Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока по английскому языку по теме " What can we do to save the Earth?"

Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме " What can we do to save the Earth?"

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МОАУ «Лицей 7»

г. Оренбург

Автор: учитель высшей квалификационной категории

            Бахтыбаева Айша Тажмуратовна                                       

Урок разработан по УМК  М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой

8 класс


Section 5   What  Can  We  Do  to Save  the Earth?


Тип урока: комбинированный


Цели урока:  совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «THE  WORLDS BEST FRIEND IS YOU»


Задачи урока:


·        Активизировать  в речи  обучающихся  изученные лексические единицы  по теме;

·        активизировать навыки монологической   и диалогической речи;

·        практиковать  обучающихся в чтении с извлечением  детальной информации из    прочитанного  и увиденного;


·        развивать умение систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания;

·        развивать умение излагать на английском языке результаты коллективной поисково-познавательной деятельности;

·        развивать  общекультурные  умения  обучающихся  с целью их практического применения на уроках английского языка;


·        воспитывать у обучающихся  бережное отношение к природе;

·        воспитывать лингвистическую компетенцию обучающихся и их познавательную активность;

·         формировать  у  обучающихся систему нравственных оценок;


Оборудование: интерактивная доска,  предупреждающие знаки,


                                                       Ход урока

  I. Постановка цели урока и мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

-Good morning , boys and girls!  I’m glad to see today.

-What is the date  today?

-What day of the week is it today?

-Before we start working I want you to watch a short video  and answer my questions.( просмотр видео -2  min)

- What do you think we are going to talk about? How do you think what problems we will discuss today?

 S.1:  I think we  will discuss the problems of pollution of our environment.

 S.2:  I guess we will discuss how we can save the Earth from pollution.

T: Right you are.

-What ecological problems do we have nowadays?  (Possible answers: air pollution, water pollution, littering,  deforestation,  drought, overpopulation, extinction, global warming, war conflicts)


—   At the last lessons we spoke  about different ecological problems and today we  will try to answer the very important question: “What each of us can do for our planet”. The topic of our lesson today is “What Can We Do to Save the Earth” ( слайд 1)

II. Фонетическая разминка(1 min)

— – So, let’s start working. We’ll begin with phonetic drill.

- And now I want you to repeat some words on the topic.

-Pronounce the words correctly and translate them into Russian. ( слайд 2)


III. Закрепление приобретенных лексических навыков .(9 min)

T: Now I want you to refresh the knowledge of topical vocabulary.

   Let’s remember the main terms on subject “Ecology”.

There are some cards on your desks. Take the card № 1


1)    Match  two parts of the sentences.( задание на карточках)  (фронтальный опрос)

(   во время выполнения упражнений вызываю одного учащихся  к интерактивной доске для выполнения упр.)  Match the words with their translations.


2)     Match the words and phrases which have opposite meanings. Open your books at p. 59   ex.1

T: Now we will go on the next exercise.

3)     Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.ex.2 p. 59.

4)     The words in capitals can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. (задание на карточках) (взаимоконтроль)  exchange the cards  with your neighbour and check the answers. The answers  are  on the blackboard.)

T: Raise your hands those who have no mistakes? 1 mistake? Two mistakes?  More than two mistakes?


(   во время выполнения упражнения  вызываю другого учащихся  к интерактивной доске для выполнения упр.) http://LearningApps.org/display?v=p35s3mqe216

T: Find the word with similar meaning


IV.Развитие коммуникативных навыков  по теме «Окружающая среда»  .( 3 min)

T: Let’s train our speaking skills

T: People try to make first steps to protect the environment.  Look at these notices on the board  and answer the following questions:

What are they about? Where could you see these notices? Why  do people create notices like this? ( P1-people create such notices to protect the nature. P2: to make the Earth the better place.

You are right. People create such notices to make the world the better place and to make it perfect.

  V. Проверка домашнего задания (10min)

a) монолог

It is time to check your homer work.  You should describe a perfect world using the plan. (P1,P2,P3)

b) Условный диалог-расспрос

T: We have a guest today. She’s  the journalist of the local newspaper «Oren green». She needs to find out how people feel about the pollution of the environment in our region.

( the special task for bright students is to make an interview)

VI.Физминутка. (1min)  Are you tired? Let`s have a rest then! ( физкультминутка проводится дежурным учеником)

Stand up, please.

Hands on your hips, hands on your knees.

Put them behind you if you please.

Touch your shoulders, touch your nose,

Touch your ears, touch your toes.

Raise your hands high in the air,

At your sides, on your hair.

