Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыСборник контрольных работ по английскому языку для 5-7 классов

Сборник контрольных работ по английскому языку для 5-7 классов

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  Включение  единого государственного экзамена  по иностранному языку  в штатный режим  обусловило целесообразность  формирования

у  учащихся представления о структуре и содержании  контрольно - измерительных  материалов  и  стратегии  выполнения  тестовых  заданий

на  ранних  этапах  изучения  иностранного  языка.


    В целях  оптимизации  учебного  процесса  было  решено  использовать  формат  ЕГЭ  при  организации  штатных контрольных работ по  аудированию  и  чтению  начиная  с  5го  класса.

  Содержание  тестов  соответствует  тематическому  планированию  УМК  « Happy English ».  Выбор  текстов  для  контрольных  работ

определялся целью сообщить учащимся дополнительную социокультурную информацию. В тесты включены изученные на соответствующий момент грамматические аспекты английского языка.

  Уровни  сложности  заданий  контрольных  работ  повторяют  уровни заданий  ЕГЭ.  Типы заданий варьируются от базового к высокому уровню  сложности,  т.е.  от  заданий  на  установление  соответствия  и заданий  с кратким ответом  к заданиям  с множественным выбором ответа.  Время  выполнения  контрольной  работы  не  более  10  минут.

  Задания  к  контрольным  работам  составлены  в  процессе  активного  сотрудничества  с  ученицами  МОУ  СОШ № 9 Сахно Ольгой и  МОУ СОШ № 1  Гречко Валерией.



                        Пятаков В.И.,  учитель  английского  языка  МОУ СОШ №9  МО  Староминский район





    5 кл  II ч  ауд              About  Myself


    My name is Kirill. My surname is Pavlov. I am ten years old. I am from Moscow. I am a student. I am in class 5. My address is 19 Dlinnaya Street. My telephone number is 229-70-89. My hobbies are: reading, music and dancing. My favourite sports are football and tennis. I like ice- cream and tea.

I have a pen friend in England. His name is Peter. Peter can play chess and computer games. Peter's family is not big. His mother and father are doctors. Peter is a very good friend.







Ты услышишь рассказ мальчика. Определи, какое из заданий 1-5 соответствует содержанию текста, какое не соответствует и о чем в тексте не сказано. Букву выбранного ответа обведи кружком.

1.  Кирилл - студент пятого курса.

     а) соответствует     б) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано

с) в тексте не сказ

2.  Кирилл любит читать и плавать.

     а) соответствует     б) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано

с) в тексте не сказ

3.  У него уроки в школе пять дней в неделю.

     а) соответствует     б) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано

с) в тексте не сказ

4.  В Англии у Кирилла есть друг по переписке.

     а) соответствует     б) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано

с)  в тексте не ска

5.   Родители Питера - врачи.

     а) соответствует     б) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано

с)  в тексте не сказано


    5 кл  II ч  чт                  Kate's Day    

   Kate comes home from school at 2 p.m. She cleans the room and then goes to the yard of her house to play with her friends. She has got many friends. They play ball, hide-and-seek, run and jump. Kate takes her dog to the yard. The children play and the dog jumps and runs.

 Then she comes home and does her lessons. When her lessons are ready she reads books or watches TV. Then all the family have supper.         At 10 o'clock she says "Good night" to her parents and goes to bed.












Прочитай текст. В заданиях 1-5обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.


1. Убрав в комнате, Катя      а) убирает во дворе;

 б) помогает друзьям;

 в) играет с друзьями.

2. Во дворе лети играют        а) в футбол;

                                    б) с мячом;

                                    с) в песочнице.

3. Вместе с детьми играет       а) Катина собака:

        б) дворовая собака;

       в) собака Катиных друзей.

4. Выучив уроки, Катя          а) смотрит телевизор или читает книги;

          б) читает книги и смотрит телевизор;

          в) читает книги и не смотрит телевизор.

5. В 10 часов Катя говорит:     а) "Веселой ночи!";

         б) "Спокойной ночи!";

         в) "Веселья ночью!".


   5 кл  III ч aуд                  Mother's Birthday

Next Sunday will be an unusual day for our family. It will be our mother's birthday. My brother Nick and I want to buy a present for her.

We will go shopping on Saturday after school. We can go there either by bike or by bus. Nick likes to go by bus, but I don't like buses. I think we will not go by bus, we will go by bike.

What will we buy? As there will be a party, we need yummy sweets, coffee, cheese, sausage, biscuits, and cakes. I know Mother likes cakes very much. So we will buy cakes.

Our mum's hobby is gardening so we will look for beautiful roses for her.

It is a great pleasure to make people happy and we want to make our mummy happy.

either...or;   by bike = by bicycle;   gardening






Ты услышишь рассказ о семейном празднике. В заданиях 1-5 обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.

1. Next Sunday there will be   a) no holiday;

b) a birthday party;

c) a boring day.

2. On Saturday after school children

a) want to go to a supermarket;

b) will ride a bike;

c) want to go out.

3. They will not go shopping     a) by bike;

b)  by bus;

c)  by taxi.

4.  The children will buy    a) sweets and cakes;

b) cheese and chocolate;

c) biscuits and fruit.

5. Their mother    a) likes flowers;

                  b) bakes tasty cakes;

                  c) doesn't want to celebrate her birthday.


  5 кл  III ч  чт                    Our Town

We live in Greentown. Our town is not very large, but it is nice. There are buses and cars in the streets. We live at 78 Central Street. Our street is long and there are many trees in it. In spring and in summer the trees are green.

There is a garden1 in front of 2 our house. In the garden there are trees and red, blue, and yellow flowers. I like the garden. In the evening I go to the garden, sit on a bench, and read a book.


1garden - сад

    2in front of - перед












Прочитай текст. В заданиях 1-5 обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.

1.  Greentown is  a) a large village;

b)  a small town;

c)  a huge city.

2.  Our town is     a) in England:

b)  in Russia;

c)  in France.

3.  In spring and in summer  a) there are many people in the parks;

b)  there are children with dogs in the gardens;

c)  trees in the streets are green.

4.  There are roses and daffodils   a) in the centre of the town;

b) in the garden;

c) in the town park.

5.  In the evening I like to   a) read on a bench;

b) water the flowers;

c) to play in the garden.


  5 кл  IV ч aуд                        Spring

Spring is a beautiful season. It begins in March and ends in May. So March, April, and May are spring months. There are places in our country where spring begins in April or in May, and it is cold in March there.

The weather is usually fine in spring. Sometimes it rains, but the days get longer and it is warm. The forests, the fields and the trees in the parks, gardens, and streets are green. There you can see white, red, blue, and yellow flowers.

In spring the farmers begin their work in the fields. There are a lot of tractors and other machines there.

We have many holidays in spring, and people celebrate them happily.

After the long winter months children like spring time. They play out in the yards and in the playgrounds.









Ты услышишь рассказ о времени года. Определи, какое из заданий 1-5 соответствует содержанию текста, не соответствует или о чем в тексте не сказано.  Обведи кружком букву выбранного ответа.


