Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыРазработка проекта на английском языке на тему "Молодежные субкультуры в России."

Разработка проекта на английском языке на тему "Молодежные субкультуры в России."

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  The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Dagestan



On the Republican contest

"The best project of the year in a foreign language"



Direction of competition:

Youth subcultures in Russia



                                                                    Fulfilled: Musayeva  Naida Suleimanovna –

schoolgirl  11  Grade "A"

               Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4" Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk


     Akhmedova  Khadizhat Abduzhalilovna –

director English teacher

Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4" Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk

                                                          Degree:  -

                   The title and awards:  Honorary worker of General

education of the Russian Federation






                                      Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk – 2016г.





I. Part  The emergence of youth subcultures in Russia…………….


II. Part  Forms of youth subcultures in the Russian society.............


III. Part  Interaction with youth subcultures society in Russia…...


1V. Part CONCLUSION………………………………………………………


Literature ………………………………………………………………


ANNEX: presentation of   "Types youth subculture"


The youth subculture in Russia


                                                               «The surest way to spoil the young

generation —

 to teach them to appreciate higher

minded than those who think differently.»

Friedrich Nietzsche


«Youth is unselfish in thought and feelings,

so she most deeply feels and understands the truth.»

Heinrich Heine



Our society is not uniform. Everyone - this is a special microcosm, with its

interests, problems and worries. But while many of us have similar interests and requests. Sometimes, to meet them, it is necessary to unite with other people, because it is easier to achieve the goal together. This is the mechanism of formation of the social subcultures - associations of people with the same interests, which do not contradict the values ​​of traditional culture, but complement it. And youth subcultures (which are often based on different genres of music hobbies, sports, literature, etc.) - Is no exception. Subcultures arise because the essential: they enable, especially the youth and adolescents, to express themselves creatively, to determine their place in life, to find friends. Youth subcultures are very necessary for the socialization of the individual - it is the most the main role of subcultures in our society! For example, becoming a Goth, punk, emo or metal head, the young man learns the first rules of behavior, communication laws, social roles and ... prohibit them - is impossible. This does not destroy the subculture, but only will drive underground and changed beyond recognition, and for the worse (in fact when you say a hundred times a day that you are bad, then it may you not only seriously hurt, but to change your character, outlook) .

Subculture - is part of the social organism, it does not contradict the basic culture, but rather complements it. She - like a hand. If it is cut off - people will be able to live, but will be disabled. So let us first will study the subculture, and only then try to prohibit. Let's talk about it: let them hear young adults, and young - adult. After all, we all have much more in common than differences, and you can always negotiate.

Actuality: The abundance of youth subcultures is a manifestation of pluralism of modern society. The need for modern youth self-expression so great that sub cultural  communities develop even against the prohibitions. Modern Subcultures Russia (mostly borrowed from the West) showing resistance to modern society. The modern society is on the road of globalization. People opposed to globalization, do not want to lose their national advantages, but, nevertheless, are being actively implemented in youth subcultures. With an abundance of things, such as the Internet and the media, significantly simplifying our lives, each person has a need to identify himself a hundred aspects of the spiritual society. And the opportunity for the youth are youth subcultures, making it possible to identify with any of them, or to oppose.

The study of youth subcultures is an important area of ​​the sociology of youth. Since the 60s of the twentieth century . To this issue addressed leading sociologists around the world; in domestic as sociology analysis of youth subcultural phenomena until the end of the 80s was carried out in a very narrow framework. To a certain extent this is due to the fact that these phenomena by virtue of established scientific paradigms perceived as a social pathology.

It is important to study the structural - functional aspect of subcultures. Structure - this is something from which values ​​and norms, roles and positions, is a subculture that is precisely because the study of the structure, we can draw conclusions about the impact on human subculture. Then the function - this is the semantic load subculture, which she carries in a society, that is a human impact on society.

Objectives of the project: Analysis of the form and content of subcultures  , followed by the identification of their structure and interaction with modern society.


1. Clarify the concept of youth subculture.

2. Ensure a typology (classification) of youth subcultures, depending on various factors (the ideals of music, political views).