Raise you hands as before

While you clap: one, two, three, four.

VII. Совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения.(10min)

Ex. 53, p. 54  DO you know  what you can do to save the Earth alive?  Then read the text.

 (дать 5 минут на прочтение)

Работа в парах + аудирование:

Ex. 54, p. 54

(работая в группах, обсудить, куда можно вставить данные предложения, выслушать мнения детей относительно места каждого предложения в тексте, прослушать текст и определить, верно ли были распределены предложения по тексту)

 VIII. Развитие навыков устной речи по теме  (7  min)

a) - Let’s watch  the next video!

T:You have read the text and watched the video.

We should make a conclusion what people must and mustn’t do to save our planet. I would like you to divide  into groups of 2.  The first group should write down what people must do to protect the nature, the second group should write down  what people mustn’t  do .

( we discuss the ideas)

Work in groups. While working listen to the song of Louis Armstrong – What A Wonderful World

IX.  Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока. 3 мин.

I`d like to thank you for your great work. It`s a difficult lesson but you`ve managed to cope with everything.


Now please, write down your homework: Дом. Задание упр.1,2 стр.34(рабочая тетрадь). P1,2,3 Write an article on water protection for your school or local newspaper  (ex4 p35)

 -Making the conclusion I want you make up a thinkway poem  about saving the earth. Look at the screen and see the plan ( слайд 3)

Составление синквейна.

1строка – название темы.

2 строка – описание темы (2 прилагательных).

3 строка – характеристика темы через действие (3 глагола).

4 строка – фраза, выражающая отношение автора синквейна к теме.

5 строка – одно слово-синоним к теме.


The Earth

Beautiful, green

To save, to clean, to help

I love my home very much

The world


There are some cards on your desks.

-And now please, give a short answer :

-Are you happy and satisfied with your work today? Raise your cards!


Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: Yes, I am.
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: No, I am not.


















Список используемой литературы:

- Английский язык, Enjoy English, 8 класс, Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

-Enjoy English, 8 класс, Рабочая тетрадь, Workbook, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н.

-Английский язык. Enjoy English. 8 класс. Книга для учителя. Биболетова М.З.

Поурочные разработки . 8 класс: К УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др. "Enjoy English" В помощь школьному учителю".

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmhiglxga-4

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhETLC0r09




C: Hello! I am a correspondent of  the local newspaper “    “ . We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about  the pollution of the environment in  our region.Do you have time to answer my questions?

-What kinds of pollution do you know? (There is water pollution, air pollution, the pollution of the environment and there is also nuclear pollution.)

- What must people protect the Earth from? (People must protect the Earth from pollution.)

-What and where do people usually waste? (People usually waste paper, chemicals, old things on the ground and into the water.)

- Could you name the most serious and crucial problems of our town? ( Our region is known as ecologically unfavourable.  Due to the Orenburg Gas Plant the air pollution index in Orenburg is also very high , there is a lot of litter in the river Ural. That`s why it is empty of fish, animals and birds are disappearing, every year Orenburg  industry puts their waste materials, harmful substances into the water and atmosphere and pollutes the environment, people of our  town suffer from smog  and have bad illnesses such as cancer, lung diseases.)

-Do you know the most polluted area in your region? (The most polluted area is the eastern part  of Orenburg region: Novotroitsk, Orsk and Mednogorsk in particular)

-What are the main pollutants of air, water and soil? (Factories and plants are. The wastes and by-products( побочные продукты) are dispersed into the rivers.)

-What must we do to protect the environment? (We must stop polluting the ground, the air, the water.

- What  do you think must be done to make the ecological situation of Orenburg better?-( To get the plants and factories out of the city, there must be much more green plants in the city, the traffic must be limited, we must change people's attitude towards the environment, we should stop the pollution of air and water, we must save more energy and water and try to use other sources of energy (solar and tidal  (приливный) energy, the energy of the wind, subterranean (грунтовый) hot water, we must protect the ozone layer from harmful industrial products, we should prevent animals from extinction.

-What do you usually do to protect nature? (we arrange a clean up day, plant trees and flowers, build birdhouses, feed   birds, we avoid dropping litter, making fire in the fields and forests)

C: Thank you very much for your sincere answers.

















1.Describe a perfect world using the plan. Do it in writing.

Примерный рассказ:

In a perfect world people never argue so they have no need to fight or make wars. All people work and get a lot of money so there are no crimes. They don't tell lies to each other. People in the perfect world always protect nature. They travel on foot or by cars without petrol. So, you can often see people riding bicycles. People are healthy because they don't smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. They always eat healthy food: fruit and vegetables, dairy products.


