Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыРаздаточный материал по английскому языку на тему "Extreme sports"

Раздаточный материал по английскому языку на тему "Extreme sports"

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Why do people do extreme sports? (bored, adrenaline rush, thrill, spirit of freedom, challenge)

Are extreme sports individual activities or do they involve team effort?

Extreme sports (involve speed, height and a good level of physical training)

ü  bring new experiences

ü  add excitement and adventure to your life

ü  are challenging because the participants compete against forces of nature and experience the adrenaline rush

ü  give the sense of achievement

ü  give the feeling of being daring

ü  help to build character and form a strong personality

ü  give a strong sense of freedom

ü  learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to survive in an emergency

ü  overcoming the challenges is liberating

ü  develop  patience and self-control, and help to control your fear

ü  a great form of exercise that can help you get fit

Would you personally like to try an extreme sport?

§  many young people find these activities entertaining and spend their free time paragliding or surfing

§  most adults think that there are safer sports, which also help to build your character

§  admire people who dare to do extreme sports

§  extreme sports require a lot of courage and inner strength

Why do people do extreme sports? (bored, adrenaline rush, thrill, spirit of freedom, challenge)

Are extreme sports individual activities or do they involve team effort?

Extreme sports (involve speed, height and a good level of physical training)

ü  bring new experiences

ü  add excitement and adventure to your life

ü  are challenging because the participants compete against forces of nature and experience the adrenaline rush

ü  give the sense of achievement

ü  give the feeling of being daring

ü  help to build character and form a strong personality

ü  give a strong sense of freedom

ü  learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to survive in an emergency

ü  overcoming the challenges is liberating

ü  develop  patience and self-control, and help to control your fear

ü  a great form of exercise that can help you get fit

Would you personally like to try an extreme sport?

§  many young people find these activities entertaining and spend their free time paragliding or surfing

§  most adults think that there are safer sports, which also help to build your character

§  admire people who dare to do extreme sports

§  extreme sports require a lot of courage and inner strength


Why do people do extreme sports? (bored, adrenaline rush, thrill, spirit of freedom, challenge)

Are extreme sports individual activities or do they involve team effort?

Extreme sports (involve speed, height and a good level of physical training)

ü  bring new experiences

ü  add excitement and adventure to your life

ü  are challenging because the participants compete against forces of nature and experience the adrenaline rush

ü  give the sense of achievement

ü  give the feeling of being daring

ü  help to build character and form a strong personality

ü  give a strong sense of freedom

ü  learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to survive in an emergency

ü  overcoming the challenges is liberating

ü  develop  patience and self-control, and help to control your fear

ü  a great form of exercise that can help you get fit

Would you personally like to try an extreme sport?

§  many young people find these activities entertaining and spend their free time paragliding or surfing

§  most adults think that there are safer sports, which also help to build your character

§  admire people who dare to do extreme sports

§  extreme sports require a lot of courage and inner strength


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