                                 e. journey

6.      water                                      _______                                 f. licence


B. Fill in the correct word.


eat             go        see       ride on            shake hands                explore            fly


Disneyland Paris is the perfect choice for a fun day out. You can _________________________ the big wheel, __________________ in a pirate ship, _________________ clowns performing tricks, _________________ with cartoon characters and ___________________ a haunted mansion. And, of course, ___________________ souvenir shopping and _____________________ candy floss.


C. Underline the correct word.


1.      The film is based on a true/real story.

2.      Do you love/fancy going to the cinema with me tonight?

3.      Greetings/Remarks from Turkey!

4.      What you wrote in your essay was clear and logical/illogical. That’s why you got an “A”.

5.      It was totally responsible/irresponsible of you to leave your house unlocked for two days.


D. Complete the sentences using back, round, across or out.


1.      This issue of Prime Magazine came _______________ two days ago.

2.      She came _______________ a letter from an old friend.

3.      Jason came ______________ to wish me Happy Birthday.

4.      They came ______________ to work when we called them.


III.             Grammar


A.    Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect.


1.      Jenny ________________ (go) to bed.

2.      The boys _____________________(not/eat) their breakfast.

3.      I ________________ (buy) a new bag.

4.      Eric ________________ (not/brush) his hair yet.

5.      Lisa ___________________ (send) an e-mail to her cousin.

6.      I _________________ (not/see) this film.

7.      The dog ___________________ (be) in the garden all day.

8.      Chloe _____________________ (visit) her grandparents twice this week.

9.      Mum and Dad __________________ (do) the shopping.

10.  Nikos __________________ (not/have) a shower.


B.     Complete the sentences with how long, ever, never, just, already, for and yet.


1.      A: Have you ____________ been to London?

B: No, I have _____________ been there.

2.      A: Have you seen the Parthenon ___________ ?

B: Yes, I have ____________ seen it. It’s amazing!

3.      A: Has Damien ___________ gone skiing?

B: No, he hasn’t. He doesn’t like it.

4.      A: Is Akim at home, ___________ please?

B: No, I’m afraid he’s ____________ gone out.

5.      A: I’m afraid I have ____________ visited the Melbourne Museum and I’ve been in Melbourne for a whole year.

B: Really? I ____________ have. It’s fantastic.

6.      A: ______________ have you and Ben been friends?

B: We’ve been friends __________ twelve years.

7.      A: I have _____________ cooked dinner.

B: That’s good because I haven’t eaten ___________ and I’m really hungry.


IV.             Reading

Read the letter and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.


Hi Jane!

Greetings from Barcelona! I am  here with my parents and I’m having a whale of time. We have been here since Sunday and have already seen and done so much.

On Monday, we went to see the Medrano Circus. I was so 1_____________ as I had never been to the circus before. It was a perfect evening full of amazing 2_____________ . Most of all, I enjoyed 3____________ the trapeze artists flying high up in the air. I have never seen anything like it! It was a hair - 4_______________ experience! Luckily, no one fell down! Of course, there were also clowns dressed in funny costumes too, as well as other artists. If you ever get the chance to see this famous circus, you should go – it is a(n) 5_________________ experience. And, don’t forget to try the toffee apples – they are the best!

Hope you are having a 6 ______________ time too. See you soon!




1.      exciting                      excited                        excitement

2.      tricks                          landmarks                   souvenirs

3.      watching                    watch                          to watch

4.      raising                        hiking                          riding

5.      forgetful                     forgettable                  unforgettable

6.      fancy                          fun                              funny






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