1. There are places in Russia where spring doesn't start in March.

а) соответствует    b) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано


2.  Trees become green in towns and cities in spring.

а) соответствует    b) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано


3. In April the farmers work in the fields day and night.

а) соответствует    b) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано


4.  There are many spring holidays in our country in March.

а)соответствует     b) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано


5. Children can play in the streets in nice weather.

     а) соответствует    b) не соответствует    с) в тексте не сказано


  5 кл  IV ч  чт                    In Bob's room

Today is the 23rd of October. It is autumn. It is colder than yesterday1. It is raining. The children can't play in the garden. Bob and Lucy must stay at home. They are sitting in Bob's room. There are a lot of his toys on the floor, on the bed, on his desk. Lucy likes to play with the toys. She is playing with model cars. She likes Ford cars, they are bigger and more beautiful.

There is an old poster on the wall near the window. That's the Arshavin poster. Arshavin is one of the best football players in the world. Bob likes football very much, so he is not playing with Lucy. He is playing a football game on his computer.

Bob has got an old skateboard and tennis rackets. The rackets are not as old as the skateboard. They are on his desk.

There are a lot of old magazines3 and CD disks on the shelves, but the children are neither4 reading nor listening to music. What a boring day is today!

1yesterday – вчера;       2toy – игрушка;       3magazine – журнал;           4neither  ...  nor - не ... не



Прочитай текст. В заданиях A- Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта ответа.

A.     …  today.     1) It is winter;

2)  It is a nice day;

3)  It is not snowing.

B.     Bob and Lucy      1) are playing in the room;

 2) are playing in the yard;

   3) are playing computer games.

C.    Ford model cars are      1) nice and big;

2)  big but not very beautiful;

3)  not interesting to play with.

D.     Arshavin      1) likes to collect posters;

2)  plays football very well;

3)  is Bob's pen friend.

E.    Tennis rackets      1) are old;

2)  are older than the skateboard;

3)  are newer than the skateboard.


  6 кл I ч ауд                    The London Zoo

London has a very nice old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of London. You can see many old trees in the park, and in spring, summer, and autumn there are many beautiful flowers there too.

The Zoo is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go in a bus or by the underground and bus.

Children and their Mums and Dads enjoy visiting the Zoo because they can see many kinds of animals there: elephants, giraffes, tigers and ponies, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many birds of very beautiful bright colours there too.


zoo;  underground;  to enjoy;  animal;  bird





Ты услышишь рассказ об очень популярном общественном месте в Лондоне. Определи, какое из заданий соответствует содержанию текста (True ), не соответствует ( False ) и о чем в тексте не сказано ( Not stated). Цифру выбранного ответа обведи кружком.


A.    Boys and girls can go to the zoo in London.

l)True     2) False      3) Not stated


B.    There many roses in the streets of  London.

l)True      2) False       3) Not stated


C.    You can visit the Zoo every day.

1) True     2) False     3) Not stated


D.    Children aren't happy to go to the Zoo.

l)True     2) False      3) Not stated


E.    The Zoo works day and night.

l)True     2) False      3) Not stated

  6 кл I ч чт

Bob is going to the pet shop to buy some food for their dog, but he doesn't know the way. Dad is telling him the way from the house to the pet shop.

Dad: When you leave the house, turn right into Green Street. Turn right again into Long Street. Go along Long Street as far as North Street. Cross North Street and go past the museum. Turn left into East Street and there's the pet shop.

Bob: It's easy! I will find it.

10 minutes after. Bob is looking for the pet shop.

Bob: Excuse me. I'm looking for the pet shop. Can you tell me the way to the pet shop from here?

An old man: It's easy. Go along this street and turn left. Go straight on for about 500 metres. Go past the museum. You will see the pet-shop on your left, opposite the playground.

Bob: Thanks.

An old man: Never mind.

10 minutes after. Bob is still looking for the pet shop.

Bob: Excuse me. How can I get to the pet shop?

A woman: Now, let me think... yes. Go along this street to the end. Turn into East Street. Walk along that street. You'll see the pet shop on your right. You can't miss it. But it's a long way!

   Bob: Thank you very much. I will try to get there.

   A woman: Good luck!

40 minutes after Bob is at home without any food for their dog.


Прочитай текст и выполни задания 1-5, обведя кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.

1.  Bob's father is telling him   a) to buy a pet;

                                   b) the way to the pet shop.

2.  Dad says to his son:       a) "Turn into East Street";

                                b) "Cross East Street".

3.  The boy asks … for help.    a) a policeman;

b) a man.

4.  The pet shop is opposite  a) the museum;

b) the playground.

5.  40 minutes later Bob         a) finds the pet shop;

 b) comes back home with no food.

  6 кл II ч ауд                     


1.    Many Englishmen eat porridge with milk for breakfast. English people often take sugar in their porridge. But porridge is a Scotch dish and the Scotch always put salt in it, and never sugar.

2.    English people drink a lot of tea. Some English people have tea for breakfast, tea in the middle of the morning, tea after dinner, tea in the middle of the afternoon, tea at tea-time and tea with supper.

3.    The English always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses. In England many people usually drink tea with sugar and milk.

4.      Englishmen always eat bread with their soup. With meat and vegetables they never eat any bread. Some Englishmen only eat one thin piece of bread at dinner.

5.    Fill the kettle with cold water.

Boil the water.

   Warm the pot.

   Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for  the pot. Pour hot water into the pot. Enjoy your tea.

porridge;  kettle;  to boil;  pot.





Ты услышишь короткие рассказы об обычной еде англичан. Установи соответствие между текстами 1-5 и утверждениями в списке А - F. Одно утверждение в списке A-F лишнее.  Запиши свои  ответы в таблицу.


A.  English people don't eat much bread.

B.  Traditional English breakfast.

C.  How to make an English tea.

D.  In Britain tea is served with milk and sugar.

E.  In the morning Englishmen have spaghetti.

F.  Time to drink tea.














  6 кл II ч чт                   A Royal Meal1


A king is travelling through Italy. He stops at a small farm in a little village to have breakfast. He orders some coffee, bread   1   some boiled eggs. The king eats everything and asks the farmer how much he must pay for his breakfast.   2   "A hundred florins2, sir."

The king is   3   and says, "What? A hundred florins for a   4   ,    a cup of coffee and two eggs? It's too expensive3. Is it difficult to find eggs in your village?"

"Oh, no, sir," answers the innkeeper4, "there are many   5  village, it's very difficult to find kings here."


1 royal meal - здзавтрак короля

2 florin - флорин ( денежная единица )

3expensive - дорогой

4innkeeper - хозяин постоялого двора










Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски 1-5 частями предложений А- F. Одна из частей в списке А-F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A.  The farmer answers,

B.  eggs in the

C.  and butter and

D.  a very yummy

E.  little bread and butter,

F.  very much surprised














   6 кл III ч ауд                    Big  Ben

   The Houses of Parliament is a very large building which stands near the river Thames. There are two tall towers at the corners of the building and one of them is the Clock Tower.