3. Investigate the history of the emergence and development of the youth subcultures in the Russian society.

4. Figure out how people interact and youth subculture, youth subculture and society.

5. Identify and analyze the structure and function of youth subcultures.


I. Part The emergence of youth subcultures in Russia

First of all , the question of the relationship between Western and Russian youth subcultures. The fact that youth subcultures are widespread in Russia today, but they did not originate in Russia. Quite often domestic  quality are copying the Western model (see, for example -. Subculture of skinheads) , while the youth subcultures that exist in the West, are also partial copy of the traditional cultures opposing Western culture of the middle class. This culture has been the basis of consensus, which is a challenge on the part of youth subcultures was cast in 50-60 years.

The emergence of Western youth subcultures, set an example for the Russian subcultures have original style search results, which usually derive from cultures of other civilizations. For youth subcultures West sources of these styles were Buddhist East, Africa (subculture Rasta), Native American culture, the culture of the Middle Ages (subculture tolkinistov) and others. [6]

For domestic source of youth subcultures West became the new style. Patriotic young people to create " a West" twisting elements of "foreign" and "own" culture. For example domestic hippies wander along the western, but also deny the state.

The peculiarity of Russian youth subcultures before was their preferred orientation or on leisure activities, or to the transfer and dissemination of information, while in the west the youth actively involved in various social programs and movements in support of various "offended" nationals by law, opposed the trafficking and distribution of drugs, promoting a healthy lifestyle (subculture Straight Edge). Thus, it can be seen that at the initial stage of development of subcultures in the Russian society, their spread is due to the copy of the external manifestations of their Western counterparts. But they followed the completion of the development and changes their content and essence. They begin to spread at the expense of charismatic personalities, giving a new wave of development of the branches, filling the ideology of values, incentives, rules and restrictions.


II. Part Forms of youth subcultures in the Russian  society.


What determines Russian specifics subcultural formations among young people - or rather, they are poorly developed in the traditional Western sense? There are three factors play a role. The first -  social and economic instability in Russian society over the past decade and a half, and the impoverishment of the general population. In 2000, according to the State Statistics Committee of Russian youth (16-30 years) was in the number of people with incomes below the subsistence level of 21.2%, while in the age group the proportion of poor was 27.9%. [8] Among the unemployed young people under the age of 29 years at the same time was 37.7%. [9] Although there has been some economic recovery in the next two years, the picture has not changed fundamentally. For many young people the problem of physical survival dwarfs the requirements implemented in the forms of youth subcultures.

The second factor -  especially social mobility in Russian society. The channels of upward social mobility in the 1990s, has undergone fundamental changes, and young people had the opportunity to reach a prestigious social status in a very short period of time. Initially (at the beginning of the decade), this led to an outflow of young people from the education system, especially higher and post: for quick success (understood as enrichment and achieved mainly in the sphere of trade and services), high level of education was more of a hindrance than a help. But then again it increased thrust to education as a guarantee of personal success in life. In addition, the effect factor sheltering young men from military service. The ability to quickly achieve success, to become rich, in fact, all too often based on  Criminale , is, however, the basis for the attitudes and expectations of a significant part of Russian youth. This largely superseded by identification with the subcultural values ​​in the Western sense, since such identification in the Russian socio-cultural conditions, contrary to the realization of material well-being facilities.

The third factor - anomie in Russian society, ie the loss of the normative value of bases, which are necessary to maintain social solidarity and provide acceptable social identity... The youth anomie leads to a paradoxical combination of current estimates and underlying value preferences.


                           There are two types of youth subcultures



                           In-group                     Out-group


In-group - groups with which young people identify themselves.

Out-group - the group from which the young people themselves separate, feels the difference.


On the specifics of the behavior of the members of the group release:




Pro-social                                         Antisocial                                              Anti-social


Pro-social  - groups that do not pose a threat to society are positive and help.

Antisocial - are criticized by some foundations of society, but this confrontation is  not an extreme nature.

Antisocial - not only criticize the social order and customs, but also seek to crush  them.   

