Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка "The story about chocolate"

Разработка "The story about chocolate"

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Бакирова Эльмира Сматуллақызы №19 жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі. Жоғары санатты мұғалім. Он екі жыл еңбек өтілі ішінді оқушыларға білім беру мақсатында әр түрлі әдіс-тәсілдерді кеңінен пайдалана отырып, оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылын арттыруға көп үлес қосып жүр.  «The story of chocolate»  тақырыбында өткен сабағының  жоспары жүйелі құрылған. Тілді меңгертудің тиімді тәсілі ретінде айтылым, тыңдалым, жазылым, оқылым дағдыларын қалыптастыра отырып, еркін қарым-қатынас жасауға, өз ойларын еркін жеткізуге ықпал жасай білді. Топтық жұмыста оқушылар шоколадтың тарихы туралы постер дайындап, жұптық жұмыстар арқылы диалог құрастырды. Сол жерде шоколадты пайдаланып торт жасады. Сергіту сәтінде топтың бірлігін тексеру мақсатында ойын ойнатылды. Жеңімпаз топ анықталды.  Бағалау кезінде тек мұғалім емес топ басшысы бағалау парағы арқылы бағалады.


                   Оқу ісі жөніндегі орынбасары:                 З. Ережепова















LESSON:   The story of chocolate.


School: 19

Date:  26.12.2016


Teacher's name:  Bakirova Elmira

CLASS:   8


Number present:  13


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

8.C6 organize and present information clearly to others

8.L7 begin to recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a limited range of spoken genres

8.S4 respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics

8.R9 begin to recognize inconsistencies in argument in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular subjects

8.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.UE8 use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular topics


Lesson objectives


All learners will be able to:

Greet each other, ask question and reply

Most learners will be able to:

Ask Question and reply, group work

Some learners will be able to:

Critical thinking, make up a dialogue

Language objective


 Learners can:  develop the ability to ask general and more complex questions to clarify

meaning and acquire, compare or evaluate knowledge.

Learners develop the ability to communicate meaning clearly at sentence and

discourse level when speaking in pairs, groups or whole class interaction on a

range or general and curricular topics.


Key words and phrases:

       Cocoa bean [‘kәƱkәƱ ,bi:n] -какао бұршақ

       Cocoa pod [‘kәƱkәƱ ,pod]-бұршақ қын

       Dry [draı] -кептіру

       Liquid [‘lıkwıd]ұйықтық

       Factory [‘fæktri]-зауыт

       Port (see port) [pɔ:t (‘si:, pɔ:t)]-теңіз порты

       Ripe [raıp]-піскен

       Roast [rәƱst]-қуырылған

       Shade [ʃeıd]өлеңке

       Ship [ʃıp]-кеме

       Spread out [,spred’aƱt]-тарату

       Transport [trænspɔ:t] -тасымалдау


Writing prompts:

Present passive

Previous learning

The cake



Planned timings


Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)





- Greeting:


- How are you?

- I'm fine, thanks! And you?

Procedural questions:

Who is on duty today?

Is anybody here? Who is absent?

- Positive atmosphere:

I wish you were happy, healthy, wealthy and lucky!

Make a big circle and wish your best wishes! Be happy, be lucky, be healthy

- Dividing into subgroups:

With chocolate

- Revising the previous lesson:

-angrily,  -badly

-excitedly,   -greedily

-guiltily,  -happily

-politely,  -proudly

-quickly,  -quietly

-sadly,  -shyly

-slowly,  -strangely




What’s the translation of the word name?’

Concept Questions:

What did we learn at the previous lesson?  Who can tell me about the previous lesson? What was your homework for today?





Very well! Let's begin our lesson. How do you think, what will be the theme of our lesson?



          Did you eat a lot of chocolate when you were a child?

          Did you eat a lot of chocolate?

          What is your favourite  brand/ kind of chocolate?

          What do you know about the history of chocolate?

          Do you know how chocolate is made?

          Do you think chocolate is healthy?


Students  answer the guestions.

Student  watch a video about story of chocolate then answer the many g


       What do you think about the film?

       Where is grow a chocolate?

       Which country do you think makes the most delicious chocolate?

       What is chocolate made from?

       Where are the cocoa pods picked and cut open?

       How long are the cocoa beans left in the shade?

       Where are the cocoa beans roasted and turned into liquid?

            What is added to the cocoa liquid to make       chocolate?


Did you understand the theme?

Group work. Make up poster

1-group make a poster about story of chocolate

2-group make a poster about foods of chocolate



Concept Questions:

Did you understand the theme? Make up a dialogue together with your group. Use all questions which we learnt at the previous lesson.


Convergent questions:

Have you finished? Have you done?



Group work make a cake with chocolate

Cut up seven stages of the method and give one set of cards to each group

Картинки по запросу broken chocolate photo Похожее изображение Картинки по запросу photo melt chocolate in microwave

Картинки по запросу photo mix rice corn flakes into the melted chocolate on a bowl Картинки по запросу photo put a spoonful of the mixture into the paper cake casesКартинки по запросу photo put   caes into fridgeКартинки по запросу photo chocolate krispie cakes

Break a chocolate into pieces.

Put the pieces of chocolate into a bowl.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave.

Mix rice krispies or conflakes into the melted chocolate.

 Put a spoonful of the mixture into the paper cake cases.

Put the paper cases into the fridge for an hour.

Eat the chocolate krispie cakes!



Listening the text about chocolate and write missing words

Anyone who does ______________________ love chocolate is mad. I don’t think I know anyone ______________________ . Some of my friends say they hate white chocolate or dark chocolate, but then ______________________ other kind. I think chocolate is one of the best inventions ever. ______________________ of life’s true pleasures. There’s nothing better than having your whole ______________________ chocolate and letting it melt. I love pushing the chocolate ______________________ the roof of my mouth and then moving ______________________ . Yum. I eat chocolate every day. I know it’s bad for our teeth and ______________________ , but I don’t care. I prefer to think about the ______________________ of chocolate. I’ve read many articles that say chocolate is ______________________ .


 Ok. Play game with students (group game)


Work with book exercise-4. Make sentences with the present passive of the verb in brackets.

Students write exercise in your exercise copy-book



Giving  homework.

Write essay

Assessing pupils.

Self assessment


Two stars and one wish.



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