The English people built the tower and the clock in 1858. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The bell weighs 13 tons. The man who commanded the construction of the tower was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall, and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too. Sometimes people call the clock and the Clock Tower Big Ben.

The people of London who live near the Houses of Parliament can hear the sound of the bell every hour. Other people hear it on the radio. On New Year's night people come to the Clock Tower to celebrate the New Year here.

building;  Clock Tower;  face;  loud bell;  to weigh;  sound;  hour



Ты услышишь рассказ об одной из известных достопримечательностей Лондона. В заданиях А - Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта


A. The Houses of Parliament

a) is a picture gallery:

b) has two towers;

c) has two floors.

B. Big Ben’s four faces

a) show the time;

b) are white and golden;

c) smile day and night.

C. Benjamin Hall was

a) a friend of the king;

b) a singer;

c) an engineer.

  D. His friends called him

a) Funny Boy:

b) Big Ben;

c) Big Guy.

E. People of London come to Big Ben   a) to know the time;

b)  to make new friends;

c)  to celebrate a holiday.

  6 кл III ч чт                    Pancake Races

    In England there is a day for pancakes1. It is usually in March. At home families have pancakes for dinner. At school the children and teachers have pancakes for school dinner.

   You know that pancakes are very good to eat, but do you know that in England people race2 with pancakes?

   In some villages and towns in England there is a pancake race every year. Mothers of families run these races. First they must make the pancake and then run four hundred metres with the pancake on the frying-pan in their hands. When they are running this race they must throw4 the pancake up three times and catch it on the frying-pan. They must not drop5 it.

The fathers and the children watch the mothers and call out to them: "Run, mum, run quickly!"

   At some universities and colleges students run pancake races too. They run with their pancakes on the frying-pans and throw them up.

   If the university or college is near the sea there are swimming pancake races. The students take their frying-pans with the pancakes into the cold water and swim with them. They hold the frying-pan in one hand. They must also throw the pancake up and catch it on the pan.


1pancake - блин;  2race - зд. соревнование; соревноваться;

3frying - pan - сковорода;   4throw up - подбрасывать;   5drop - ронять.















Прочитай текст. В заданиях 1-5 обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.


1. In England the day to eat pancakes is          a) when the trees are yellow;

b)   in spring;

c)   two days before Christmas.

2. Pancake race is

a)  for mothers only;

b)  for mothers and children;

c)  a holiday dinner.

3. When the women run the race, they

a)  dance and sing;

b)  throw their pancakes up;

c)  tell funny stories.

4. Pancake races are also popular among




5. A swimming pancake race is

a)  businessmen;

b)  teachers and pupils;

c)  students.


a) a water sport;

b) a dancing party; 

c) a hobby.

6 кл IV ч ауд                London Sightseeing Tour      

    Ladies and gentlemen! Our tour around London is going on. Look right. We are passing Hide Park. In this park everybody can stand up and say everything. It is a very democratic park. Now we are turning left and you can see St. James's Park. It is one of the royal parks. Here you can see pelicans and ducks. There are a lot of parks and gardens in London. In Regent's Park there is the London Zoo. It is one of the biggest zoos in the world.

In front of you you can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world.

   At this moment we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see the Tower of London. Its famous sight is ravens. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

We are now going along Fleet Street to the Strand. On the right you'll see Covent Garden. It was a big fruit and vegetable market. It is now a tourist shopping centre with cafes and restaurants. We'll stop here so that you can go shopping. Our tour has finished. I hope very much that you have enjoyed this tour of London. Thank you and goodbye.

     royal;   raven;       residence

Сейчас вместе с гидом ты совершишь экскурсию по Лондону. Определи, какое из заданий 1-5 соответствует его рассказу (True), не соответствует (False) и о чем не сказано ( Not stated). Букву выбранного ответа обведи кружком.


1.    In Hide Park people are not afraid to speak.

a)   True      b)   False      c)   Not stated


2.    A lot of animals and birds live in Regent's Park.

a)   True      b)   False      c)   Not stated


3.   Long ago the kings' residence was the Houses of Parliament.

a)   True      b)   False      c)   Not stated


4.   There is a legend about the ravens of the Tower of London.

a)   True      b)   False      c)   Not stated


5.   Londoners could buy exotic vegetables at Covent Garden.

a)   True      b)   False      c)   Not stated

  6 кл IV ч чт                      

   Tom was five years old and he had no brothers or sisters. He lived with his parents in the country, and there were no neighbours near his house. One day his uncle1 came. He had lunch with Tom and his parents, and then Tom's mother went into the kitchen and washed the dishes, and his father went out and washed his car. Tom was alone2 with his uncle. He showed him his toys3 and they talked. Then Tom said. "Now I am going to go out and play with God." His uncle was surprised. "How do you play with God?" he asked him. "It is easy," Tom answered," I throw1 the ball up and then God throws it back to me."


1uncle – дядя;     2alone – один;     3toys – игрушки;

4to throw up - бросать вверх




Прочитай текст. Определи, какие из высказываний 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста ( 1 – True ),  какие не соответствуют ( 2 -False) и о чем в тексте не сказано ( 3 - Not stated ), то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни утвердительного, ни отрицательного ответа. Обведи кружком вариант выбранного ответа.


1.    The boy lived  in a modern house.

1) True       2) False       3) Not stated


2.    Tom had no friends to play with.

1) True       2) False       3) Not stated


3.   After lunch both his father and mother washed plates and cups.

1) True       2) False       3) Not stated


4.    Tom's uncle liked the boy's toys.

1) True       2) False       3) Not stated


5.   Tom was going to play a ball game.

l)True        2) False       3) Not stated

  7кл Iч ауд         In the Supermarket

Mrs Brown decided to buy some things for her children. So she went with Bob and  Lucy to a supermarket on Saturday morning.

The supermarket is not far from their house. It is as far as the city park. It took them about 5 minutes to get there. There were lots of people in the supermarket.

First they went to the second floor to buy new jeans for Lucy. Lucy chose the most beautiful pair of jeans. The jeans cost 40 dollars. Mrs Brown bought them.

After that they went to the sports department on the third floor to buy trainers for Bob. He liked both black and grey ones. The grey  trainers were nicer, but the black trainers were cheaper. At last Bob decided to have the black ones, and his mother paid 46 dollars for them.

Then they went to look at caps. Caps, dresses, blouses, and shirts were on the fifth floor. They looked at lots of caps, but Mrs Brown didn't like any of them because the caps were not as fashionable as she wanted. They went to buy a blouse for Lucy. Lucy tried on more than five blouses and they bought a nice blue one for 30 dollars.

After all they went to the cafeteria on the top floor to drink some Coca-Cola. They took lift to get there.

both black and grey;  fashionable;   to try on






Ты услышишь рассказ о покупках, которые сделала английская семья. Определи, какое из заданий А - E соответствует содержанию текста ( True ), какое не соответствует ( False ), и о чем в тексте не сказано ( Not stated ). Цифру выбранного ответа обведи кружком.