   Speaking of youth subcultures not to mention the uniqueness and independence of each of them . This immediately raises the question of the classification of youth subcultures. In Russian society subcultures classification should be modified slightly. According  Sergeeva SA, youth subculture should have the following typology: romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, indianisty ,  Tolkienists, bikers, Rastaman), hedonistic and recreational (ravers, rappers, skaters), crime (Lubero, Gopnik),  anarcho -destruktivnye subculture (punks, skinheads and right-wing left, partly Straight Edge). 1. Forums - escapist subculture Hippie Culture One of the oldest youth subcultures of the  USSR and Russia. There is a certain stereotype with respect to this motion: long hair, non-violent action, movement around the country hitchhiking and so on. The hippie movement was developing in Russia since the late 60's, in the '70s was very widespread, and since mid-80s began to be observed decline of the movement as a subculture, which is associated with the rage of youth fad music New Wave, whose ideas do not conform to the hippie image. However, since the mid 90's hippie movement announced itself again, now it is made, as a rule, students of humanitarian faculties. The girls dominated mainly.

Subcultures indeanistov and rastamanov Youth subculture close to the hippies are Indianists , then there are people who study the culture of Indians, Eskimos and other ethnic groups. (In Novosibirsk when the company indeanistov organized an exhibition in the museum, which presented various exhibits describing the life of the Indians, was also arranged a concert with the group "Silent House", performing ethnic music with elements of throat singing). In general, among the youth of today is quite a lot of "hidden" members of this subculture, as most interested in the books of Carlos Castaneda, and culture of the North American Indians.

A similar subculture is a subculture rastamanov, whose credo is to search themselves and expand their own consciousness through various stimulants and gallyutsinagenov, mainly of plant origin. They promote, along with the hippies, the peacefulness of existence, faith in God and love.

Subculture tolkinistov In the early 80s in the USSR were first Tolkienists, admirers of famous English writer George. R.R.Tolkiena (author of the books in the genre of fantasy " The Lord of the Rings," "The Hobbit" and others). For tolkinistov subculture characterized by the union of clubs who organize role play - improvised, partly theater, performance, in which each member of the club has a role. Each player has the necessary props, clothing and name corresponding Tolkienist conditional "Middle Ages." Clubs are constantly carrying out training (fencing, fighting with swords, fighting and so on.) And periodically arrange so-called "merrymaking", which compete with other clubs from other cities or regions. Tolkinistov live in his medieval reality and there is quite difficult in their circles. This is one of the most isolated subcultures operate both adaptation and integrating function.

2. Anarcho-destructive subculture.

The subculture of punk.

Punks One of the most recent occurrence of major subcultures of young workers . Among punks very high percentage of the unemployed , as well as the most unskilled and low-paid layers. The emergence of the punk style - the natural reaction of the young  people  at a critical position.

Let the modern young unemployed person does not experience the most severe material deprivation, but the psychological effects of unemployment are very serious. Punk style largely continued and intensified the trend, already evident from the hippies.  Low educational and cultural level, the traditional masculine stereotypes are closely associated with aggressive self-assertion, but, in addition, the punk style is largely built precisely as opposition to traditional moral values. The main content of the punk style - a challenge, a provocation, "shock effects" - hairstyle "mohawk" unusual hair coloring, variance of styles in clothes and demonstrative behavior in public and on stage. This subculture has emerged in Russia in the mid 80's, and immediately took a leading place among the youth. The basis of the ideology of Russian punk was a protest against the political system (then the USSR), fashion and pop music.

Currently,  punk - the direction of spread in its modified form. Music start commercialized, the protest is no longer a basic postulate in idealogii.

The subculture of  skinheads. The activity of this subculture in Russia is very significant today. The reason for this is the weight of national conflicts (Chechnya, Dagestan), which are drawn in Russia. In the minds of today's youth is brewing ethnic hatred, which is the basis of the emergence of the skinhead subculture in modern Russia.

The basis of the ideology of skinheads is modified racism, hatred of other subcultures, aggression. This is one of the most criminal subcultures prevalent in large cities of Russia. The relationship with the community in this subculture is difficult to fold because Skinheads positioned themselves apart, consider themselves to be an order of magnitude above the rest, divide society into "ours" and "not ours", the latter, in their opinion, should be subject to extermination.


