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Работа с текстом для дистанционного обучения учащихся 7-х классов

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The Flying Dutchman

                                                                         11th July, 1781


It was 4 o’clock in the morning. We were sailing around Cape Hope on the south coast of Africa when the lookout boy screamed out: “Ship coming towards us at full speed!”

I came out of my cabin and went to see what was happening. As soon as I was on deck, I saw a huge ship coming up to the left side. All the people on board were looking at the ship in surprise while it was coming closer. I ran to the side to get a better look at this strange ship, but the ship was no longer there. It was then that I realized what was happening. That was the famous ghost ship, The Flying Dutchman. It haunted these waters ever since Captain Van der Decken and his crew died a hundred years ago when the ship sank in a storm. 

I turned to look at the lookout boy but he was not on the mast. According to legend, whoever looked at the ship closely, disappeared.




1. Learn how to use prepositions (предлоги):


The Flying Dutchman

                                                                         11th July, 1781


It was 4 o’clock in the morning. We were sailing around Cape Hope on the south coast of Africa when the lookout boy screamed out: “Ship coming towards us at full speed!”

I came out of my cabin and went to see what was happening. As soon as I was on deck, I saw a huge ship coming up to the left side. All the people on board were looking at the ship in surprise while it was coming closer. I ran to the side to get a better look at this strange ship, but the ship was no longer there. It was then that I realized what was happening. That was the famous ghost ship, The Flying Dutchman. It haunted these waters ever since Captain Van der Decken and his crew died a hundred years ago when the ship sank in a storm. 

I turned to look at the lookout boy but he was not on the mast. According to legend, whoever looked at the ship closely disappeared.






2. Заполни пропуски пропущенными предлогами:


The Flying Dutchman

                                                                         11th July, 1781


It was 4 o’clock …. the morning. We were sailing around Cape Hope …….the south coast of Africa when the lookout boy screamed …..: “Ship coming ………us

…… full speed!”

I came ……..of my cabin and went ……..see what was happening. ……..soon ……I was ……deck, I saw a huge ship coming ……to the left side. All the people on board were looking …..the ship ……surprise while it was coming closer. I ran …..the side to get a better look …….this strange ship, but the ship was no longer there. It was then ……I realized what was happening. That was the famous ghost ship, …..Flying Dutchman. It haunted these waters ever since Captain Van der Decken and his crew died a hundred years ago when the ship sank ……a storm.  I turned ….look ……the lookout boy but he was not …..the mast. According …….legend, whoever looked ……the ship closely, disappeared.


3. Learn spelling (Запомни написание слов):

The Fl  .  ing   D  .  .  .  man

                                                                         11th Jul  .   , 1781

It was 4 o’clo . k in the mo . ning. We were s  .  .  ling ar  .  .  nd Cape Hope on the s  .  .  th c  .  .  st of Africa when the look .  .  t boy scr  .  .  med out: “Ship coming to . ards us at full sp . . d!”

I c .  me out of my c . bin and went to see what was hap . ening. As s .  on  .  s I was on de .  k, I saw a hu  .  e ship coming up to the left side. All the p  .  .  ple on bo  .   d were looking   .  t the ship in s  .  .  prise while it was coming clo  .  er. I ran to the side to get a bett  .  .   look at this stran  .  e ship, but the .  .  ip was no lo .  . er there. It was th .  n that I r .  .  lized what was happening. That was the fam .  .  s  g . ost ship, The Fl . ing 

D .  .  chman. It h .  .  nted th . se waters e . er sin . e Capt . . n Van der De . ken and his cre .  d . ed a h . ndred ye . rs ago when the ship s . nk in a sto . m.  I t .  .  ned to look at the look .  .  t  boy but he w .  s not on the  m .  st. Acco . ding to le . end, who . ver looked at the ship  clo .  .  ly, disappear . d.

4.   Запомни написание и произношение слов:

around south out lookout



Dutchman hundred come

water was what

haunt haunted autumn August daughter

cream scream

dream sea

see speed

meet feet

ear hear appear disappear


fast last past

5.   Learn the adjectives in the text (Выучи прилагательные в тексте):



The Flying Dutchman

                                                                         11th July, 1781


It was 4 o’clock in the morning. We were sailing around Cape Hope on the south coast of Africa when the lookout boy screamed out: “Ship coming towards us at full speed!”

I came out of my cabin and went to see what was happening. As soon as I was on deck, I saw a huge ship coming up to the left side. All the people on board were looking at the ship in surprise while it was coming closer. I ran to the side to get a better look at this strange ship, but the ship was no longer there. It was then that I realized what was happening. That was the famous ghost ship, The Flying Dutchman. It haunted these waters ever since Captain Van der Decken and his crew died a hundred years ago when the ship sank in a storm. 

I turned to look at the lookout boy but he was not on the mast. According to legend, whoever looked at the ship closely, disappeared.




6. Learn essential words in the text (Выучи ключевые слова в тексте):


The Flying Dutchman

                                                                         11th July, 1781


It was 4 o’clock ________________. We were ____________ around Cape Hope on the south _________of Africa when the _____________boy screamed out:

“Ship coming ___________ us _____________ speed!”

I came ______   ____ my cabin and went to see ________ was happening.

______________ I was on deck, I saw a ________ship coming ______ to the left ______. All the people ____________ were looking at the ship _______________ while it was coming _________. 

I ran to the side _________ a better look _____ this __________ship, but the ship was _____    _________ there. It ______    ______ that I realized _______ was happening. That was the famous ________ship, The _____________Dutchman. It ____________ these waters ever _________ Captain Van der Decken and his ________ died a hundred ________ago when the ship __________in a storm. 

I _____________ to look ______ the lookout boy but he was not on the _______. According ____    _________, whoever looked at the ship ____________, disappeared.







Запись транскрипции сделай самостоятельно.










кричать, визжать



по направлению к…









происходить, случаться



в то время, как



странный, необычный



осознать, понять







to haunt


посещать (о призраках)



команда, экипаж

















According to – согласно…; According to the legend- согласно легенде The Flying Dutchman – Корабль «Летучий Голландец»

in surprise – с удивлением As soon as – как только at full speed – на полной скорости the lookout boy - дозорный


Запомни неправильные глаголы:





















погружаться, тонуть










становиться, превращаться






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Работа с текстом для дистанционного обучения учащихся 7-х классов

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