A.  The Brown's family did not live far from the supermarket.

1) True   2) False    3) Not stated

B.  Mrs Brown bought the most expensive trainers for Bob.

1) True   2) False   3) Not stated

C.  You can buy American, Chinese or Italian jeans in a supermarket.

1) True   2) False   3) Not stated

D.  Lucy tried on three blouses and bought a nice brown one.

1) True   2) False   3) Not stated

E.  The children and their Mum drank Coca-cola at McDonalds.

1) True   2) False   3) Not stated

  7кл Iч чт     Travelling About the Country on Foot

A long walk in the country is very interesting. Such a walk   1    .

And when you go for a walk in the country, you say that you are going on
a hike. There are   2   on a warm sunny day.

Why is hiking a nice thing for all people — young and not so young? What is good about a long country walk?

Well, a hike is a walk   3   , and when you plan a hike, you think about pleasure and exercise.

If you want to see the country-side, you must spend part of your summer holidays on hikes.    4   if you want to enjoy your hiking trip.

Hiking is nice because you need not think about tickets, timetables, and other things. What you need is a   5   you will use on a hike.







 Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски 1-5 частями предложений A-F. Одна из частей в списке A-F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A.      But you must not walk very quickly

B.      rucksack with all the things

C.      to swim and lie in the sun

D.      is called a hike.

E.      for pleasure in the open country,

F.       a lot of hikers













  7кл IIч ауд           Means of Transport

   People use various means of transport to get from one place to another.

In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks, and months to get to the place they needed. They either went on foot, by coaches driven by horses or on horseback or by boats and ships. Then trains, trams, cars, buses, airplanes, underground, and other means appeared.

Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests, and fields through windows. Some people like to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want.

People, who live in big cities, use various means of transport to get from one place to another.

Do you know what means of transport Londoners use? Londoners use the underground railway. They call it 'the tube'.

London's underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.

Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904. Today there are hundreds of routes there. The interesting thing is that some of the routes are the same as many years ago. London's buses are double-decked ones.


means of transport;  coach;  route.





Ты услышишь рассказ о средствах сообщения. В заданиях A - Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта ответа.

A.    In the 14th century people

1) were lazy;     2) went to picnics;     3) did not travel fast.

B.    Lots of people travel by plane because

1) it is safe;      2)  it is fast;           3) it is not too expensive.

C.    The most comfortable means of transport is

1) a horse;       2) a car;                          3) a ship.

D.    The "tube" is

1) a ferry;       2) a tunnel;             3) an underground railway.

E.    The Londoners don't use

1) taxis;         2) buses;                        3) trolley-buses.


 7кл IIч чт         An Unusual Spectacle

   The Zoo had big baskets for rubbish, where people, who bought ice-creams and other things, could throw1 the papers from them. One Saturday afternoon Mr Brown was walking near the cages where the lions and tigers were kept.2 Usually there were a lot of people round the cages on a Saturday afternoon, but that day there was nobody there. Mr Brown was surprised. He was even more surprised when he saw a crowd3 around the rubbish basket near the lion’s cage.

   He went towards the crowd. Most of them were children. He looked over their heads and saw – a little mouse4 which was running about among pieces of paper in the basket looking for bits of food. It was only a few centimeters from the children, but it was not afraid – and the children were more interested in this small, common mouse than in the lions and tigers because they could watch it very closely and see life, and enjoy it.

1to throw - бросать;   2were kept - зд. находились

3crowd - толпа;   4mouse мышь


Прочитай текст. В заданиях 1-5 обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.


1. In the Zoo there were    a) containers for litter;

                          b) exotic fishes;

                          c) flowers of many colours.

2. Mr Brown came to the Zoo  a) to have some ice-cream;

                             b) to watch animals;

                             c) to see a friend.

3. Children   a) were eating ice-cream;

             b) were watching a mouse;

             c) were teasing a lion.

4. The mouse was  a) a few metres from children;

                  b) not afraid;

                  c) in the tiger’ cage.

5. Children could enjoy  a) a sleeping lion;

                        b) a film about lions and tigers;

                        c) a free life.

 7кл IIIч ауд       A Physical Training Lesson

My name is Philip. I have a dog and his name is Benjy. He is brown and not very big, but he has big long ears. In the morning Benjy and I, and some other children all meet in the yard of our house and then we go to school.

One morning our first lesson was physical training. It was warm in early autumn and we had our lesson at the sports ground. During the lesson we ran and jumped. At the end of the lesson we played games. The teacher watched us, showed us our mistakes, corrected them, and gave us marks.

   In the middle of the lesson one of the exercises was to run around the sports ground. All my friends were good runners, I ran very well too. I knew I was the best sportsman in the class. My portrait hung on the wall near the gymnasium door.

We ran very quickly. I ran in front of the other boys all the time. Soon I finished. My friends and I went to the teacher. We wanted to know our marks for this exercise. I wanted to hear the teacher say to me, "Very good. Your mark is five." But the teacher looked down, picked Benjy up, held him above our heads, and said to him, "Bravo! You are the first sportsman in the class."

For me that was a very good lesson — a physical training lesson.


Ты услышишь рассказ мальчика об уроке физкультуры. В заданиях A- Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта ответа.

A.  The boy, who told the story, was

1)  a sportsman;

2)     a schoolboy;

3)     a champion.

B.  One day the first lesson was

1)  physics;

2)     physical education;

3)     geography.

C.  The children had their lesson at the sports ground because

1)  the weather was warm;

2)     they wanted to play football;

3)     it was late autumn.

D.  Philip was a good sportsman and

1)  always got good marks;

2)     liked to run and jump;

3)     there was his portrait on a gymnasium wall.

E.  The best sportsman at the lesson was

1)  Philip's pet;

2)     Philip's friend;

3)     Philip.

 7кл IIIч чт   When Invited to an American Dinner   

Here are a few tips to help you know how to behave at an American dinner. First of all, you should always arrive on time. Even 15 minutes late is impolite. It is also not polite to come early. It is always nice to bring your host1 or hostess something such as flowers, but it is not necessary.

   When in the dining room, don't take a seat until your host or hostess shows you where to sit. Take the napkin that is beside your plate,  1  .        Bowls2 of food are usually passed from person to person around the table. People serve themselves.

Before eating, someone may say prayer2. During prayer you should bow your head and remain silent. You can start eating when the host or hostess does.

     2   , but don't talk with your mouth full. If someone asks you a

question while your mouth is full,   3    you answer the question.

Do not reach in front of someone for a dish, the salt, or the pepper. Simply say, "Please pass the salt."

     4   , "The dinner is very nice!" When dinner is over, help clear the
dishes off the table. When you are leaving, thank your host or hostess by saying, "
  5   . I enjoyed it very much."

Americans often send a thank you note afterwards.


1 host ( hostess) - хозяин ( хозяйка)    2bowl - зд. тарелка

3 prayer [΄preә] - молитва


Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски 1- 5 частями предложений  А - F. Одна из частей в списке А - F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A.   finish chewing before

B.  and put it on your lap

C.  Take part in the conversation

D.   Don't speak while you are eating

E.   Thank you for a nice evening

F.   Always compliment the cook by saying












7кл IVч ауд       

    Mrs Green lived in a small village, and she had five children. She always had a lot of work. The children went to different schools, and Mrs Green took them in the morning in her car. Then she bought food at the village shop, and then she went home and cleaned the house, washed the clothes and made cakes or other things.