III. Part Interaction with youth subcultures society in Russia

In Russia there are two areas of loss of human life and the overall process of their falling into the subculture. First, in this falling out, uncertain, "limbo" state a person is in a period of transition from one position to another position of the social structure. Then he usually finds a permanent place, acquires permanent status, is part of society and leaves the sphere of counter-culture. Such considerations are incorporated in the concepts V.Ternera, T. Parsons, L.Foyera. And secondly , the new generation stepping into the void. Do not young people from the existing social structure, and the structure itself is slipping from under her feet. Here begins the rapid growth of youth communities repelling from the world of adults, their experience unnecessary. And the result of your stay in the bosom of the counterculture here is another: not embedding in the same structure, and the construction of a new one. In the field of value change of cultural paradigm: subtrkultury values ​​"float" and form the basis for the organization of a "large" company. In fact, these two areas do not reject each other, but complementary. It is simply about the different periods in the life of a society, or its different states. In stable periods, and in traditional societies (Turner studied) dropped out people - it is really those who at the moment, but temporarily, is in the process of transition. In the end, they come into the community, there are arranged, gain status. In times of change are dropped out in one way or another significant layer. Sometimes it touches almost everyone. Not everything goes in a hippie, but many pass through subcultural state. Thus, the "system" - an example of the community, which unites dropped out of the social structure. These people do not have a definite position, a strong position - their status is not defined. State of uncertainty plays an important role in self-organization processes. Scope of uncertainty -  the social void, where we can observe the processes of nucleation structures of communities turning structureless state to a structural, ie self-organization.

There are several reasons why young people poured into the ranks of the subcultures:

1. Age features of youth: it is more emotional, more dynamic and more direct in expressing their feelings. Youth Independence: the majority does not yet have a family, no profession, no circle of numerous responsibilities and obligations, in which every mature person gets older.

2. Young people free from the totalitarian fear makes each student in the first class to become Octobrist, then a pioneer, then a Komsomol member.

Informal obedineniya- is a mass phenomenon. People come together in the name of different interests. Depending on what interests people form the basis of associations, and there are different types of associations. Recently, in the major cities of the country, looking for opportunities to realize their needs and do not always find them in the framework of existing organizations, youth has become united in the so-called "informal" group, which would be more correct to call "amateur amateur youth associations". Attitude to them is ambiguous. Depending on the direction, they can be a complement of organized groups, and their antipodes. Members of amateur associations fighting for the preservation of the environment from pollution and destruction, saving cultural monuments, free help to restore them, take care of the disabled and elderly people in their fight against corruption.


Thus, from this study, we found that the typology of youth subcultures in the Russian society is somewhat different from the previously generated sub-cultures of the West, and most of all, is their modification. Since the history of Russia is unique , and we have recently experienced a powerful political and social revolution in the 90s, which influenced the formation of the cultural values ​​of both the older generation and young people. At this moment, the activity of youth subcultures began to decline, but now it is again gaining momentum.

Youth subcultures are relevant in Russia to this day, because they solve many of the problems of youth: self problems, self-actualization, a misunderstanding on the part of adults, entering into adulthood, choosing the right path, etc. Subcultural phenomena defy description, but their classification and typology of difficult irreducible diversity in a system of signs. It is worth noting that some coherent classification of youth subcultures create no sense. Here, the ordering of recorded data is likely possible in the framework of each of the individual sub-cultural mosaic of fragments. Some of the youth subcultures can create a platform for the development of negative tendencies among youth (problems of drug addiction, violence, and so on. D.), Others have a more positive public value (ecology, and so on. D.). In all cases it is important that in a subcultural form for a certain part of the youth is the way to the development of sociality.

Specificity of subcultures in the Russian society is that their activity has replaced the pre-existing activities of the Komsomol. Functions of youth subcultures are directly determined by the needs of young people. First of all, it is adaptive, integrating, socializing function. Research in the field of youth subcultures and the need to resolve the crisis that Russia is going through today. A relationship of such aspects of the problems of youth as youth subculture and youth aggression is evident. Only a thorough and systematic study of the development of social work with young people can help to understand the causes of what is happening in our society, generational conflict. It is necessary to understand the essence of youth searching, renounce absolute conviction that brings youth culture, a differentiated approach to the phenomena of life of today's youth.

