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Сценарий сказки "Пряничный человечек"

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The Gingerbread man

Look at this house! An old man and an old woman live here.

-What are you making, dear?

- I’m making a Gingerbread man. He has a head, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two arms and two legs.

All together: It’s a G/m. The woman is happy!

Soon an old woman hear a little voice

-Open the door! I want to come out!

-Who’s that?

-It’s me, I want to come out!

All together: Open the door! He wants to come out!

An old woman opens the door and the G/m jumps out.

An old man: -Hello! How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you, good bye!

-Oh, stop! Where are you? I want to eat you!

But the G/m doesn’t stop, he runs faster and shouts:

-Run, run, yes, I can run, but you can’t catch me! I’m the G/m!

All together: Run, run, he can run, yes, he can run, but you can’t catch him! He’s the G/m!

The G/m runs on until he sees s cow.

-Hello! How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you!

-Where are you going?

-I’m running away! Good bye!

-Stop! Come here! I want to eat you!

But the G/m doesn’t stop and runs faster. And he shouts:

-I can run away from an old woman, I can run away from an old man, I can run away from you, a cow! Yes, I can! I can run!

All together: Run, run, he can run, yes, he can run, but you can’t catch him! He’s the G/m!

The G/m runs on until he sees a horse.

-Hello, G/m! How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you!

-What are you doing?

-I’m running away! Good bye!

-Stop! I want to eat you! Why are you running from me?

-I can run away from an old woman, I can run away from an old man, I can run away from a cow, I can run away from you, a horse! Yes, I can! I can run! You can’t catch me! I’m the G/m!

All together: Run, run, he can run, yes, he can run, but you can’t catch him! He’s the G/m!

The G/m runs on until he sees the farmers.

-Hello, G/m! How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you!

-What are you doing?

-I’m running away! Good bye!

-Stop! We want to eat you! Why are you running from us?

-I can run away from an old woman, I can run away from an old man, I can run away from a cow, I can run away from a horse! I can run away from you, farmers. Yes, I can! I can run! You can’t catch me! I’m the G/m!

All together: Run, run, he can run, yes, he can run, but you can’t catch him! He’s the G/m!

The G/m runs on and he sees a fox.

-Hello, G/m! How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you!

-What are you doing?

-I’m running away! Good bye!

-Stop! Come here!

But the G/m doesn’t stop, he runs faster and the fox runs after him.

-I can run away from an old woman, I can run away from an old man, I can run away from a cow, I can run away from a horse! I can run away from the farmers. I can run away from you, fox! Yes, I can! I can run! You can’t catch me! I’m the G/m!

All together: Run, run, he can run, yes, he can run, but you can’t catch him! He’s the G/m!

-Stop! I don’t want to eat you! I want to talk to you! I want to be your friend!

But the G/m doesn’t stop and runs faster and the fox runs after him.

-Oh! There is a river, but I can’t swim!

-I can help you! You can sit on my tail.

-Thank you! I’m sitting on your tail.

All together: Don’t sit on her tail!

-Listen, you are too big for my tail! Sit on my back, please!

-I’m sitting on your back.

All together: Don’t sit on her back!

-Listen, you are too big for my back! Sit on my nose, please!

- OK!

All together: Don’t sit on her nose!

But the G/m sits on fox’s nose. A fox swims across the river, jumps out and shouts:

-Here you are! I can eat you!

Oh, no! Help! Help!

But the fox opens her mouth and eats a G/m.

-It’s a head.

All together: His head! His head!

-It’s an arm.

All together: His arm! His arm!

-It’s a leg.

All together: His leg! His leg!

But the G/m doesn’t say anything.

All together: That’s the end

That’s the end

Of the Gingerbread man!


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