In the afternoon she drove back to the children's schools and brought them home, and then she cooked their evening meal. Every evening she was very tired.

One morning she was in the village shop, and there she saw a small notice. It said, "I do cleaning for $1.50 an hour. Telephone Miss Joan Brown, 7508."

Mrs Green looked round the shop. "Nobody's looking," she said. "That's good."

Then she took her pen out of her bag and wrote under the notice, "I do cleaning for nothing. Don't telephone me!"







Ты услышишь рассказ о повседневных хлопотах домохозяйки. Определи, какое из утверждений 1-5 соответствует содержанию текста (True), не соответствует (False) и о чем не сказано (Not stated). Букву выбранного ответа отметь кружком.



1.  Mrs Green was always very busy about the house.

a) True        b) False       c) Not stated

2.  In the morning Mrs Green had one or two hours of rest.

a) True        b) False       c) Not stated

3.  Mrs Green always cooked tasty dishes for the evening meals.

a) True        b) False       c) Not stated

4.  The notice in the shop offered some help about the house.

a) True        b) False       c) Not stated

5.  Mrs Green was not happy to read the notice.

a) True        b) False       c) Not stated

  7кл IVч чт                Scouts1


   Do you like having fun, making new friends, and trying new things? Alison does. That's why she joined an organization called Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts of the USA is the largest organization for girls in the world. In Girl Scouting, girls aged 6 to 17 and of all races and creed2 are welcomed. They meet together regularly to find out about new things and share excitement and adventures.

Lord Baden-Powell started the Boy Scouts organization in Great Britain in 1906. Soon Scouts grew popular in other countries.

Juliette Gordon Low began the Girl Scouts in the United States of America in 1912. In some countries members are called Girl Scouts. In other countries they are called Girl Guides.

Scouts don't look the same everywhere, but they usually wear a uniform. They often have international camps where they live in tents, swim, sing songs round the camp fire, and do a lot of interesting things together. They go hiking in the forest and boating on the lake or on the river, and cook all their food.

Scouts enjoy the camp life where they make a lot of new friends and learn to live within the nature.


1scouts - скауты;        2creed - вероисповедание



Прочитай текст. В заданиях А - Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта ответа.


A.    Girl Scouts is     1) a boarding - school;

  2) a girls' club:

     3) a non - political group of teenagers.

B.    Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts    1) must  live in Europe or America only:

2)   can  live an  interesting life;

3)   are very religious children.

C.    Scouts often      1) have their Scout  uniform  on;

                    2) buy expensive T - shirts and jeans:

                    3) like to wear blue and yellow clothes.

D.  When summer comes,  scouts   1) go camping;

 2) go fishing and  hunting;

                                 3) go windsurfing.

E.  Teenagers     1) try to have fun;

2) learn to protect the nature;

                  3) learn to be intelligent and  hardworking.

  8кл Iч ауд        Betty the Baby-Sitter

(Schoolchildren in Britain and the United States often work in their free time for money. Very often they take a job to help their families. Sometimes they do it to get money for a holiday somewhere or to buy something. Very often schoolgirls look after little children while their mothers are away, and for this they are paid. Betty is a baby-sitter and she tells about her work herself.)

I am Betty and I am just sixteen. I go to work only on Saturdays. I'm still at school, and during the week I go to bed early. Oh! that's the telephone. Excuse me. "Hallo? Hallo? Yes, Betty Brown speaking. Saturday next? Yes, Mrs. Smith. That's February 18th, isn't it? Yes, six o'clock sharp. Sixteen, College Street."

Mrs. Smith is one of Mummy's friends. She has two little boys. Here is Mummy now.

"Mummy, can I go to Mrs. Smith's on Saturday? She and Mr. Smith are going to the cinema, and they want me to baby-sit."

"Till when, Betty?"

"Till ten-thirty, Mummy. Oh, please, Mummy, can I go?"

 "You're coming home at ten-thirty, Betty! Don't forget!"


to baby-sit;        sharp



Ты услышишь рассказ о том , как девушка занимает свое свободное время. Определи, какое из утверждений A - Eсоответствует содержанию текста (True), не соответствует (False) и о чем не сказано (Not stated). Цифру выбранного ответа отметь кружком.


A.  American and British teenagers often have a job to help parents.

    1) True    2) False    3) Not stated

B.  Children in Russia also work in their free time.

     l)True     2) False    3) Not stated

C.  Betty does baby- sitting once a week.

     1) True    2) False    3) Not stated

D.  She doesn't like her job.

    1)True      2) False    3) Not stated

E.  Mrs. Smith is a colleague of Betty's father.

    1) True    2) False     3) Not stated



  8кл Iч чт                A Funny Story

    For his expedition to the South Pole, Captain Robert Scott   1   . He was not a rich man himself, so he had to find people who could give him the money.

First Scott spoke to David Lloyd George, who was at that time an important member of the British Government. The Captain thought that he could get money from the Government. Lloyd George was not a kind man and many people   2   .

In answer Lloyd George said that the Government could give him

only a   3   that he needed for the expedition. Then he gave Captain Scott the address of a very rich man who was interested in Arctic expeditions, and advised1  him to ask that man to help him with money.

Scott went to that rich man and explained what he wanted.

     4   the rich man asked.

When Scott said that it was Lloyd George, the rich man laughed. Then he said:

"I can give you fifty thousand pounds2, if Lloyd George goes with your expedition to the South Pole. And if you leave him there, I shall give you   5  "

1to advise- советовать;     2pound- фунт (денежная единица)


Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски 1- 5 частями предложений  А - F. Одна из частей в списке А - F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A.  in England did not like him.

B.  small part of the money

C.  needed a lot of money.

D.  the expedition started in autumn,

E.  another fifty thousand pounds.

F.  "Who sent you here to me?"












  8кл IIч ауд         American  Radio

   In the United States the radio is turned on most of the time, creating a permanent background noise. You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house, reading a book or driving a car.

On the radio one can hear music, plays, news, and different commentary and discussions called "forums". At a forum several authorities exchange views on social, economic and political problems. The listener can hear many opinions. Such broadcasts are popular with the listeners. A peculiar feature of the American radio is soap opera. It is a sentimental serial drama that describes domestic problems and which is for housewives. Soap opera is usually broadcast every day. Most people find soap opera boring.

There are a lot of games on the radio. They are called "panel games". During a radio panel-game listeners send questions to the studio. The member of the panel answers them and competes for the best results.

Radio brings into millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programmes. Radio stations broadcast about ten thousand hours of musical programs weekly. Many programs are made up of classical music.


background noise - звуковой фон

authorities - зд. представители власти

broadcast - (радио)программа; вещать (по радио) domestic - домашний

to compete - соревноваться


Ты услышишь информацию о роли радио в жизни американцев. В заданиях   1 - 5 обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.

1.  Americans listen to the radio   a) at home;

                               b) not very often;

                               c) everywhere.

