Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыСценарий открытого урока по ФГОС по теме "Environmental issues" в 10 классе

Сценарий открытого урока по теме "Environmental issues" в 10 классе, 2022

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Открытый урок в 10а классе – 28.11.2022

Тема: Environmental Issues

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по теме “Экологические проблемы”.

Задачи урока:

- активизация лексики, закрепление грамматических навыков говорения с использованием грамматических структур.

- развитие личностной активности учащихся, познавательного интереса, познавательных способностей (речь, память, внимание, воображение) мышления.

- формирование уважительного отношения к природе и ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, чувства любви к природе и ответственности за ее сохранение.

Тип урока: систематизация и обобщение знаний.

Оборудование: компьютер; мультимедийный проектор.

Оснащение урока: иллюстрации, карточки с заданиями, листы самооценивания.


Ход урока - Procedure of the lesson

1.      Greeting.

-          Hello, everybody. Say “Hello” to our guests. Take your seats

-          How are you? Did you like your weekends? Is anybody absent?

2.      The Topic, the Aims of the lesson.                                                                        (screen – video!)

-          Now look at the screen. There is a video. I’d like you to watch it and then discuss.

(watching the video)

-          And now guess - what is the topic of our lesson…

-          Yes. You are right. The topic is «Environmental problems/issues».             (screen – slide 1)

-          Can you tell what you are going to do at the lesson?

(discuss environmental problems, speak about our planet, ecological problems and solutions, learn new words, discuss)

-           Yes, we will speak about our planet, ecological problems and solutions. And we will make The Code of Ecological Issues for everybody.                                                (screen – slide 2)

-          Today you have a self-assessment card on your desks. During the lesson you have to fill it in and at the end of our lesson everyone will be able to assess themselves


3.      Vocabulary practice                                                                                                (screen – slide 3)

-          What environmental issues can you name? (air, water, soil pollution etc.)

-          Now do the task 1 in pairs. You are to match the words and word combinations with their translation into Russian. And then we’ll check it up together. You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

1. global warming

2. pollutants in the air

3. CO2 increasing

4. emission

5. destroying wildlife habitats

6. transport congestion

7. climate change

8. deforestation

9. landfills

10. endangered species

a. вырубка лесов

b. транспортный затор

c. загрязнители в воздухе

d. изменение климата

e.мусорные полигоны/свалки

f. увеличение углекислого газа

g. вымирающие виды

h. разрушение естественной среды обитания

i. глобальное потепление

j. выбросы

                  Answers: 1i 2c f 4j 5h 6b 7d 8a 9e 10g                                                   (screen – slide 4) OFF

-          Finish the task. Check your answers looking at the screen. Fill in your self-assessment cards

-          Now let’s work on our pronunciation. Repeat after me! (T-Ss, R-E)

4.       Speaking practice - matching

-          Where did these problems come from?

-          Yes, because of people’s actions. Every our step has a consequence. For example, people invented plastic, it is used in medicine, it help people in everyday life, but plastic rubbish is everywhere now, landfills are full of them, it is in our streets, forests, even in the ocean.

-          Open your workbooks, write down the date, the topic of the lesson.

-          Open your books on p.66 and do ex.1b, match man’s actions and consequences

-          S1, S2, S3, S4 answers

-          Don’t forget to fill in your self-assessment cards

5.      Musical break                                                                                                    (screen – video song)

-          I think you’re tired a little bit. Have a rest and listen to music. Listen to Michael Jackson’s “Earth song” (1 min)

6.      Vocabulary practice

-          Look at the card with the word “Earth” and I ask you to name the words, which come to you mind connecting with this word and our topic

E – environment, ecology, ecological, ecologist, effect, erosion, extinction, endangered, ecosystem,

A – air , animals, acid, alarming,

R – river, radiation, radioactive, resources , recycle,

T – tree, temperature, threat, tropical,

– home , hill, hope, hopefully, hunting, help, human


7.      Listening

- Let’s talk about the solutions of the problems. You already know about 3Rs. One of Rs is Recycling. (stick the sign “Recycling” on the board)

- Now you’ll have a listening task, where you’ll hear people discussing it.

Answers: 1a 2a 3a 4c 5a 6a 7b                                                                                     (screen – slide 5) OFF

- Check your answers and fill in the self-assessment cards


8. Project – work in pairs

-We’ve already mentioned 3Rs, we’ve said that one of Rs is Recycling. What are the other Rs?

- Yes, Reduce and Reuse (stick the signs on the board)

- Now you are to work in groups. In your books on page 65 there is a text named “Use less”. Each group’s task is to read the text and make a Code of Environmental Rules using words Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (sheets of paper, crayons).

- The 1st group’s word is Reduce, the 2nd – Reuse, The 3rd – Recycle.

- Start, please! (5 minute)

-          I ask the representatives of groups come to the blackboard and introduce your Codes (Stick)

-          Thank you for your answers. Everybody, don’t forget to fill in the self-assessment cards.


9.      Reflexion

-          Now let’s make a conclusion.

-          What topic has been discussed at the lesson?

-          What have you learnt?

-          Put total mark for yourself  in the self-assessment cards and pass me the cards.

10.  Homework                                                                                                               (screen- slide 6)

-          Today we haven’t talked about problems in our region, so your homework is to do it. You have options. 1) Write a list of environmental issues in Bashkortostan 2) Write a list of issues and give possible solutions. You can choose any of these tasks.

11.  The end of the video                                                                                               (screen – video)

1 The gradual warming up the Earth is called___(alogbl)__ warming.
2 Acid __(ianr)______ destroys trees and kills fish in lakes.
3 Many factories dump dangerous __(michecals)____ straight into the sea.

4 Burning things releases ___(boncar)____ dioxide into the atmosphere.
5 Huge areas of tropical rain ____(orestf)____ are dissappearing every year.
6 The exhaust fumes from cars and lorries cause serious __(llutionpo)______ in many cities around the world.



Now look at the screen. What ecological problem is described in the sentences

1……is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the environment. (AIR POLLUTION)

2 Some gases trap the heat of the Earth in the atmosphere, so the temperatures increase. (GREENHOUSE EFFECT)

3 It effects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate. ……is a particular concern in tropical rain forests because these forests are home to much of the world’s biodiversity. (DEFORESTATION )

4 As the Earth's surface temperature becomes hotter the sea level becomes higher.( GLOBAL WARMING)

5. This thin layer in the stratosphere shields life on Earth from the harmful UV light coming from the sun.( OZON DEPLETION)


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