Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока по английскому языку на тему "My room"

Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "My room"

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                                                            My room

 Theme : My room
1. Educational: To teach pupils to describe their own house and rooms, to teach pupils how to use prepositions
2. Developing: to develop the pupils’ thinking understanding, listening and speaking.
3.Bringing up: to bring up love and interest for the subject.
Method of the lesson: Answer the questions, practical,
Type of the lesson: Introduction of the new material
Equipment: pictures, interactive board, cards,
Plan for the lesson
I. Organization moment
T. Good afternoon,girls and boys!
 Good  afternoon, my collagen! Welcom our lesson!
T. I’m glad to see you too. I hope you are fine.
- Ok, Who is on duty today?
- I am on duty today.
- Who is absent?
- All are present.
- What date is it today?
- Today is the 11th of March.
T.How are you Nargiza today?
- I am O.K

 II. T. Your home task was to learn new words and to write some sentences using the structure there is/ are. But first of all, let’s afternoon remember when we use structure there is/ are?
We use the structure there is if we speak about a thing in a singular form.
For example, There is a vase on the table.
T . When we use the structure there are?
We use the structure there are if we speak about a thing in a plural form.
For example, There are chairs in the room.
T. all right, thank you.
III. New theme.
T. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going talk about interesting topic. Today we are going to read, to speak and write about interesting topic. I have amazing picture. And please tell me what can you see it?
-I can see a table.
T. What color is it?
-It is brown
T. Look at the picture. What is this?
- This is house. 
T. What rooms in it?
- Living room, bed room, bath room, kitchen.
T. What is topic our lesson?
-My house, my home, my house.
T. Yes, Our topic is «My room»
 Review the words:
Look at the interactive board, there are last lesson’s words, the first, I’ll read than you will be repeat all together.
, table, wall, wall units, shelf, hooks, desk, mirror ,vase, desk, bed, some
 T. Is there pillow?
- Are  there  hooks in the classroom?
- No, there are not
-Is there box?
- Yes, there is a box in classroom.
T. This is a box. This is an apple. Where is an apple?
-It is on the box.
T. Where is an apple?
-It is in the box.
Where is an apple?
It is under the box.
It is in front of the box.
It is behind the box.
It is next to the box
IV. Presentation of the prepositions . Repeat after me and translate into native language.
On the table
In  the table
Under the table
Behind the table
In front of the table
Next to the table
T. We have ten new words today’s. Let’s find it. Nargiza look under the table. What can you see? Take it. Ou, that is a picture. That is our lessons word.
-Look  behind the vase. Look here! Yes, It is new words number two.
-Look under the table. Take it.
-Go to the blackboard. Behind the blackboard. What is here?
-Let’s count the words. 1.2.3… There are ten words
Repeat after me and translate into native language.
,certain,an alarm clock, hairbrush, shelf, bookcase, blanket, mirror, bedside table, blinds, armchair, television, carpet, some
Group work.
1. Group work: to describe the rooms
2. Pair work: to ask students to make up a dialogue by using all the preposition.

 3. Complete the sentences with  preposition.

There is one door … the room. There is a cupboard and a picture … the room. There are two chairs … the floor. There …….. one table in the room .There ……… a carpet in the room. There ……. two flowers … the vase .There is a computer and a cup  the table. There is  a bookcase … the wall. There are two flowers … the room. There are a television … the cupboard. There is a lamp … the shelves. There is a picture … the wall.
4. Make up question about picture.

What  new  words do you remember?

- Sofa, table, piano, shelf, lamp, TV, floor;, under, behind, between, on, above.

- Are they easy for you?

- Yes, they are/ No, they are not.

- What was difficult for you?

- The words cnair, armchair, fireplace.

- Repeat all these words at home, use the dictionary. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

- Goodbye, teacher!

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