2.  On the radio one can hear               a) political and economical news;

b) a lot of various programmes;

                                  c) music and songs.

3.  Many people say that soap operas     a) are exciting;

                                            b) are not very interesting;

                                     c) must be broadcast every day.

4.  Soap operas on the radio                a) make people laugh;

                                 b) tell about home problems;

                                 c) are for teenagers only.

5. Musical programmes                a) are very popular;

b)  are broadcast on Saturdays and Sundays;

c)  are not as popular as news programmes.



 8кл IIч чт                    

1.  English is the language of the world. Lots of people in many countries use English as an international language. Some people use it for social purposes, others for business or study. There are also certain 'international' professions, such as airline pilots and air-traffic controllers, which require a working knowledge of English.

2.  English is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. It is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic.

3.  After the Norman Conquest1 there were three languages in England. There was Latin, the language of the church2 and science. Then there was French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and which many people wrote. Finally, there was the English language which remained3 the language of the masses of the people.

4. It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a world language. In Shakespeare's time it was a 'provincial' language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers.

5. English is the international language of communication in such areas as science, technology, information technology and business. It is the language of literature, education, modern music and international tourism. English is the major language of diplomacy, it is one of the official languages of the United Nations organization and other political organizations.


1conquest - завоевание

2church церковь

3to remain - оставаться



Установи соответствие между текстами 1 — 5 утверждениями в   списке А- F. Одно утверждение в списке А - F лишнее. Запиши свои ответы в таблицу.


A.  The common people in England spoke only English in the 13th century.

B.  The staff in international airports have  to understand and speak English.

C.  Both Australians and Americans write all documents in English.

D.  Four hundred years ago the Celts and the Scotch spoke their native languages.

E.    Every tourist visiting Britain has to speak English.

F.    Computer programmes are mostly written in English.













  8кл IIIч ауд         William Caxton

William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1422. His father was a farmer. William did not want to become a farmer like his father. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office which traded with different countries. William liked to read new books which were printed in Europe.

When William Caxton was thirty, after his master's death he started his own business in Belgium. In 1471 he left his business and began to translate French books into English. He became interested in printing, and at last he learnt it. William wanted to have his own press one day and he did.

In 1476 he brought his printing press to London. Printing was something new at that time, and most people thought that it was the work of the devil. Some of the people wanted to break his press. Caxton printed his first book in 1477. It was the first book printed in the English language. The book was Caxton's translation of the French 'Tales of Troy'.

William Caxton printed about eighty books. He translated thirty-one books from French. Caxton died in 1491.

to tradeBelgium;  devil.

Ты услышишь рассказ о человеке, внесшем огромный вклад в развитие английской культуры. В заданиях А - Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта ответа.

A.   William Caxton                                1) invented machines;

2)  printed books;

3)  made magic tricks.

B.   His beloved hobby was          1) selling various goods;

2)  to travel to Belgium;

3)  reading books.

C.   Caxton learned                                 1) the craft of printer;

2)   his trading business brilliantly;

3)   to translate books from Belgian.

D.   People of London                              1) were interested in Caxton's work;

2)  were afraid of his printing press;

3)  wanted to have Caxton's books.

E.   More than seventy books         1) about Caxton have been published;

2)  describe the life of Caxton;

3)  were printed by William Caxton.

  8кл IIIч чт            The Press in Great Britain

In Britain newspapers differ greatly from each other in the type of news they report and the way they report it.

On the one hand, there are "quality" newspapers: The Times, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph. These papers report major national and international news stories, the world of politics and business, the arts and sport.

On the other hand, there are "populars" or "tabloids", so called because of their small size. Popular papers ( The Daily Express, The Sun, The Daily Star) pay much attention to sensational news, extraordinary events, catastrophes, accidents, private lives of aristocracy, of people of art, of music and movie1 stars.

Popular papers use many photographs and cartoons2. It is often said that the popular press entertains3 its readers, but not informs them. The tabloid press is far more popular than the quality press.

In addition to 12 national daily newspapers there are 9 national papers which are published on Sundays. Most of the Sundays papers contain more reading material than the daily papers. Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big Sunday lunch, is an important tradition in many British families.

Nearly every area4 in Britain has one or more local5 newspapers. Local newspapers report local news and advertise local business and events.

The offices of most papers are situated in Fleet Street in the City of London, which is the centre of British journalism. British papers are bought and read not only in the United Kingdom, but also in many other countries.

1movie - кино(фильм);       2cartoon - зд. карикатура;   

 3to entertain - развлекать;   4area - зд. область;    5local - местный





Прочитай текст. В заданиях А - Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта ответа.

A.  Broadsheets and "populars" differ in the quality of   1) paper;

                                                               2) printing

                                                               3) information.

B.   The British can learn news from Russia    1) in kiosks;

                                                   2) from The Times;

                                                   3) in the neighbourhood.

C.   When reading a tabloid one can enjoy   1) nice souvenirs;

                                                2) funny pictures;

                                                3) some feelings.

D.   National newspapers are   1) only daily;

                                  2) both daily and weekly;

                                  3) both daily and monthly.

E.   Fleet Street is    1) the headquarter of British press;

                       2) an elite shopping centre;

                       3) a popular entertainment area.


  8кл IVч ауд         George Bernard Show


   George Bernard Show, an outstanding British dramatist, was born in Dublin, Ireland, on 26 July, 1856.

As the family was very poor, Shaw had to leave school at the age of fifteen. He became a cashier in a Dublin land agency. He hated his job and after he had worked for five years, he gave it up and left for London.

Shaw tried to make a living by writing. He wrote four novels, which were published in magazines, but they were not a success. From 1885 to 1898 he wrote a lot as critic of art, music, literature, and drama, and was very popular with the readers.

In the nineties Shaw began to write for the theatre. He was the creator of a new publicist drama. Shaw wrote over twenty plays. One of his most popular plays is "Saint Joan" (1923). The play is devoted to Joan of Arc (the Maid of Orleans). Since its first performance the play has always been a great success with the public. Shaw himself liked this play very much.

In 1931 he made a tour visiting India, China, Africa, America, Russia.

In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature and in 1934 the medal of the Irish Academy of Letters.

Shaw died at the age of 94 in 1950.

cashier - кассир ; creator - создатель ; Joan of Arc - Жанна д' Арк

Ты услышишь рассказ о знаменитом английском драматурге. Определи, какое из заданий 1 - 5 соответствует содержанию текста ( True ), не соответствует ( False ) и о чем не сказано ( Not stated ). Букву выбранного ответа обведи кружком.


1. George В. Show was Irish by nationality.

a) True     b) False     c) Not stated


2.  Starting his life in London Show faced numerous problems.

a) True     b) False     c) Not stated


3.  Show made himself famous when writing music.

a) True     b) False     c) Not stated


4.  G. Show created a new genre of drama.

a) True     b) False     c) Not stated


5.  Show never left Great Britain.

a) True     b) False     c) Not stated

  8кл IVч чт     Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow1

   Robin Hood is a legendary hero of English literature. Nobody knows if such a man as Robin Hood really lived. All we know of him comes from ballads. The ballads say that there was a man in the 12—13th centuries called Robin Hood, who lived in Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham. Robin Hood took money from the rich and gave it to the poor people.