References :

1. Bashkatov IP Psychology informal teenagers and youth  groups. - M .: "Informpechat" - 2000, 336s.

2. Volkov G., Dobrenkov VI, Kadaria FD, etc. Youth Sociology:Proc. allowance. Rostov-on-Don, 2001, p. 165.

3. Gellner E.Nations and Nationalism. Moscow, 1991.

4. Golovachyov BV High-status groups: finishing touches to the social

portrait // Sociological studies in 1996, - №1.

5. Derbenyov DP.. Social adaptation of teenagers // Social magazine. 1997. №№1,2.

6. Islamshina TG Youth subculture. Kazan 1997.

7. Bows V. A .Features of  youth subcultures in Russia. // Sociological researches, 2002, №6.

8. Levikova SI Youth Subculture: Proc. allowance.  Moscow , 2004.

















               Video Clip

Youth subcultures in Russia

I am Musayeva  Naida  Suleimanovna , a student of eleventh grade , Municipal State educational secondary school number four in the town of Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk  , in this video I want I to talk about youth subcultures in Russia and their social  significance in the society. My relation to subculture is different. Subculture in my opinion it is good because young people can join the group, which understand their condition, their soul and they can communicate with people and how similar they are. These young people are similar in interests and Hobbies. This shows their unity to think the same.

      Now I will show a video, which will tell you all about my choice attitudes using youth subcultures.

  The real story of each person begins with a simple question: “ Who am I? “ What do I want ? “ and “With am I?”. One thing I knew for sure that I do not like the ordinariness of this world, where everyone is like a product of Assembly-line production, where the meaning of each day is the daily pursuit of comfort, where everything is known in advance and predictable, where there is no time to feel alive. I knew one thing-I want to be myself. And I started searching myself. Now the question was: “What to change?”To put a Mohawk or put on the grinders to do some tattoos in the style of early Gothic or getting bangs pink, while obsessive  handbag with icons and rags. Can get a worn jacket? Or buy wide pants, rollers and spray paint? So what? How many followers can still produce each subculture? Really all limited by the clothes, hairstyles, slang and music. Is it just another new standard form or routine? Because a battered Teddy bear and two fingers in the head is not real emo. Emotional is the one who feels, the one who understands that it is impossible to remain callous to the injustices of this world and really actually can prove the faithfulness and devotion to the object of his love. It is not tears show, but deep experience in the imperfection of the world and certainly not a suicidal thing for trifles.

As soon as you feel the ordinariness of the world, you have the urge to shake him, to dilute the bright colors of the mediocrity of the crowd, this is the beginning of PUNK. The man who wants to be himself, to think and act independently and outside the box. It is beyond the scope of consumer values, he refuses to go already laid someone trails, overcoming fear, it goes beyond the crowd and expresses your individuality. When your soul asks romance, and immersion in the philosophy of life and death, you strive to understand their uniqueness and are willing to constantly make efforts in this direction. When you are ready to create something new, realizing the beauty and transience of life, if you are capable of even in the suffering, grief and death to see something good, by the spirit, you are Goth. Hip-Hop culture for those who feel a huge creative potential and are ask him the right direction. No matter what youll find: music, graffiti, dance or sports, the most important thing is to properly convey the idea of freedom, respect and uniqueness of each person, the bearers of hip-hop culture, you become comprehended the meaning of his fifth element. It happens that adults also play games, and are not for children. War reveals the quality of the people. If you are determined to join the battle to show the best qualities of men, to plunge into the culture of the past and using it to raise the spirit of a true warrior, then and only then you are TRP. So no matter what road I choose, it is important that my life is the search for authentic human values.

In my videos I wanted to say that the youth subculture is not only the harm and threat, but also the society will benefit, because thanks to them and formed our social life in his younger years. As said literary critic Dmitry Pisarev: What has not developed in youth, it remains insufficient for the whole life.»   







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