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Работа с эл.учебником"Geography of Kazakhstan"

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The Theme: Geography of Kazakhstan

The Aims: 1. Оқушылардың сөздік қорын кеңейту.

                     2. Оқушылардын оқу техникасын және ауызекі тілде сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту.

                          Past Simple  шағын пысықтау. Өз беттерімен жұмыс істеуге баулу.

                      3. Оқушыларды отанын сүюге, мақтан етуге тәрбиелеу.

Visual Aids:computer, pictures, maps

Әдіс-тәсілдері: көрнекілік, сөздік, өзіндік жұмыс әдісі, баяндау, практикалық.

I.                   Good morning children. I’m glad to see you! We have today interactive lesson with interactive teaching system. The Theme of our lesson is “ Geography of Kazakhstan”

II.                At first select the word or phrase that you want to hear.  Memorize these words :

    Border.  You cannot cross that border  without a visa. Arid.  Many African countries have arid places. Saline. Some special plants saline soil to grow in. Location. The Location of those mountains can be seen on the map. Area. This is a mountainous area. Hemisphere. I live in the southern hemisphere. Equator. My uncle lives near the equator . The weather is very hot all year round. Ocean. Which ocean is larger, the Pacific or the Atlantic? Coast. I would love to live along the coast and look out at the sea everyday. Island. Have you ever been to a tropical island? Plain. In the north, the country is mostly grassy plains. Geography. Do you like to study geography at school? Climate. The climate of this country is sub- tropical. Earthquake. Japan has had some terrible earthquake in his history. Glacier. New Zealand has great glaciers which tourists can see. Extremely. It is extremely cold in the mountains at this time of year.  Natural resources. We all need to look after the world’s natural resources for the future. Region. This region has a lot of wildlife. Marsh. Many long legged birds hunt for food in marsh areas.

III.            Click to listen. Write the word or phrase in the box.                                                                                                                                   

IV.             Flags. Match the flag with the country.

V.                Read the text “Geography of  Kazakhstan “ and retell.

Kazakhstan is 2.7 million square kilometres in area. It is the ninth biggest country in the world and is five times larger than France. Mountains run along the southern and eastern borders, but the rest of the country is almost entirely flat. These mountain ranges hold some of the largest glaciers and freshwater supplies on Earth. The highest point is Khan- Tangri which is 6.995 metres above sea level. Kazakhstan’s climate is continental. With cold winters and hot summers. Temperatures a very different depending on the region; you can especially notice these differences between flat and mountainous regions. Southern regions differ from northern and central regions, with milder and warmer winters and hotter summers. In July, the average temperature in the north of the country is 68o F whereas in the south it is 84o F. The highest temperature in summer is 113o F and the lowest temperature in winter is -49o F. The northern area of the country is mostly treeless. This part of Kazakhstan used to be mostly grassland, but nowadays it is being farmed for wheat or other crops. The south is increasingly arid and is becoming desert or


semi desert. There are 4 important rivers. The Syr-Darya, flows across the south to the little Aral Sea. The Ural, flows from Russia into the Caspian Sea. The Ili, flows out of China into Lake Balkash while the Irtysh , flows across north east Kazakhstan into Siberia. The Caspian Sea is now mostly marsh with half –saline water.

VI.             Grammar. Past Simple.

1. The Past Simple is used to show a past action, which was completed at a known time or date.

Examples: The southern area of the country was less arid twenty years ago.

 I loved learning Geography when I was at school.

 They were happy to hear the news this morning.

2. Past tense verbs – this is a list of only some of the verbs in present and past tense.

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

























I bought some hiking shoes yesterday. The boy hurt himself yesterday.

VII. a) Activity1. Drag and drop the correct verb into the sentences.

         Grew, dried, was, happened, hold, came, thought, climbed, discovered, flowed.

1.      Earthquakes have … often in Japan.

2.      I … that area was grassland.

3.      Mountains … a lot of freshwater supplies.

4.      The water has … up in this area.

5.      They … a new source of minerals.

6.      I … that mountain last July.

7.      The oil … from over there.

8.      Wheat … in this region before.

9.      The highest temperature last year … 113o F.

b) Activity2. Find the matching Present and Past verb pairs to reveal the picture.

VIII. Тест.

IX.             The conclussion










Білім және Ғылым министрлігі

Шығыс Қазақстан облысының білім департаменті

Ұлан аудандық білім беру бөлімі

«Бозанбай орта мектебі» ММ




Geography of  Kazakhstan

Электронды оқулықпен жұмыс .













                                                                         Өткізген: Курмангалиева К.К.    



                                          Бозанбай ауылы, 2010

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Краткое описание документа:

The Theme: Geography of Kazakhstan

The Aims:1.Оқушылардың сөздік қорын кеңейту.

                     2. Оқушылардын оқу техникасын және ауызекі тілде сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту.

                          Past Simple  шағын пысықтау. Өз беттерімен жұмыс істеуге баулу.

                      3. Оқушыларды отанын сүюге, мақтан етуге тәрбиелеу.

Visual Aids:computer, pictures, maps

Әдіс-тәсілдері: көрнекілік, сөздік, өзіндік жұмыс әдісі, баяндау, практикалық.

I.                   Good morning children. I’m glad to see you! We have today interactive lesson with interactive teaching system. The Theme of our lesson is “ Geography of Kazakhstan”

At first select the word or phrase that you want to hear.  Memorize these words


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