Robin Hood was tall and strong. He could shoot2 very well. The poor people of England loved him and told many stories about this man.

Many English people knew that Robin Hood was in Sherwood Forest. A lot of poor men joined him there. They made Robin Hood their leader.

The sheriff of Nottingham wanted to kill Robin Hood. He sent his soldiers to Sherwood Forest many times, but they could not catch Robin Hood. Then the sheriff decided to organize a shooting competition3 in the town. The sheriff knew that Robin Hood could shoot very well. "Robin Hood will come," he said. "He will take part in the competition and we shall catch him." The prize was a golden arrow.

Robin Hood called his men and asked them if they wanted to take part in the shooting competition in the town. The men decided that the risk was great, but they wanted to be there.

  The day of the competition was fine. The town was decorated with flags, and the field for the competition was full of people. The sheriff and his men looked for Robin Hood all over the town, but did not see him anywhere. The sheriff knew that Robin Hood and his men were always dressed4 in green. But there were no men in the town in green suits. At last the competition began. The prize was won by a man who was dressed in red. He received the golden arrow and left the field for the competition with his friends. Nobody knew who they were. But it was Robin and his men! As the young men were walking near the sheriff's house Robin Hood shot an arrow into an open window. There was a paper at the end of the arrow with the words: Robin Hood thanks the sheriff for the Golden Arrow!

       1arrow стрела;   2to shoot (shot)стрелять;

       3shooting competition – соревнование в стрельбе;

    4were dressedбыли одеты

    archer - лучник



Прочитай текст. Определи, какие из высказываний A1- А 5 соответствуют содержанию текста (1- True ) , какие не соответствуют ( 2 - False) , и о чем в тексте не сказано ( 3 - Not stated),  то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа. Обведи кружком вариант выбранного ответа.
A 1  Robin Hood has never lived.
       1) True     2) False     3) Not stated
A 2  Robin Hood was always friendly to poor people.
       1) True     2) False     3) Not stated

A3  The day of the competition Robin Hood’s friends were wearing red clothes.
       1) True     2) False     3) Not stated

A4  Nobody knew who the best archer was.
       1) True     2) False     3) Not stated

A5  The soldiers arrested all men in red.
       1) True     2) False     3) Not stated

  9кл Iч ауд               Carol


Carol did not like New York the first minute she saw it. She was eleven and a half years old. Her brother Johnny and her sister Jinny were eight. They were twins. Before that the family lived in a small town not far from New York. They had a nice house there which stood in a large garden with old trees and beautiful flowers. But the father found work in New York, and they had to move to that city.

Carol did not like the high buildings in New York, and she saw no gardens near the houses. The streets were noisy. In their flat they could hear the cars and buses running in the streets day and night. They could hear the radio in the flat on the right, and they could hear how the doors opened and shut in the flat on the left. Carol did not like their flat either. The rooms were small and low.

The twins liked everything — the city and the house, the flat and the people. Very soon they made friends with the boys and the girls in their house and were happy. Carol's friends were in that small town, and she did not want to have new friends in New York. The twins tried to help Carol to make new friends and asked some boys and girls of their house to come and see their sister.

twins;  to move;  noisy


Прочитай текст. Определи, какие из высказываний A- Eсоответствуют содержанию текста ( 1 – True ),  какие не соответствуют ( 2 -False) и о чем в тексте не сказано ( 3 - Not stated ), то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни утвердительного, ни отрицательного ответа. Обведи кружком вариант выбранного ответа.


A. Before moving to New York Carol's family lived in Chicago.

1)   True        2)  False        3) Not stated

B. Carol disliked the noisy city of New York.

1)   True          2)  False                   3)  Not stated

C. Carol's father was a computer programmer.

1)   True        2)  False        3) Not stated

D. Every noise was heard in their flat.

1)   True        2)  False        3) Not stated

E. The twins were fond of everything in New York.

1)   True         2)  False          3)  Not stated


  9кл Iч чт              The Native Americans

   The first people on the American continent came from   1   . They came across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska at various times when the sea level dropped. The first migration might have been1 as early as 40,000 years ago. Once in America, these people migrated east across North America and south   2   . When Columbus arrived in the fifteenth century, there were perhaps 10 million people in North America alone. They had developed many different kinds of societies. These were the peoples that Columbus called "Indians", in the mistaken belief that he had reached the East Indies.

  3   also the story of the destruction2 of the Native Americans, or Indians.   4   1.5 million Indians in the United States. Western states have the largest Indian populations. About one third of the Native Americans live on reservations3, land that was set aside for them. Most of the others live in cities. Poverty and unemployment4 are major problems, especially on   5   .

1might have been - зд. возможно произошла;

2destruction - уничтожение; 

3reservation - зд территория, отведенная для проживания индейцев;

4unemployment - безработица


Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски 1-5 частями предложений A-F. Одна из частей в списке A-F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A.  The story of the westward growth of the United States was

B.    Native Americans were red skinned

C.    Asia.

D.    the reservations.

E.    through Central and South America.

F.     Today there are about












   9кл IIч ауд                 


All my classmates say that I'm trendy. I enjoy wearing stylish clothes. I like to look smart and attractive. We can't go through life with the same hairstyle or make-up. It's very important to follow fashion. I hate when people dress alike because they buy clothes in "chain" stores. I prefer hand-made or design clothes. My classmates say that I'm materialistic, but it's not a sin, is it? Sometimes I turn up in something really extravagant. When you are up with fashion you feel you're an individual.


I don't care what other people wear. More than that I don't care what I wear. My mum buys clothes for me in a "chain" store or at a car boot sale. She says that only the rich can afford following fashion and wearing trendy clothes. I prefer casual things — jeans, T-shirts, home-made sweaters. And it's a problem for me to get out of jeans into something more stylish but I don't care. My elder brother's friends have cut their hair into strange shapes, pierced their ears and wear a lot of cheap jewellery. They say they show off their independence, feelings and values. I don't know if they are right. If I were older I would probably do the same.

a chain store - магазин ширпотребаa car boot sale - торговля с лотка


Ты услышишь рассказы двух подростков об их одежде. В заданиях 1- 5 обведи кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.

1. Both Phil and Tracey speak about   a) glamour;

                                          b) their everyday clothes;

                                          c) shopping.

2. Phil’s friends are sure he is          a) a stylish guy;

                                          b) an  idealist;

                                          c) crazy about fashionable cars.

3. The boy doesn’t like people who     a) are materialistic;

                                          b) buy extravagant clothes;

                                          c) wear “chain store” things.

4. Tracey doesn’t worry about         a) how she looks like;

                                          b) having some jewellery;

                                          c) his brother’s problems.

5. Tracey’s mother thinks that         a) casual things are nice;

                                          b) fashion is for the rich only;

                                          c) she is able to knit a sweater.                                          

  9кл IIч чт          Fashion in the USA and Britain

Many British people don't think about clothes very much. In Britain, as well as in the USA, men in offices usually wear suits1 and ties2, and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers, and business people wear quite formal3 clothes.