2.In a perfect world people never argue so they have no need to fight or make wars. All people work and get a lot of money so there are no crimes. They don't tell lies to each other. People in the perfect world always protect nature. They travel on foot or by cars without petrol. So, you can often see people riding bicycles. People are healthy because they don't smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. They always eat healthy food: fruit and vegetables, dairy products.


3. It is a world where everyone lives in a clean environment with a fair distribution of the earth's resources. Это мир, где всех окружает чистая природная среда и справедливо распределяются природные ресурсы. People live in harmony with environment. There are a lot of fresh water in my perfect  world, the air is clean too. There are a lot of forests and parks with rare trees and exotic flowers. Animals and birds  are not killed. Endanged  animals live in special shelters. There are no litter in the streets. People take the rubbish in special recycling centers.  Factories  don’t  pollute air, rivers and lakes with waste products and chemicals.   Scientist   have made up special filters in order not to pollute the atmosphere and water. Rivers, lakes and oceans are full of fish. People in my ideal planet don’t suffer from bad illnesses. They are happy and kind.




1.     Let’s remember the main terms on subject “Ecology”.

1.Ecology is

a) when we use cars, burn leaves, pour toxic waste into rivers, seas, oceans.

2. Environment is

b) a science that studies how plants, animals and other living things live together.


3. Pollution

c) to dump domestic and industrial waste.


4.  Ecologist is

d) the place we live in.

5.  It is dangerous

e)  – making air, water and soil dirty and dangerous for people

6.  Nature is

f)  a place where people collect waste.

7.  Dump is

g)  useless materials.

8.  People can’t live

h)  the world with all living things, the land and the seas

9.  Waste is

i)  without clean water, air and food.


10.  We pollute the Environment when

j)  a scientist who studies our environment.




1.Man has forgotten about nature and it has led him to the edge of …… catastrophe.    (ECOLOGY)

2. The …. of the environment requires the cooperation of the nations.    (PROTECT)

3. There are a lot of ….. organizations such as Greenpeace or The World Fund, whose main goal is to help our environment. ( ENVIRONMENT)                                                                                            

    4.  The most …. pollutant from cars is lead. (DANGER)

5.  The students took the rubbish to the local …. center.      (RECYCLE)

6. Drinking alcohol and smoking is strictly…. in the office. (PROHIBIT)

7. Many things that we throw away can still be…..               (USE)

8. Unfortunately, some of this …doesn`t reach the bins. It becomes litter instead.  ( PACK)












What ecological problems do we have nowadays? 

Possible answers: air pollution, water pollution, littering, deforestation,  drought, overpopulation, extinction, global warming, war conflicts)


what people  should and mustn’t do to save our planet.


We mustn’t:  throw litter in public places, cut wild flowers, waste energy and water, cut down trees,  walk on the lawns, smoke in public places, make fires in the forests and in the fields, disturb wild animals,  use chemicals in the gardens, use poisonous gases, kill animals, dump or pour industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.


We must: to save energy and water, , turn off the light when  we leave our rooms , plant trees and flowers, arrange clean-up days, pick up litter as walking in the forest and in the park, walk or cycle whenever possible, feed wild animals and birds, create shelters for wild animals, take cans, bottles, paper to local recycling centers, avoid buying packaged goods, create posters reminding people about pollution, join international organizations and green parties,  ask  our governments to make laws to protect air, water and soil.


















































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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • What can we do to save the Earth?

    1 слайд

    What can we do to save the Earth?

  • to protect from pollution
protection of
protective clothing 
chemical waste /...

    2 слайд

    to protect from pollution
    protection of
    protective clothing
    chemical waste / waste paper
    to be polluted by
    air pollution / sea pollution
    antipollution laws
    to protect the environment
    the pollution of the environment
    environmental problems / research

  • Составление синквейна1строка – название темы.
2 строка – описание темы (2 при...

    3 слайд

    Составление синквейна
    1строка – название темы.
    2 строка – описание темы (2 прилагательных).
    3 строка – характеристика темы через действие (3 глагола).
    4 строка – фраза, выражающая отношение автора синквейна к теме.
    5 строка – одно слово-синоним к теме.

  • -  ex.1,2 р.34( WB ). 
-  ex. 4 p. 35  -(Write an article on water protection...

    4 слайд

    - ex.1,2 р.34( WB ).
    - ex. 4 p. 35 -(Write an article on water protection for your school or local newspaper)

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