And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear smart dresses. Jeans and open shirts are sometimes not allowed4. It is difficult to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the States because everyone is different. It you are not sure what to wear watch what other people do and then do the same. Or ask the advice of a friend or your host. You'll feel relaxed5 if you don't look too different from everyone else.

British people just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost everything. At theatres, cinemas, and concerts you can put on what you like — from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. In many ways, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home or on holiday most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look elegant. In good hotels and restaurants men have to wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes and smart hairstyles. But these days most people in Britain and the USA do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing.


1suit - костюм

2tie - галстук

3formal - официальный

4are not allowed - зд. недопустимы

5to relax - расслабляться: отдыхать

mall - торговый центр

staff - персонал; сотрудники


Прочитай текст. В заданиях А - Е обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта окончания предложения.

A.  Both in Britain and the USA  1) people wear stylish clothes;

                              2) there is a dress code for the staff in offices;  3) businessmen don't care about their clothes.

B.  When in a restaurant women      1) wear high heel shoes;

2)  have some jewelry and ornaments;

3)  have to look elegant.

C.  At theatres and concerts the British    1) try to look trendy;

2)  wear sweaters as well as suits;

3)  try not to stand out.

D.  If you don't know what to wear    1) imitate the other people;

2)  put a jacket, a shirt and jeans on;

3)  you have to relax at home.

E.  Nowadays most people       1) don't buy expensive clothes;

2)  prefer less formal style;

3)  are more interested in their hairstyles.































  9кл IIIч ауд    Things Go Better with Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons1 are sold every year, in over one hundred and sixty countries. The drink was invented by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta on 8 May 1886, but it was given the name Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold. The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Cola is still made there. Billions of bottles and cans have been produced since 1895.

Diet Coke has been made since 1982, and over the years many clever advertisements have been used to sell the product. It is certain that Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty-first century.

"Coca-Cola" and "coke" are registered trademarks which identify the same product of The Coca-Cola Company.

1 gallon - галлон ( мера объема; 3,6 л )




Прочитай текст и выполни задания 1-5, обведя кружком букву выбранного варианта ответа.


1. This soft drink is well-known                  a) in the third world;

                                                     b) in th USA;

                                                     c) in almost every country.

2. The man who invented Coca-Cola was         a) a businessman;

                                                     b) a doctor;

                                                     c) a baker.

3. Coca-Cola gained its huge popularity          a) some years later;

                                                     b) at once;

                                                     c) in the 20th century.

4. Diet Coke is considered to be a sort of          a) medicine;

                                                     b) beer;

                                                     c) soda.

5. Coca-Cola has become a top drink thanks to   a) its unusual taste;

                                                     b) an advertisement campaign;

                                                     c) Mr Candler.

  9кл IIIч чт                The Family


The American family has   1   20 or 30 years. Many of these changes are similar1 to changes taking place in other countries.

Young people are waiting longer before getting married. Women are also waiting longer to have children. It's not unusual today   2   in her mid-thirties2. And families are having fewer children. The typical family used to have three children. Today most families have one or two children.

   The United States has a high divorce rate3: approximately 1 in every 2 marriages ends in divorce.    3   that many American children live in single parent4 families.

Although some women wait until their thirties to have their first child   4   while they are still teenagers. Many of these teenaged mothers are not married. Many are also poor. Poverty among children in homes headed by single mothers   5   .

   Often people who are divorced get married again. This has led to a new kind of family - the "reconstituted5 family," in which there are children from previous marriages as well as from the present marriage.


1similar - похожий;     2mid - thirties - зд. к тридцати пяти годам ;

3divorce rate [dı΄vo:s] - количество разводов ;

4single parent - зд. с одним родителем;

5reconstituted - восстановленный


Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски 1-5 частями предложений А - F. Одна из частей в списке A-F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A. other women become mothers

B.  has become a serious problem in the United States

C. for a woman to have the first child

D.  federal and state authorities are studying

E. changed greatly in the last

F.  One result of this high divorce rate is











  9кл IVч ауд      The Early Days of the Cinema

The cinema gives pleasure to millions of people, but when we go to see a film, we do not often think of the men who made it possible.

One of the first cinema films was made by Edison, a great American engineer. He made also a machine to show films.

Some people in France made another machine which could show films too. The first real film show took place in Paris in 1895. A group of thirty-three people saw a short film about a train coming to a railway station.

In 1903 one of Edison's engineers joined all the known and interesting films into one, to make a longer picture. The people who saw it liked it and asked for more; and so more films of this kind were made.

The watchers could see the actors in the film doing something and talking, but they could hear nothing. Words on the screen explained the situation and what the actors and actresses were saying. Usually music was played during the showing of a film.

Now, millions of people go to the cinema, but very few of them think about the great work that goes into the making of a film.





Ты услышишь рассказ  о  первых  днях  кинематографа..  Определи, какое из заданий 1-5 соответствует содержанию текста (True), не соответствует ( False) и о чем в тексте не сказано (Not stated). Букву выбранного ответа обведи кружком.


1. It was a very expensive thing to watch first cinema films.

a) True       b) False       c) Not stated


2. Americans were pioneers in the film production.

a) True       b) False       c) Not stated


3. The first French film showed the beauties of the city of Paris.

a) True       b) False       c) Not stated


4. The spectators couldn't understand what actors were talking about.

a) True       b) False       c) Not stated


5. Musicals were very popular on the early days of the cinema.

a) True       b) False       c) Not stated


  9кл IVч чт        Walt Disney and His Heroes

Walt Disney was born in Chicago, his father being Irish Canadian, his mother was of German-American origin. He revealed1 a great   1         early. In 1923 he left with his brother Roy for Hollywood and for some years struggled against poverty while producing a series of cartoon films.

Walt Disney achieved lasting success in September 1928, when "Steamboat Willie" and the first "Mickey Mouse" with sound  2  . Mickey Mouse became a household word together with such companions as Minnie, Pluto, and - perhaps the favourite of them all - Donald Duck.

After the Second World War Disney turned his attention to real-life nature studies and non-cartoon films with living actors. After a rather unsuccessful feature cartoon "The Sleeping Beauty", he made a triumphant come-back with the very success­ful "Mary Poppins".

In 1955 he branched out into a different enterprise -   3   , a huge amusement park in southern California.

Disneyland is   4   , at Anaheim. Of all the show-places none is as famous as Disneyland. This superb kingdom of fantasy linked to technology was created by Walt Disney.

The park is divided into six areas and there is so much to see and do in each that no one would attempt to see all of them in one visit. For extended2 visits, there are   5   nearby.

Walt Disney died in California at the age of 65. His works have given so much pleasure for many years to many people, young and old, in many countries.


1to revealзд. проявить;   extendedзд. длительный

Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски 1-5 частями предложений А - F. Одна из частей в списке А - F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A.     situated 27 miles south of Los Angeles

B.      "Disneyland"

C.     talent for drawing and an interest in photography

D.      always produced his films very carefully

E.     hotels

F.      appeared on cinema screens






















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